PSALM 133:1
Do you ever wish you lived with your best friends? Why not make those you live with your best friends? It is possible to love your siblings, but it will take effort. One way to think of relationships is like a bank account. If you are constantly giving to another person, you will have a relatively “full” account. Likewise, the account of someone always criticizing would come up quite overdrawn. Can you see how this could cause a problem? Do special things for your family. If their coat is on the floor, don’t yell at them. Pick it up for them. It’s a pretty amazing thing to try, because after investing in their lives, we treasure and love them more. Criticism creates withdrawal. So resist the temptation to tear others apart and instead praise them. Praise them when they’re diligent. Set out to invest in your siblings! This isn’t natural or automatic and will not be easy, but through our Lord, we are more than conquerors and can harmonize with our siblings!
Carrie Lewis, 14, home school with tutorial, Clemson, SC
God, today I want to work hard
to show my family members I love them.
Please show me ways I can do this.