The World Began With A Whisper
by Emma (aka Koko)
Once upon a time ago
back thirteen point seven
billion years
so were told
the universe gave birth.
Out of gas and dust
and cosmic clouds
chaos created
Gaia divine
a Goddess
we call Earth.
Now before I get this going
let me start by telling you
that this is not a poem
about the saving of the planet.
For since the earth’s formation
there’ve been at least four mass extinctions
near complete annihilations
of all living populations.
Until her atmosphere was altered
through the flux of evolution
through single celled mutation
and organic procreation
in ecosystem synchronization
and symbiotic combination.
Like a phoenix
the garden of Eden
in tune with her seasons
only recently becoming ripe
for varied forms of earthly life
and human habitation.
So simply put
the point of the poem
is that the earth was alive
before she was home.
The universe is hostile
and our dependence on the planet
There’s only
twelve thin miles
between us and
bombardment by
galactic debris
harmful radiation
and the icy cold hands
of infinite
------------------------- space -----------------------------
This planet
our mother
encompasses you
our biosphere
our home, her womb.
(if it weren’t for photosynthesis
our brain could not consider this)
This poem…
(this is not a poem
it’s a thought
like matter
only less static)
Could it be
possibly that we
are one and the same thing
as earth as life as earth
and that we have been sleeping?
Like the Buddha
before his becoming
like Christ before
or like when we believed that the earth was
like when we believed that the earth was flat
like when we believed
(of course, up until
that smarty pants Copernicus
shook it up in the 16th century
the idea of solar centric system
was considered crazy blasphemy)
I mean
perhaps we
have made a grave
of the entire situation.
(with dozens of microscopic creatures
who now call home to you
can you say for sure that it was nothing
when Horton heard a who?)
But this poem/non-poem
does not propose that with
Gaia as our gracious host
we are planetary parasites
earth our hearth and domicile.
it stands
hands gesturing wildly
in street corner sermon
uncertain it will be believed
yet continues it’s oration
The living earth
is a single system
a biodiversified creation
each of us stems
from a single seed
connected despite
species transmutation.
(so rather than just freeloaders
perhaps we’re planetary creations)
James Lovelock told the world of this
through a paper he called the Gaia hypothesis.
Perhaps Blake, cummings, Krishna Murti
Hildegard, Joan of Arc, Rumi,
(among the many poets and mystics
who really seemed to get it)
knew of our relation
our situation
knew the source
of all divine
and their place
as a piece
of the planetary pie.
That is
if this
was a poem
to begin with
which it isn’t
it’s just a thought
but thought.
A versified voodoo creation
from the core of the central nervous system
the witch hunts are over
come home
perhaps we’re all just the same thing
synaptic communication
spiritual communion
if the universe is expanding
doesn’t that mean
that we were all one
when it began its beginning?
no, it can’t be, it makes me dizzy
how long can you hold out?
I’m a poet, not a planet
this is ridiculous, I’m going home
there is more to haven and earth, dear Horatio
but T.S. called us Hollow Men
not with a bang
this is a test
this is simply a test
all thinking taking place
is being simulated for test purposes
this is the way
this is the way
this is the way
life is but a dream
this is the way the world
the world begins
the world begins
this is the way the world begins
not with a bang
but a
wide open mind
(and the whisper of the words)