Peer pressure: It’s all around us. People trying to telling us how to look, act, dress, what to be good at. They are continually telling us to fit in, be like the world. However, the apostle Paul tells us the complete opposite: Don’t conform to the world, or in other words, don’t let the world put you in a “mold.” But how do we stop ourselves from becoming like the world we live in every day? Paul says we must be changed by the renewing of our minds, and this can only happen when we are continually in the Bible, When we are reading and studying the Bible, we will stop focusing on ourselves and the world, and start focusing on God. We are no longer thinking only of our will but of God’s will for us. When we are focused on God, being popular and cool in the world’s eyes won’t matter quite so much. We are called to be lights in our world, to stand out from the world for all to see. And the only way we can shine is to know God’s word and live it.
Tiffany Heetderks, 15, Petra Academy, Bozeman, MT
Father, help me know Your Word so that
I become more like You and less like the world.