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acceptance, stages of grief leading to, 14–16

accommodation, 64, 66–67, 71

accumulation of wealth, values measured by, 105–7

Acharya, Aaron (survivor)

about story of, 149–53

facing chance for revenge, 158–59

lessons learned from, 204

reaching point of forgiveness, 167–69

as resource for Bhutanese refugees, 169–71

Acharya, Devi, 149–52, 158–59

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 44, 136–38, 143

affirmations and self-help, 13–14

aging and Alzheimer’s disease, 124–26

Aging with Grace (Snowdon), 125

AIDS. See acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)

Akerstream, Marc, 35

Allen, George, 147

Allen, Kris, 176

American Cancer Society, 2

American Counseling Association, 133

American Idol (TV show), 7, 175–77, 180–81, 192

American Journal of Epidemiology, 79

American Psychiatric Association, 133

American Psychological Association, 133

American Psychologist, 182

American School Counselor Association, 133

Amor, David, 40

Anderson Cooper 360 (TV program), 71

Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 20, 23

antigay movement. See Exodus International

Armstrong, Lance, 19, 179, 196

Asha. See Mevlana, Asha

assumptive worldview, 56–58, 60, 64, 68

automobile accidents, surviving trauma of, 2–4


Baez, Joan, 69

Bakunas, A. J., 35

Balkenende, Jan Pieter, 19

Barkley, Gnarls, 6

Bayh, B. Evan, III, 146–47

Beaumont Enterprise (newspaper), 195

Becker, Ernest, 105

“Before I die” reflections, 108–11, 113, 114, 117

Beijing Summer Olympics (2008), 19

Belfast, Ireland, 199–204

Ben-Ezra, Manachem, 135

Berendes, David, 45

Better (Weijden), 29

Bhutan ethnic conflict. See Acharya, Aaron

Black Culture and Black Consciousness (Levine), 129

Black Eyed Peas (music group), 7

Black Holocaust Museum, 139–41, 146–47

Blade Across America tour, 45–49

Blair, Tony, 69

Bless the Beasts and Children (Swarthout), 133

Blige, Mary J., 7, 178

blindness. See Lock, Alan

Bond, Julian, 141

Boreham, Matthew, 11, 29

Bradley, Bernard, 127

brain injury, surviving trauma of, 2–4. See also McGonigal, Jane; Wigal, Amanda

Bright-Sided (Ehrenreich), 22

Bring Them Home Now Tour (2005), 72

Brown, Laura, 142–43

Bush, George W., 54, 61, 68–70, 105–6

BusinessWeek (magazine), 149

Bussee, Michael (survivor)

about story of, 130–34

acceptance of his sexuality, 134–38

arriving at defining moment, 138–39

lessons learned from, 204

sexual reorientation therapy, 131–33, 143–45

transformation from guilt, 142–44

Butler, Steven, 125

Byock, Ira, 98


Cameron, Dr. James (survivor)

about story of, 119–23

divine intervention in saving, 123–26

forgiveness and reconciliation, 142, 146–47

leadership in civil rights movement, 126–30

lessons learned from, 204

opening Black Holocaust Museum, 139–41

Cameron, Virgil, 128, 129, 147

Cameron, Virginia, 139–40

Camp Casey, 69–70

Camus, Albert, quoted, 175


about surviving trauma of, 2–4

arriving at defining moment, 1–2

perception of risk, 36

positive thinking and hope, 17, 20–22, 45

religion and, 126, 135

screening and preemptive surgery, 177, 197–98

social support/support groups, 23, 79

See also Leon, Iram; Mevlana, Asha

Carpenter, John, 102, 103

Chambers, Alan, 145

Chang, Candy, 108–11, 113, 114, 117, 204

Chapman, Mike, 7

Charlebois, David, 103, 107–8, 111–12

Chasing Ghosts (Rieckhoff), 54

choices, life as a series of, 27, 111, 116, 177–78, 180–85, 189–98

civil rights movement, 121–23, 127–30, 146–47, 202

common sense, 17, 95

communal support of disaster relief, 82–86

Community of Peace People, 200–204

comparative optimism, 37, 39–40

completion tendency, 64

confidence/overconfidence, 39–41, 47–48, 50–51, 61–62, 178. See also grounded hope

