



IN HER BEDROOM Kezi spreads the new finery on her bed and smooths it flat. Smiling, she pulls one cloth shoulder higher on the bed, then drags it lower. She does the same with the other tunic shoulder. I’m puzzled.

Her hands skip to the hem. She lifts the hem on one side and tugs that side over the other. The empty tunic is dancing! She releases that side of the hem and lifts the other.

She is charming. I smile with her as the tunic’s hips switch from side to side. When the dance is over, she lies on the bed next to the tunic and gazes up at her ceiling, her smile fading, but her hand caressing the fabric.

I wish I could see thoughts.

After five minutes she jumps up and reaches down to remove her everyday tunic. I never look through clothing, and I will not watch her undress, but I’m eager to see her in the tunic. I withdraw my eyes.