It’s a fact: If I never studied Spanish, never talked in Spanish, never wrote in Spanish, never thought about Spanish … I’d never learn Spanish. Relationships are the same way. You get out of them what you put in. The Lord convicted me that if I don’t read the Bible, pray, memorize, or meditate on scripture, or think about Him, then I will never learn to love Him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength, as He commanded. It’s the same in our relationship with our siblings. If I never talk to them, spend time with them, or do things for them, if I don’t care enough to ask what is really going on inside them, I will never learn to love them and we will never become friends. A relationship is something that takes constant work to keep up. Girls, we need to invest some energy in our siblings, and really learn to love them. The two most important relationships to invest in are your relationship with God and your relationship with your family. Your siblings will be with you for a long time, and God will be with you long after that.
Nina Lewis, 18, home school with tutorial, Clemson, SC
God, help me to invest as much
as I can in my relationship with You.
I get so much from You, so I need to give a lot too.