Cooper, Gary, 133–34, 138, 143–44

Corrigan, Máiread (peace activist), 200–3

Coyne, James, 20–21, 23

Cozzolino, Philip, 113–14, 115

cultural beliefs and worldview, 99–101, 105–6, 112–15, 136, 182

Cultural Competence in Trauma Therapy (Brown), 142

cultural identity, sensitivity to, 142, 157, 171

Cummings, E. E., quoted, 1

Current Directions in Psychological Science, 83, 90–91


Danner, Deborah, 125

Dawkins, Richard, 124

death. See mortality

decision paralysis, 184–85

Deeter, Claude, 120–21, 141

Deeter, William, 141–42

defining moment, 1–2

delusions about risk and reality, 8, 28, 36–37, 39–41, 50–51, 73


caused by trauma, 3, 37, 88

decision paralysis and, 181–85

recognizing symptoms, 90

relationship to forgiveness, 160–61

relationship to hope, 45

religion and coping with, 126, 132, 135, 138–39

See also mental health

Descartes, René, 124

deterioration effect, 84–86, 90

disability, dealing with, 45–49, 92

disaster relief and assistance, 82–86

Discovery Channel, 58–60

disorientation, 8, 88, 188–89

driving safety and risk, 33–34

drunken driving, 37–38

dual-existential systems, 113–14

Durbin, Dick, 147


economic difficulties, surviving trauma of, 2–4, 93–96

Eggum, Natalie, 44

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 22

Eisenberg, Nancy, 44

Eliot, T. S., quoted, 11

emotional support. See social support

End-of-Life Handbook, The (Byock), 98

Enright, Robert, 165–66

entrepreneurship, commonality with survivorship, 41–42

Escape from Evil (Becker), 105

estrangement and isolation, 86

Exodus International, 132–34, 138, 143–45



arriving at sense of, 127

beneficial effects on health, 124–26

challenged by trauma, 55–58, 67, 135–36

maintained by changed worldview, 71

role in resilience, 137

See also religion and belief in God; spirituality

Feldman, David, 43

Fetcher, Con, 125

Fitchett, George, 135

Fitzgibbons, Richard, 165–66

Fleeson, William, 25

forgetting vs. forgiving, 168

forgiveness and reconciliation

harboring grudges and revenge, 154–55

as journey, 172

moving beyond unforgiveness, 157–58

process models, 165–67, 169

racial violence, 142, 146–47

theory and test for, 161–62

therapeutic approaches, 165–66

See also Acharya, Aaron; Wamariya, Clemantine

Forster, E. M., quoted, 97

Freud, Sigmund, 124

Friesen, Wallace, 125

Fritsche, Immo, 100–101

Future of an Illusion, The (Freud), 124


game-playing, problem-solving, 87–90

genocide, 164

giving up, benefits of, 24–26, 161–62

Glass, Kerrie, 44–45

goal disengagement, 25–26

Goldsmith, Marshall, 4, 41–42, 172

Good Samaritan relief efforts, 84–86

Gore, Al, 141

GQ (magazine), 71

Great Recession of 2009, 93–96

Greenberg, Jeff, 99, 100–101, 105, 112

grounded hope

applying formula for, 43–45, 48, 171–72

as growing into knowledge, 171–72

realistic vs. positive thinking, 27–30, 161–62

story of Amanda Wigal, 77–78

story of Asha Mevlana, 175–78

story of James Cameron, 130

See also confidence/overconfidence; hope/hopelessness

Guinness World Records, 29

Gulf War II, 53–55, 67–70


Haiti earthquake (2010), 82–86, 136

Hallett, Charlene, 34

halo effect, 179–80

handicap, dealing with, 45–49

Hanna, Timothy, 136

happiness, 26, 57, 64, 89, 124–25, 149

Hardball (TV program ), 70–71

Health Psychology, 78

health relief model, 16–17

Heckhausen, Jutta, 25

Helping Clients Forgive (Enright and Fitzgibbons), 165–66

Herbst-Damm, Kathryn, 78

Herman, Judith, 3

heroes, survivors as, 5, 7, 19, 29, 179, 195–96

