
“How much longer until you move back to Arizona, Sam?” Nash looked up from flipping burgers on the grill.

Sam dragged his attention away from Jolene sitting on the steps of Nash’s pool with Jess on her lap. “Rob’s gotta be processed out first. Hey, Rob, when are you leaving Paradiso, already?”

Rob Valdez, the youngest agent who’d barely been on the job two years answered without looking up from rubbing suntan lotion on his girlfriend Libby’s back. “My transfer to LA should have final approval in a few months. Anxious to get rid of me?”

“Anxious to get back to Paradiso. You’re going to be a different kind of busy out there in LA, but that’s probably what your career needs right now.”

“Yeah, most of my family is in LA, and I’d like to be closer to them.”

Libby rolled over and sat up. “Thanks to you and Jolene, I don’t have to worry about Ted Jessup coming after me for IDing him anymore, so we’re free to go wherever.”

Nash’s fiancée, Emily, sauntered onto the patio from the house, balancing their son, Wyatt, on her hip. “I wish I’d been at that gala. The look on Karen’s face must’ve been priceless when she saw her mug on that screen. I never liked her, anyway.”

Emily took a seat next to Jolene in the pool, and Jess started pinching the baby’s toes and squealing.

Clay and his wife, April, jogged across the lawn with their dog, Denali, and Chip at their heels.

April pushed a lock of blond hair from her face. “Are we talking about EGV again? I’d rather forget him. He killed my father and was responsible for the deaths of Libby’s mother and Jolene’s father. He was a one-man wrecking crew.”

Clay told the dogs to Stay and grabbed a beer from Nash’s outdoor mini-fridge. “His gal pal Karen sure turned on him fast once the FBI had her in custody.”

“I wish I’d been there when they busted down his door.” April huffed out a breath and reached for a bottle of water. “Hey, Sam, you want some water?”

He held up a hand and she tossed him a bottle.

Libby sat on the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in the water. “The casino project is going forward, isn’t it, Jolene?”

“It is. My cousin was able to provide some evidence about the financials that helped the DEA, so they’re going easy on him. I think he lost the confidence of the tribe, though. They’re looking for some new leadership.”

“How about you, Jolene?” Nash raised a plate of burgers. “Food’s on.”

“Yeah, how about you?” Dropping his bottle by the side of the pool, Sam slipped into the water and paddled over to Jess. “The tribe trusted your father, and they’ll trust you, especially after you took care of business at the gala.”

She made a face. “Not for me.”

The others vacated the pool to swarm the food Nash and Emily had set out.

Sam ducked his head under the water and popped up in front of Jess, who squealed and giggled. Sam blew bubbles in the water. “She likes you.”

“The feeling is mutual.” She tucked a wet lock of Jess’s hair behind her ear. “Her mom is okay with your move and the custody arrangement?”

“She’s thrilled, Grandma not so much.”

“Gamma. Gamma.”

Emily traipsed back to the pool, holding out her arms. “Do you want me to get this little one some food?”

“Thanks.” Sam scooped up Jess and handed her over to Emily.

As Denali trotted behind them to the table, Jess kicked her legs and yelled, “Chip, Chip.”

Jolene laughed. “We’re going to have to teach her that not all dogs are named Chip.”

“We.” Sam pulled up next to her on the step and curled an arm around her waist. “I like the sound of that.”

She hung her arms around his neck. “You’re sure you want to return to Paradiso? Never mind Rob, California could be better for your career.”

“I love Paradiso. I love the shifting moods of the desert. I love the pulsating heat and the violent monsoons. But most of all, I love the woman who took me back, the woman who taught me to love this mysterious land like I hope she’ll teach my daughter.”

She grabbed his face with both of her hands and planted a hard kiss on his mouth. “Lessons start tomorrow.”

* * * * *