My younger brother is an amazing builder. Whenever I look into his room, he’s always using his hands to put something interesting together. One day it will be a castle with turrets, and then the next day I’ll find a deep-sea submarine or an original space ship. I admire him for his exceptional talent and his ability to use mundane toys to make such creative objects. There is no way I could ever match his skill at building things. I think life is much the same. Sometimes I get so discouraged because I can’t seem to be the person I want to be. No matter how hard I try, I can never be quite good enough. My own attempts at fixing myself just make matters worse. Often when close to giving up, I am reminded that Christ is at work in my life, just as my brother is always at work on his designs. Only God can accomplish what I have tried and failed to do so many times. Jesus has already lived the perfect life for me, and in Him I am able to become what I was truly meant to be. I have to trust that the Master Builder is completing the work in my heart, and His finished product will be infinitely better than anything I could have ever imagined.
Meredith Koontz, 17, North Buncombe High School, Weaverville, NC
Thank You, God, for building me
into the person I should be.
I know what You have planned will be incredible.