hierarchical linear modeling, 137

HIV. See human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

homosexuality. See Bussee, Michael


about impact of trauma on, 3–4

avoiding false hope, 18

coping strategies, 44–45

link to forgiveness, 161, 172

maintaining illusion of control, 41–43

PTSD and loss of, 44–45

relationship to faith, 55–58

See also grounded hope

hospice care, 78–79

Huffington Post, The, 72

human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 44, 136–38, 143

human rights abuses/activism, 58, 157, 161, 169–70, 178, 200

humility, 41, 202

Hurricane Hugo, 84–85

Hurricane Katrina, 45, 72, 116–17


inconsequential values, 1–2

inner resources. See grounded hope; personal control

inspiration, survivor stories as, 8–9, 12–13, 19, 135, 179–80, 201

interethnic conflict. See Acharya, Aaron; Wamariya, Clemantine

Iraq, war in, 53–55, 67–70

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, 71

Irish Republican Army (IRA), 199–204

Ironson, Gail, 136, 143

isolation and estrangement, 86

Iyengar, Sheena, 183–84, 191


Jackson, Reggie, 141

Janoff-Bulman, Ronnie, 56

Jay Z (stage name), 7

Jeremy (fiancé of Amanda), 75–76, 82, 91–92, 95–96

Jewish Holocaust, 139–40

Jonas, Eva, 100–101

Joseph, Stephen, 64

Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 136–37

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67

Journal of Economic Psychology, 101

Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 132–33

Journal of Personality, 40, 42

Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36, 84

Journal of Public Economics, 183

Journals of Gerontology, The, 125


Kahle-Wrobleski, Kristin, 43

Kamenica, Emir, 183–84

Kaniasty, Krzysztof, 82–83, 84–85, 89–91

Kaplan, Fran, 127, 140–41, 146

Kasser, Tim, 106

Keefe, Francis, 45

Keller, Helen, quoted, 75

Kennedy, Edward (“Ted”), 49, 147

Kerry, John, 61–63, 147

Kessler, Ronald, 152–53

Kierkegaard, Søren, 53, 183

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 129

Knight, Holly, 7

Kulik, James, 78


Lambert, Anthony, 34

Landrieu, Mary, 147

Lawler, Peter, 183

Lennon, Danny, 199

Leon, Iram (survivor)

about story of, 185–91

achieving the impossible, 193–96

lessons learned from, 198, 204

Leon, Kiana, 186–90, 193–95

Lerner, Michael, 57

leukemia. See van der Weijden, Maarten

Levine, Lawrence, 129

Lewis, John, 141

Lickerman, Alex, 102

life, as a series of choices, 27, 111, 116, 177–78, 180–85, 189–98

Linley, P. Alex, 64

Little Prince, The (Saint-Exupéry), quoted, 119

Living Beyond Limits (Spiegel), 23

living will, 98–99

Lock, Alan (survivor)

about story of, 11–12

accepting blindness, 14–16

arriving at defining moment, 29–30

arriving at goal for the future, 24

facing challenge of trip, 26–27

lessons learned from, 204

social support, 80

willingness to risk, 42

Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam, 79

“Long-Lived Nuns” (Time, 1959), 125

Ludwig, Thomas, 154

lymphoblastic leukemia, 17–18


macular degeneration, 14–15

Matt, George E., 114–15

Matthews, Chris, 70–71

maximizer, decision-making, 190–91

McGonigal, Jane (survivor), 87–91

McKeown, Ciaran, 200

meditation, 4, 197

Meet the Press (TV program), 71

mental health

forgiveness and, 160

giving up vs. persistence, 24–25

hope and, 43

impact of trauma on, 152–55

religion and, 126, 135

resilience and, 89

sexual reorientation therapy and, 132–33

social support and, 79–80

See also depression

Messias, Erick, 155

Mevlana, Asha (survivor)

