the big, horrible,
little-girl-eating cow

What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.

PSALM 56:3 (KJV)

When I was younger, my friend and I went on an adventure across the pasture to visit his grandmother. When we looked ahead we saw the cows. His mom said that we were going to have to travel through the cows, but that they would not bother us. My little heart began to race, and sweat started forming on my brow. I knew, right then, that I would not live to see the other side of the pasture. As we began to pass through the cows, I looked to my right and there, standing at tenfeet tall, was the largest cow I had ever seen. It had big red eyes and smoke pouring out its nostrils. My whole five-year-long life flashed before my eyes as I almost collapsed on the spot. At school we learned a verse for every letter of the alphabet. That week we had learned the W verse, Psalm 56:3: “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Him.” My teacher encouraged us to repeat verses like prayers when we were scared. So my little quivering self started to pray that verse that I had just learned, over and over. Christ gave me peace that I can’t describe and that I still remember like He wrapped me in His arms. I wasn’t afraid anymore. Needless to say, I survived the little-girl-eating cow with red eyes … Ok, so perhaps it didn’t have red eyes, smoke trailing out of its nose, or a taste for little girls. But God answered the prayers of this little girl, teaching her to trust Him completely. It is so comforting to know that God is always there for us and He will never let us out of His arms, even in the face of cows who eat little girls.

Kaity Flynn, 16, Nebraska Christian High School, Palmer, NE

What time I am afraid, I will trust in You.
What time I am afraid, I will trust in You.
What time I am afraid
, I will trust in You.