faith in college

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope
we profess, for he who promised is faithful.


During my senior year, I looked over college catalogs trying to find the perfect fit. In order to do that, I realized that I had to go where God led me and not decide my entire future based on pictures and statistics inside brochures. The most essential question was “Where does God want me?” I prayed that God would open my eyes to His will so that I would see the college where I could do the most work for His kingdom. I was lucky enough to find the answer. In many cases, students move away from God once they start college because of all the changes they face. However, that was the one steadfast thing for me to cling to during those adjustments: my relationship with God. In all of the changes, He has been my Rock. With God in my life, there is always someone to talk to and someone who takes care of me. He is available every minute of every day and after all He has done for me, including giving me new friends, a church family, and the education I am receiving, there is no possible way I could give up my faith. He has done so much for me, and it is all thanks to Him that I can encourage everyone else to hold tightly to their faith.

Jennifer Caudill, 19, Hanover College, Hanover, IN

Father, when I have to make big decisions,
remind me to pray for Your guidance. Too often I try
to make choices on my own when I should be asking You.