
Much like an actual movie, Writing Movies emerged from the efforts of many people.

The studio, so to speak, is Bloomsbury USA, and there does not exist a more legendary group of moguls than Colin Dickerman, Sabrina Farber, Peter Janssen, Sara Mercurio, Greg Villepique, and Miles Doyle.

The producers are the founders of Gotham Writers' Workshop, Jeff Fligelman and David Grae, and the president of Gotham, Andre Becker, who declared at the outset, "Make it better than Lawrence of Arabia and never mind about the cost."

The stars are the Gotham screenwriting teachers who contributed the chapters to this book. Each of them did their own stunts and none demanded a bigger trailer.

The agent is, well, the agent, Faith Hamlin of Sanford Green-burger Associates.

The director is Alexander Steele, a man who makes Erich von Stroheim seem tame.

Then there's the invaluable crew, consisting of the Gotham office staff—Joel Mellin, Dana Miller, Linda Novak, Betsey Odell, Stacey Panousopoulos, Charlie Shehadi—and a long scroll of Gotham teachers. None of these people has ever taken a day off.

And let us not forget the audience, which consists of all the Gotham students who have taught us how to teach over the years, and you—the readers who make this book spring to life through the sheer act of reading it.