spiritual warfare

He gave them power and authority
to drive out all demons.

LUKE 9:1

My father is a pastor. But I see him as more than that. He is also a warrior, fighting for people who are under spiritual attack from Satan. My father teaches me that to be a Christian is to be a warrior for Christ. There is a constant battle between good and evil. The evil spirits, the demons, are under the authority of Satan, the deceiver. They are our opponents in this war, but we have a big advantage over them. We are all warriors of Christ, who gives us the power over demons, through Him. If we trust and obey Christ, we have victory over them. Christ is so much more powerful than the demons, so they fear Him. And when we speak with the authority of Christ, they fear us. One day my father had to meet with a woman who was under spiritual attack. He wondered how would he confront this situation. A sudden wave of fear washed over him. But a thought other than fear also occurred to him: Could the spirits be more intimidated by him than he was by them? Then he knew he didn’t have to fear. He remembered that Christ was with him, and he confidently confronted his opponents in Jesus’ name.

Stephanie Warner, 14, Walnut Grove Christian Preparatory School, Carmel, IN

Lord, I need You to help me
put on the full armor of God so I will
be able to fight for You. Amen.