Tanya was more than fortunate. She not only escaped the raging fire that engulfed the tenth floor of the apartment building that she lived in but a sequence of events occurred afterward that opened up a whole new world of opportunities for her. It was just extremely uncanny.
The best thing out of it all as when she met someone at a storage facility. She had some stuff stored there and she went to see if an old laptop she had would work until she got a replacement for the one she lost. She had many precious memories stored there. One had been a painting she inherited form her mother. This person she had met at the storage facility had told her to basically bury the painting as it was too gruesome for the light of day. She hated it but she did not get rid of it and in the end she ended up having it valued and it was worth well over three hundred thousand dollars.
In the end she ended up getting a new car and purchasing a nice house. She was the happiest she had ever been. She was not even forty yet and she was better off than many her age. She did have a set of twins and both of them were off at college. They were as determined as she was to get the best out of life and they were on full scholarships, making life that much easier for her. She didn't have a lot to worry about at all.
There was one challenge that she really had and many wouldn't even consider that to be a problem. She was having difficulty finding a companion. She was dragging herself back into the house after another disastrous date. She had been trying for years to find someone. With most of them she didn't even get past the first or second date. She headed to the bathroom as she smelled like the bar that she was at.
She had a good shower, put on some comfortable clothes and got some snacks. She was going to settle down and watch a nice movie. She was off and she had the luxury of staying up late. It was the silly season for lovers and she was happy to be able to avoid that.
She jumped out of her chair when she heard the sound of sirens coming down her road. She looked out the window to see what was happening. She saw that a house close to her was on fire. She was scared. Another fire was coming to jeopardize her life. It was too close for comfort.
She ran to her room to put on some appropriate clothing and then she grabbed her phone and first aid kit. She would help in any way she could if necessary.
She ran down to the house and saw that the ambulance was there and there was a woman on a stretcher and her four children. The paramedics were checking on them to make sure they were okay. The fire was raging and the smoke was spreading all over. Soon she saw a tall fireman emerging from the smoke. He was carrying a man. She rushed to him. That man would need some help.
The firemen put the man down and sat down. He was suffering from smoke inhalation and was coughing. She checked the pulse of her neighbor. She couldn't find any. She kept on checking for vital signs when the firemen managed to catch his breath and let her know that the man was not breathing. She looked up at the firemen to realize she knew him. He had saved her from her apartment building not so long ago.
A paramedic rushed over to them and started to assist the fireman but he was busy trying to receive the man on the ground. He was not responding to the CPR.
Tanya decided to use other measures. She got her defibrillator out and used it on the prone man on the ground. That did the trick. He gasped and started to cough. She then backed off to let the paramedics take over. She had already heard that the woman and her children were stable.
The fireman looked at her and smiled. She could see the gratitude in his eyes, he gave her a squeeze on the shoulder and he walked off toward the children. She turned her attention back to her neighbor.
"I can a help if you need me. I am a triage nurse."
"You have helped already. Thanks for that. If you hadn't been here to assist it might be worse for this family." One of the paramedics said.
She gave them the space they needed to work. She went instead to talk to her other neighbors and keep them calm. She didn't want any other casualties out there tonight. She assured them the paramedics and firemen were handling everything well and they should back up from the area as it was dangerous.
When it was all over she was numb. She was so tired and she was dirty. She had stayed out there until the firemen got the blaze out and were doing cool down operations.