JOHN 8:31
When I was younger, I never really had a desire to read the Bible and I didn’t see the point. After I decided to give my life to Christ, I tried to read the whole Bible in one year. As I read I began to enjoy it and would even forget how long I had been reading! If you read about three chapters each day, you should be able to read the whole thing in a year. When I read, if a verse seems to “pop off the page,” I write it down. This is a good way to bring Scripture more into your everyday life. After you write it down, look for why God showed that specific verse to you. Often, it will be something that you have been wondering about for a long time. I’ve always had a problem with arguing with adults and saying things that are out of place, before I am asked. I also have wanted to learn to sit up strait, walk gracefully, and other “proper” things. For a long time, no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t succeed. Then the other day, I got the answer from Proverbs 4:9. It says that when you listen to the instructions of your authorities, wisdom “will place on your head a garland of grace; She will present you with a crown of beauty.”
Bethany Pearl Reeves, 15, home school, Central, SC
I want to know that Your Word
is so important. Lord. I want to desire
to read it, rather than feeling like it is a chore.