Thank You

Kelly Thornton and Toronto’s Nightwood Theatre, for commissioning the play; Erica Kopyto; the early workshop directors, Benuta Rubes and Chris Abraham; all the actors who participated in the workshops, in particular Kathleen Phillips, who played a memorable Jenny Oddi; Dan Bejar for the excellent songs; for love and encouragement, Lucas Rebick, Margaux Williamson, Misha Glouberman, Carl Wilson, and Jacob Richmond; all those who participated in the backyard reading, including Jon Davies, Sholom Glouberman, Sholem Krishtalka, Amy Lam, Nika Mistruzzi, Sean O’Neill, Liz Peterson, and Alvin Rebick; Marc Bendavid for the backyard; Lena Dunham; Marie-Helene Westgate; Andrew Leland and McSweeney’s for being so game; Melissa Srbinovich, for her wise counsel on bringing the play to New York; Warby Parker for their generous funding of the production; everyone who contributed to our Indiegogo campaign; Harbourfront Festival’s World Stage; the wonderful and wonderfully fun cast of All Our Happy Days Are Stupid; the show’s talented and tireless creative team, in particular Erin Brubacher and Zack Russell; Videofag’s William Ellis; the original Toronto audience; the excellent staff of The Kitchen, especially Lumi Tan; and finally deepest gratitude to Jordan Bass and Jordan Tannahill, for taking something that might not have been and turning it into something that was.