
alcoholism, 97–98

Arikara Indians, 58 , 64 , 82

army hospitals, venereal diseases in, 83–84

attitudes toward venereal diseases, 1–2 , 16–17

balsam fir, 51

bayberry tree (Myrica cerifera ), 50

bearberry (Arctostaphylus uva ursi ), 51

Biddle, Nicholas, 55–56 , 58 , 62–64 , 90

bipolar disorder, 95–97

blue cardinal flower (Lobelia syphilitica) , 47 , 49 , 50 , 76

Boley, John, 88

books taken on the expedition, 31–32

Bratton, William E., 88

Buffalo Dance, 62–63 , 82

button snakeroot (Liatris psychostachia ), 49

calomel (mercurous chloride), 27 , 31 , 33 , 45 , 80

Cameahwait, 69

Carver, Jonathan, 29

Charbonneau, Toussaint, 68 , 70 , 81 , 92

China root (Smilax tamnoides ), 49 , 51

Chinook Indians: early contact with Europeans, 73 ; sexual practices of, 74–75 , 76 , 78 , 82 ; and venereal disease, 82

Clark, William, life after expedition, 93

Clatsop Indians, 75–78 ; sexual practices of, 78 , 82

clothing, Indian women, 72 , 73 , 77–78 , 80

Collins, John, 88

Colter, John, 81 , 88

Columbus, Christopher, 15 , 20–23

Copaiba, 44–45

Coues, Elliott, 56

Cruzatte, Peter, 88

Dame, John, 88

deism, 2–3

Drouillard, George, 88–89

Field, Joseph, 89

Field, Reuben, 89

Flathead (Salish) Indians, 71 , 80

Floyd, Charles, 55 , 57 , 87

Fort Clatsop, 75–79 , 80 , 82

Frazer, Robert, 55 , 89

Gass, Patrick, 55 , 57 , 58 , 64 , 66 , 78 , 80 , 81–82 , 87

Gibson, George, 76 , 86–87

goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis ), 52

gonorrhea: remedies for, 6 , 44–45 ; remedies for, non-Native, 51–52 ; symptoms of, 5–6 , 79

Goodrich, Silas, 76–77 , 86–87

Griner, Robert and Priscilla, 94

guaiac, 24–25 , 49

Hall, Hugh, 89

hardhack (Spiraea tomzntosa ), 52

Hidatsa Indians: 60, 64 , 66 ; and venereal disease, 82

Howard, Thomas P., 89 humors, medical theory of, 42–43

Indian pinkroot (Spigelia marilandica ), 48

Indian snakeroot (Artistolochia serpentaria ), 49

Jefferson, Thomas, 2–3 , 30–31 , 86 , 94 , 96

Labiche, François, 89

L’Affecteur, Denys Boyveau, 28

Lewis, Meriwether: death, circumstances surrounding, 93–95 ; death, possible causes of, xiii, xv, 95–101 ; life after expedition, 93–98 ; medical knowledge of, 32

Lobelia. See blue cardinal flower

manaca (Brunsfelsia hopeana ), 50

Mandan Indians, 59–66 , 81 , 82 ; and venereal disease, 63–64

Marias River (Montana), 80

McNeal, Hugh, 6–7 , 86–87

medical instruments, 43–44

medicines, list of, 35–42

mercury, as treatment, 25–27 , 28 , 33 , 45 , 77 , 80

milkweed and silkweed (Asdepius ), 50

Moulton, Gary (Lewis and Clark scholar), 57

Neely, James, 94

Newman, John, 89

Nez Perce Indians, 64 , 70–71 , 72 , 79 ; menstrual customs of, 79 ; and venereal disease, 64 , 82

Ordway, John, 55 , 57 , 61 , 87

Peale, Charles Wilson, 86

Pernier, John, 94

Pomp (Sacagawea’s son), 68 , 81

Potts, John, 89–90

prickly ash (Zanthoxylum americana ), 51

Pryor, Nathaniel H., 87

Queens root (StiUingiasylvatica ), 49

red cedar (Juniperus virginiana ), 49

Reed, Moses, 90

remedies, for non-venereal diseases, 47–98

remedies, Native, 52–53

Robertson, John, 90

Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 32 , 33–34 , 45

Rush’s Bilious Pills, 42 , 45 , 80

Russell, Gilbert C., 93 , 94 , 97

Sacagawea, 81 , 92 ; health of, 66–69

Sanicula marilandia (Spigelia ), 49

sassafras (Sassafras officinalis ), 48–49

Seneca snakeroot (Polygala senega ), 48

sexually transmitted diseases: causes of, 4

Shannon, George, 90

Shields, John, 90

Shoshone Indians, 64 , 67 , 69 , 70 ; sexual practices of, 70 , 82 ; and treatment for venereal disease, 70–71 , 82

Sioux Indians, 58

sumach (Rhus glabra ), 51

sweetgum tree (Liquidambar styraciflua ), 50

syphilis: existence among North American Indians, 23–24 , 29 ; first European appearance of, 17–24 ; geographic origins of, 17–98 ; nonNative remedies for, 12 , 24 , 28 , 30 , 45 , 97 ; remedies for, Native, 49–50 ; symptoms of, 7–12 , 79 , 85 , 99

tetters and morphews, 8 , 50–51

thistle root (Cirsium undulatum ), 51

Thompson, John B., 90

Thwaites, Reuben G., 56

tobacco, 51

tulip tree (Liriodendron tulipifera ), 49

turpentine, 51

Tuttle, Ebenezer, 90

Vzromca virginiana , 49

Walla Walla Indians, 79

Warfington, Richard, 90

Weiser, Peter, 90

Werner, William, 91

White, Isaac, 91

Whitehouse, Joseph, 55 , 57 , 91

white pine tar, 51

wild geranium (Geranium maculatum ), 51

wild ipecac (Euphorbia ipecacuanha ), 52

Willard, Hamilton, 91

Windsor, Richard, 91

Yerba santa (Eriodictyon californicum ), 50

York, xiv, 58 , 61 , 91