A tropical depression in the Atlantic Ocean turned into hurricane Katrina, a national disaster. Starting out as something small, she grew as strong as a category-five hurricane before crashing into America’s Gulf Coast at category-three strength with devastating affects. Small things can turn into big disasters, but small things and “small” people can also make a huge positive difference. Esther started out as an ordinary girl who made a big difference in the lives of her people. Esther’s Uncle Mordecai said, “Who knows that you have come into royal position for such a time as this?” Esther thought about what her uncle said, and finally told King Xerses about Haman’s plot to kill all the Jews. After hearing this, Xerses had Haman hanged. Esther was an ordinary girl who became the one who saved all of her people. She started out small, but she affected many more people than anyone thought. If you know someone who isn’t a Christian or who is just having a bad day, one thing you say to them could make all the difference. Don’t be afraid to be used by God. No matter how small you are or how insignificant you may feel, God has a BIG plan for your life.
Ali VanMinos, 15, Oconee County Christian Academy, Seneca, SC
God, sometimes I feel powerless to
change anything. But I know that You can use
something as small as a kind word to change lives.
Thank You for making my small actions so big.