1 PETER 3:3–4
We all have days when we feel that zits are taking over our face, that we’re too fat to ever be attractive, or that we have absolutely zero cute clothes to wear. But in a week, it’s just not going to matter which pair of jeans you wore to the football game or if your zit peeks out from under the cover-up. It’s hard to not be super concerned about what we look like and how popular we are, and it’s easy to forget what’s really suppose to be our number-one priority: inner beauty. God created every one of us uniquely and He loves everything about us. The verse above reminds us just how important inner beauty is. It amazes me that God loves us for what’s on the inside of us. He never looks at you or me and says, “Well, today you’re having a bad hair day, so I love you just a little bit less.” No! He loves every detail about us. He loves every quirky flaw and funny characteristic because that’s how He created us! When he looks at us He says, “It is good.” So next time you look in the mirror and start criticizing yourself, remember that you are God’s beloved.
Danae Downs, 15, home school, Grand Junction, CO
Father, I can’t believe I’m saying this but …
thank You for my zits—and all my flaws—
because they should remind me that what
You care about is not how I look but who I am inside.