arriving at her defining moment, 1–2

beginning transformation, 4–7

decisions and choices, 180–81, 190–93, 196–98

lessons learned from, 198, 204

support from others, 80

willingness to risk, 41–42, 177–78

Meyers, Lawrence, 114

Miller, Gregory, 24

Minor, Ricky, 176

money, as measure of values, 105–7

Morissette, Alanis, 6


about social support and, 1–2, 78–79

avoiding topic of, 98–99

“Before I die” reflections, 110–11

cultural perceptions, 100, 105–6

denial and fear of, 100–103, 113–14

positive thinking and, 22–23

mortality salience, 101, 114

music, surviving trauma with, 4–5, 6–7, 26, 80, 177–78, 180–81, 192–93, 196–97

Myth America: 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution (Sheehan), 72–73

Mythbusters (TV series), 58–60, 73

Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays, The (Camus), quoted, 175


narcissism, 41

National Association of School Psychologists, 133

National Association of Social Workers, 133

National Comorbidity Survey, 153, 155

National Institute of Justice, 153

National Limb Bank, 49

National Violence Against Women Survey, 153

Nazi Holocaust, 139–40

Neuroimaging Clinics of North America (journal), 2

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 183

Night (Wiesel), 164

9/11 terrorist attacks, 105–8, 112, 114–16

Nobel Peace Prize, 203–4

Norris, Fran, 82–83, 84–85, 89–91

Northern Ireland peace process, 199–204

Not Another Mother’s Child (Sheehan), 65

Nun Study of Aging and Alzheimer’s disease, 124–26


Obama, Barack, 147, 172

Occupy Wall Street movement (2011), 72

O’Grady, Kari, 136

Olympic Games, 17, 19, 28, 179, 196

online game-playing, 87–90

Operation Iraqi Freedom, 53–55, 67–70

Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, 172

Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN), 145

Oprah Winfrey Show, The (TV program), 164–65, 171

Our America with Lisa Ling (TV program), 145

overaccommodation, 66–67

Oxfam (relief organization), 83


Paradox of Choice, The (Schwartz), 190

patriotism, 54, 58, 65–66

Peace People’s movement, 199–204

Peale, Norman Vincent, 13

Penninx, Brenda, 79

Perino, Dana, 66

Perry, Linda, 7


power of positive thinking, 22

reaching point of giving up, 24–26

See also resilience

personal control, 8, 39–40, 45, 77–78

pessimism, 3–4, 12, 16, 27

physical abuse, surviving trauma of, 2–4, 153

Pieretti, Casey (survivor)

