PSALM 100:2
I was finally there! It seemed like I had been waiting to go on the mission trip to Kenya for so long, and now the people living in the slums of Dandora were right in front of me. I was shocked by their poverty. There was hardly any electricity, and most people lived in tiny shacks made with sheets of metal. The children’s only hope for a good education in the area was at Kinyago-Dandora School, where they not only got a good education, but also were fed lunch and were introduced to God. Soon after we arrived, some of the older girls at the school sang for us. I recognized some of the songs from my church at home, and I was surprised that these girls who lived in a slum in Kenya knew them too. But there was something different about the way they were singing. They were dancing and clapping. Some were closing their eyes, while others raised their eyes to heaven. It was obvious that their thoughts weren’t on pleasing us with their music. They were thinking about worshiping God. Sometimes when I sing worship songs, I’m not really worshiping. I sing the words with my lips but don’t worship God with my heart. Even though it seems like I have much more reason to worship God because of my material possessions, the Kenyan girls were truly thankful for what little they had. Now, when I start to mindlessly sing the words, I remember those girls and how deeply they felt every word they were singing. That is something I hope I never forget.
Allison Engel, 16, Wheaton North High School, Wheaton, IL
I take so much for granted in my life, Lord.
I want to be more thankful for every
single thing You give me.