
The author and publisher gratefully acknowledge the following for permission to reprint pieces from the copyrighted material listed below. Quotations are cited using the abbreviations listed before each work.

BD: The Blitz, The Story of December 29, 1940, Margaret Gaskin (New York: Harcourt, Inc., 2005)
FW: Forty Ways to Look at Winston Churchill, Gretchen Craft Rubin (New York: The Random House Ballantine Publishing Group, 2003)
MEL: My Early Life 1874 – 1904, Winston Churchill (New York: Simon & Schuster Inc., 1996) Copyright Winston S. Churchill, 1930 & 1958 Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd., London, on behalf of The Estate of Winston Churchill.
Also, reprinted with permission of Scribner, imprint of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, from My Early Life: A Roving Commission, 1930.
NGI: Never Give In: The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill, Stephen
Mansfield (Nashville, TN: Cumberland House Publishing, Inc., 1996)
WC: Winston Churchill, John Keegan (New York: The Penguin Group Inc., 2002)
GB: Winston Churchill: The Greatest Briton, Dominique Enright (London: Michael O’Mara Books Limited, 2003
Reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown Ltd., London, on behalf of The Estate of Winston Churchill
SC: Winston Churchill: Statesman of the Century, Robin H. Neillands (Cold Spring Harbor, NY: Cold Spring Press, 2003)
LLA: Winston Spencer Churchill - The Last Lion Alone, 1932 – 1940, William Manchester (New York: Little, Brown & Company, 1989)
LLV: Winston Spencer Churchill - The Last Lion, Visions of Glory, 1874 – 1931, William Manchester (New York: Little, Brown & Company, 1989)
WW: The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill - A Treasury of More Than 1,000 Quotations and Anecdotes, James C. Humes (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1994)
WBE: World Book Encyclopedia, Vol. 3 C-Ch (Chicago: World Book Inc., 2001)
1. GB, p.10
2. MEL, p.3
3. LLV, p.127
4. MEL, p.5
5. GB, p.187
6. GB, p.57
7. MEL, p.37
8. MEL, p.37
9. MEL, p.37
10. LLA, p.677
11. MEL, p.11
12. MEL, p.13
13. GB, p.62
14. NGI, p.142
15. GB, p.184
16. MEL, p.272
17. GB, p.184
18. GB, p.184
19. WW, p.121
20. LLV, p.581
21. NGI, p.107
22. NGI, p.108
23. MEL, p.28
24. LLV, p.286
25. WW, p.91
26. WW, p.45
27. WW, p.29
28. WW, p.45
29. MEL, p.292
30. MEL, p.295
31. MEL, p.259
32. FW, p.232
33. MEL, p.37
34. MEL, p.5
35. GB, p.62
36. FW, p.181
37. LLA, p.677
38. GB, p.184
39. GB, p.187