about illusion of risk, 31–32, 34–37

arriving at defining moment, 37–39

challenge of Blade Across America tour, 45–49

creating persona of “super-cripple,” 49

lessons learned from, 179, 204

metamorphosis into stunt work, 49–51

political persecution, 149–53, 158–59, 167–69

Porcelain (rock band), 7, 180–81, 192

positive change, 5–6, 89. See also transformation

positive illusion, 40

positive thinking

about survivorship and, 7–9

arguments for/against, 13–14

benefits of giving up, 24–26

dangers of simplistic view, 20–24, 42–43, 132

story of Alan Lock, 11–12, 16

story of Casey Pieretti, 39

story of Iram Leon, 195–96

story of Maarten van der Weijden, 17–21

thinking realistically versus, 27–29, 204

posttraumatic growth, 5–6, 77–80

posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

about its origins in trauma, 3–4

coping strategies for mitigating, 44–45

effects of, overcoming, 55, 66–67, 89

experiencing effects vicariously, 114–15

sexual orientation therapy, 143–45

See also Rieckhoff, Paul

Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale), 13

powerlessness, trauma as affliction of, 3–4

Psychological Bulletin, 20

Psychological Inquiry, 113

Psychological Science, 24, 184, 191

Psychological Trauma, 67

Psychology Today, 102

Psychosomatic Medicine, 20

Putin, Vladimir, 69

Pyszczynski, Tom, 99, 105, 112


racial prejudice and discrimination, 121–23, 127–30, 146–47

Ranchor, Adelita, 23

Rand, Kevin, 43

rape and molestation. See sexual trauma

Real Time with Bill Maher (TV program), 71

Red Hot Chili Peppers (music group), 6

refocusing on life. See transformation

refugees/refugee camps

Bhutan ethnic conflict, 158–59, 167–71

Rwanda ethnic conflict, 157, 162–65, 171

Regan, Michael, 34

religion and belief in God

about survivorship and, 123–24, 129–30

health effects, 125–26, 136–37

reconciling sexuality, 134–35

separating faith from, 134–37, 139

as spiritual journey, 142–43

See also faith; spirituality

Resick, Patricia, 67


about surviving trauma through, 3–4

developing skill of, 89–91

inspiring hope and growth, 7–9

role of faith, 137

See also persistence

revenge, 154, 161, 166, 167–68. See also forgiveness and reconciliation

Rieckhoff, Paul (survivor)

about story of, 53–55

challenging false pretenses of Iraq, 61–63

changing his assumptive worldview, 63–67, 70–71, 73

lessons learned from, 204

support from others, 80

Rihanna (stage name, Robyn Rihanna Fenty), 7


about illusion of, 31–32

beginning transformation, 4–5

delusions about seriousness of, 36–37

health relief model, 16–17

perceptions influence behaviors, 33–36

positive illusion of control and, 39–45, 49–51

realistic vs. unrealistic, 27–28

Rollison, Deborah, 136

Ruiz, Manuel, 136

Rumsfeld, Donald, 65

Russell, Bertrand, 124

Rwanda ethnic conflict. See Wamariya, Clemantine


Saini, Anil, 155

Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, quoted, 119

Salecl, Renata, 182

Sallquist, Julie, 44

Samboceti, Jamie, 114

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 183

satisfier, decision-making, 190–91

Savage, Adam, 58–60

Schnicke, Monica, 67

School Sisters of Notre Dame, 124–26

Schreiber-Pan, Heidi, 136

Schwartz, Barry, 182–83, 190–91

Schweingruber, David, 13, 21

Seacrest, Ryan, 176

self-aggrandizement, 40

self-confidence. See confidence/overconfidence

self-help and affirmations, 13–14

September 11 terrorist attacks, 105–8, 112, 114–16

Serovich, Julianne M., 132–33

sexual reorientation therapy, 131–33, 143–45

sexual trauma

about surviving, 2–4

impact on faith and beliefs, 135–36

mental health and, 153–54

Shafir, Eldar, 184

Sharpton, Al, 69

Sheehan, Casey, 65

Sheehan, Cindy (antiwar activist)

about story of, 65–66

accommodation as impossibility, 66–67

lessons learned from, 204

loss of assumptive worldview, 68–69

political activism against Iraq war, 69–73

Sheen, Martin, 69

Sheldon, Kennon, 106

Shipp, Thomas, 119–22, 127

Sinato, Philip, 155

Smith, Abe, 119–22, 127

Snider, Dee, 178

Snowdon, David, 124–26

social accountability, 54, 58, 62–63, 71

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 155

social resilience, 89

social support

about role of, 8

accommodation, role in, 67

benefits from, 79–80

connection to mortality, 78–79

deterioration effect, 85, 90

identifying need for, 88–89

perception vs. reality, 90–91, 95

resilience during illness, 137, 177–78

Stage 1, 80–81, 82–83

Stage 2, 82–87

Socrates, quoted, 31

Solomon, Sheldon, 99, 105, 112

South African apartheid, 149, 157–58, 160–61, 167–68

Spiegel, David, 23

spirituality, 8, 55, 114, 126, 131–32. See also faith; religion and belief in God

