MATTHEW 5:14–15
Come on, girls—it won’t be that bad,” Vinnie encouraged us. “You two come with me,” he added, pointing at Stacey and Chrissy. They disappeared into the shadows of Darien Lake to hand out tracts to the people still in the park. Shinaé and I were left behind to evangelize the people leaving. As soon as Vinnie and the girls were gone, Shinaé and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “Are you going to do this?” she asked. “Are you kidding me?” I replied. “I’m not doing that!” Instead, we stood around and talked until it was time to leave the park. At the time, my decision didn’t seem bad. I didn’t want to hand out tracts to a bunch of people I didn’t know, so why should I? Looking back now, I wonder why I didn’t take the opportunity. I wonder why I’m so afraid to share my faith with people I don’t know. We are told that we should be living a Christian life and setting a good example for people, but what about the people we may never meet again? One little piece of paper with the gospel message could change their entire life. Next time I have the opportunity to hand out tracts, I hope I won’t let my fear control me. I hope I will have the strength to hand somebody that one little piece of paper that could make an eternal difference.
Sarah Brautigam, 16, Houghton Christian Academy, Houghton, NY
God, I don’t want to let one opportunity
to share You with someone pass by. Help me to take advantage of every one.