JENNY opens her eyes in her bed in her hotel room. DAN starts singing “A Million Votes for Jenny O” from the corner of the room. As the music continues, JENNY gets up and, drawn by the moonlight, goes and looks out the window at the moon hanging over Paris. She sighs—it’s like her fantasy Paris, for the first time since she arrived. She is lit up with happiness. She watches the moon, smiling, hopeful.

                        “A Million Votes for Jenny O”

                        Today before the storm

                        The angels made it known

                        That her house was the capital

                        That the sad, sad rain has been

                        A million votes for Jenny O

                        A million votes for Jenny O

                        A million votes for Jenny O

                        A million votes for Jenny O

(JENNY pulls out a walkie-talkie from her pajama pocket and starts talking into it, again with such hope.)

JENNY: Daniel… Daniel… if you can hear me, come in. Come in! We need you here, back at the hotel. If you are anywhere picking up this signal, please come in! Return to the hotel. Return to the hotel at once! Come in? Come in? This is Jenny O calling for Daniel Sing… come in, Daniel. Come in…

(JENNY listens very carefully to the walkie-talkie, to see if she can pick up anything.)

                        “A Million Votes for Jenny O” (cont’d)

                        I decided to make a fuss

                        Pitting her against Corey Elainus

                        On a sea of lies let’s get lost

                        Like gifts to the storm

                        Like gifts to the storm

                        Da da da da da…

(As the music gets more intense she hears voices from down below; she looks—it’s MR. ODDI and MS. ODDI standing in the street, arguing with each other. She cannot hear what they’re saying, though she strains to.)

                        “A Million Votes for Jenny O” (cont’d)

                        Today before the storm

                        The angels made it known

                        That her house was the capital

                        That the sad, sad rain has been

                        A million votes for Jenny O

                        A million votes for Jenny O

                        A million votes for Jenny O

                        A million votes for Jenny O

(At the end of the song, MS. ODDI runs off. MR. ODDI stands there alone, looking down at his hands, sadly. He turns to go back into the hotel, grasps the handle of the door, can’t bring himself to enter, and sits down crumpled on the stoop. A cloud slowly moves over the moon. JENNY sits back on the edge of the bed, then curls into it and under the covers and lies there, eyes open wide.)