stages of grief, 15–16

Staples, Angela, 114

Stein, Dan, 154

Sugar Busters (Steward, et al.), 104–5

suicide, 88–89, 154

SuperBetter (video game), 89–90

supportive-expressive therapy, 23


about defining moment, 1–2

accommodation and, 64

commonality with entrepreneurship, 41–42

creating positive change, 5–6

defined, 2–4

finding hope and growth, 7–9

journey from survivor to, 178–80

support from others, 78–82, 95–96

survivors as heroes, 19, 29, 195–96

Swarthout, Glendon, 133


Tapster, Dan, 60, 73

Taylor, Shelley, 40, 42

Tennen, Howard, 23

terror management theory, 99–100, 105–6, 113–15


about surviving trauma of, 2–4

September 11 attacks, 105–8, 112, 114–15

train bombings in Madrid, 115

texting while driving, 33–34

Thomas Aquinas, 124

Thorndike, Edward, 179

Time (magazine), 125

Time of Terror, A (Cameron), 128

Tonight Show, The (TV show), 7, 197

torture, 151, 159, 169–70


about trauma and positive change, 2–4, 198, 201, 203

developing inner strength, 5–6

as grace to find personal meaning, 115–16

integrating changed worldview with reality, 63–64

New York following 9/11 attacks, 115

role of faith, 130, 135, 144–45

Trans-Siberian Orchestra (rock opera group), 192, 196

Trauma and Recovery (Herman), 3

Troubles in Northern Ireland, 199–204

true hope. See grounded hope

trust, trauma as challenge to, 67–68

Tutu, Desmond, 149, 157–58, 160–61, 167–68

Tversky, Amos, 184

Twain, Mark, quoted, 31

Twister Sister (music group), 6

Tyranny of Choice, The (Salecl), 182


unforgiveness. See forgiveness and reconciliation

United Nations, 2, 152, 168–69

United States Holocaust Memorial Council, 172

University of North Carolina, Charlotte, 5

University of Pennsylvania, 20

University of Warwick, England, 5, 64

urban legends, 58–60



achieving inner growth through trauma, 5–6

arriving at defining moment, 1–2

external trappings as measure of, 105–7

identifying “Before I die” meaning of, 110–11

involve making choices, 189–90, 193

making sacrifices and compromises, 192–93

money as measure of, 105–7

social accountability, 54, 58, 62–63, 71

trauma as challenge to, 55–58, 63–64

trauma as initiating change, 203–4

van der Weijden, Maarten (survivor)

about story of, 17–20

arriving at grounded hope, 27–29

lessons learned from, 179, 204

Vander Laan, Kelly, 154

Vázquez, Carmelo, 114–15

victim blaming, 57

victimization, 153–54

virtual game-playing, 87–90


Walker, Michael, 111–12

Wall Street Journal, The, 195

Wamariya, Claire, 156–57, 163–64

Wamariya, Clemantine (survivor)

about story of, 155–57

journey toward forgiveness, 165–67, 171–73

lessons learned from, 204

memories of Rwandan massacre, 162–64

reunion with parents, 164–65

Watkins, Paul (survivor)

about story of, 97–98, 103–5

arriving at defining moment, 107–8, 111–13

changing his assumptive worldview, 115–17

lessons learned from, 204

wealth, values measured by accumulation of, 105–7

Weinstein, Neil, 36, 38–40

Welch, Stephen, 155

Wells, Rachael, 191

What Doesn’t Kill Us (Joseph), 64

Wiesel, Elie, 164, 172

Wigal, Amanda (survivor)

about story of, 75–77

emotional support following trauma, 77–82

lessons learned from, 204

loss of support over time, 82–85

path to recovery, 91–96

support, reality vs. perception, 85–87, 95

Wigal, Iris, 78, 91–96

Williams, Betty (peace activist), 199–204

Winfrey, Oprah, 164–65

Witvliet, Charlotte, 154

World Health Organization (WHO), 154

Wrosch, Carsten, 24–25


Zimmerman, Quinn, 83