1 PETER 1:7
Sometimes as Christians, it is easy to get trapped by other people’s expectations. We set a standard for life based on other people’s lives, rather than on what the Bible says. Being a preacher’s daughter has taught me a lot about this. No matter what others say, I have to live my life for Christ because I love him and trust in him, not because my father is a pastor. If my service to Christ is not genuine then it is meaningless. It doesn’t really matter if we are a preacher’s kid or if we are the only Christian in our family. God cares about the desires of our hearts, no matter what our circumstances. If we live our lives for Christ, people will see it. A life lived for Christ will have a greater impact that we may never fully see until we are able to lay our crowns at the feet of Jesus.
Ally Powell, 17, New Covenant Christian School, Pageland, SC
Father, when I’m in heaven, I want
to be able to look down and see that my life
made a difference in the world. But I can only
make a difference if You help me. Please help me!