Chapter 11 – The Locket
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Luke 12:34
Dinner that evening was a solemn event. Philip and Danika were both silent while Naomi tried to make light conversation with Katie. Katie noticed a change in her father's countenance as well as in Danika. “Mamm, what's wrong with Dani? Why is she sad?” the little girl asked innocently. The words brought a fresh wave of tears to Danika's eyes. Just the thought of her current circumstances was dreadful.
“She'll be fine, Katie. You don't need to worry about it,” Naomi chided.
“Why is Dat so quiet?” Katie naturally wondered.
“He's thinking. Now just eat your dinner, so we can have family time,” Naomi suggested, rubbing her rapidly growing belly.
As Philip read the Bible that evening, the Word of God spoke to all of them. He was reading from the book of Ephesians chapter six. Verses one and two popped out at Danika, 'Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and thy mother...' Danika's father and mother were gone, and there was nothing she could do about that. Her aunt and uncle were all she had now, so she supposed that the obeying part was still required of her. Why does obedience have to be so hard? I haven't honored Uncle Philip at all, she ashamedly thought to herself as he continued reading.
'And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.' Philip paused after reading that verse. Have I been too hard on Danika? What I said definitely upset her. I don't want to cultivate a harvest of bitterness and hatred. I want this to be a home where love and forgiveness dwell. It must start with me. To everyone's surprise, Philip closed the Bible and set it on the small table next to his straight-back wooden chair. He looked at Danika and noticed how saddened she was. He knew he was partly responsible for her grief.
“Dani,” he humbly spoke, “I'm sorry that I spoke harshly with you today. I'm afraid I have 'provoked you to wrath', as God says not to do. I'm asking for your forgiveness.”
Does he think of himself as my father? The thought brought comfort to her heart. Danika was definitely surprised by her uncle's admission. She admired him for his humility. “Jah, I think I can forgive you,” she offered.
“Denki.” Philip knew he had asked a lot of her.
“I need to ask for your forgiveness too. I'm sorry that I said that I hate you.” Her eyes began to cloud over, but she continued, “It’s not true. I'm sorry that I disobeyed, I know it was wrong.”
“I forgive you. But some of what you said was true. This rift between Jacob Yoder and I has gone on for far too long. It's not right that you have to suffer because of it. I will pray that God will bring a solution to the problem.”
“Oh, denki, Uncle Philip.” Danika said as she gave him a warm daughterly hug. Philip wore a satisfied smile.
“We will pray too,” Naomi spoke for herself and the girls. Danika agreed.
Danika arrived at school early on Monday morning and sat down at her desk with paper and pen.
Dearest Eli,
It pains me to write this letter. My Uncle Philip saw us on Saturday. He gave me permission to write this letter, but it will be my last for the time being. He was not happy that we went against your father's wishes. He's also forbidden me to accept letters from you or spend time with you, aside from school. He said that I won't be allowed to court till I'm sixteen. I am so sorry, I wish there was another way. I have cried many a tear over you, my love. Please know that I do not regret one second of the time we spent together. It was precious to me.
You hold my heart,
P.S. My uncle is seeking the Lord about making amends with your father. Please pray with us in this.
She folded the letter and slipped it into his desk just before the bell rang. When Eli sat down, he noticed her usually-happy demeanor was gone, and his smile faded too. He looked at her with concern, wishing they could talk. When the teacher began instruction, he opened his desk and found the letter she had written. He quickly removed it and slid it under his notebook. When the teacher turned her back, he quickly opened the letter and read the solemn words.
I can't even write her a note? No courting till she's sixteen? That seems like forever. No wonder she's so distraught. This is terrible. There has to be some way. I've never known Philip to be unreasonable like this. Maybe I can talk to him myself. Eli thought a moment. No, he'd probably side with my father. Well, I guess if Jacob in the Bible could work seven years for Rachel, I can surely wait three years for my beloved Danika. Yes, Danika, I will pray with you. We will be together in spirit. Eli felt a little better after coming up with a plan of action. He would pray. God can move mountains, the Bible says, and that's exactly what it would take to restore the broken relationship between Philip King and Jacob Yoder.
Day after day, at recess, lunch, and after school Danika had looked for it. But it was nowhere to be found. Joanna and Chloe noticed her searching one day and asked what she was looking for. “My locket, I've lost it,” she whispered to them, as she desperately searched. The precious gift that her mother and father had given was now gone.
She figured it had probably fallen off during a volleyball game. She had to find it before the lawn was mowed, or worse, before snippy Sadie Lapp found it. For sure and for certain, she'd love to have something to tell on Danika about. Knowing Sadie, she'd probably tell Bishop Hostettler. Chloe, Joanna, and even Eli had helped her search for the necklace, to no avail. She was afraid it was lost forever.
Naomi thought she had heard something upstairs. Was it Danika? She walked to her room and knocked on the door. There was no answer, so she turned the knob and let herself in. Danika sat on her bed in tears. What was wrong today? She wasn't seeing Eli and she didn't have another confrontation with Philip, so what could it be?
“Danika, what's wrong?” Naomi gently asked.
“Nothing,” she replied. “You wouldn't understand.”
“Well, perhaps not, but I can listen if you'd like to talk,” Naomi offered as she sat next to Danika and put her arm around her. “Besides, you might be surprised by what I understand.”
Actually, Naomi and Danika were alike in many ways.
“Promise you won't get mad at me?” Danika pleaded.
“Should I be mad at you about something?” Naomi wondered, her eyebrows arched.
“No, I don't think so, but other people might,” she said.
“You can talk to me about anything in confidence, Danika.”
Danika took a chance; she desperately needed to talk to somebody. “My mom and dad gave me a special gift and I've lost it.”
“Why would I be mad about that?” Naomi was puzzled.
“It was a necklace with a heart-shaped locket that held a photo of my mom and dad. It was very special to me. Now, I might never find it again,” she explained, wiping the tears away with her palms.
“You may have lost the necklace, Danika, but you'll never lose the memories. Those are locked in here forever.” Naomi pointed to Danika's heart. “Come with me. I'd like to show you something special to me.” Danika followed Naomi to her bedroom downstairs.
“What is it?” Danika wondered as Naomi dug deep into her hope chest at the foot of the bed.
“This,” Naomi said, pulling out a small photograph, “was my first family. My husband and twin daughters died in an automobile accident.”
“Ach, Naomi. I'm sorry. I never knew. I thought you and Uncle Philip –”
“Had been married forever?” Naomi completed her sentence.
“But you seem like you love each other.”
Naomi smiled, “We do love each other. But we only met and married less than two years ago.”
“So Katie doesn't belong to Uncle Philip?” Danika asked with surprise.
“Biologically speaking, no. But she belongs to his heart. And isn't that what matters most?” Naomi smiled.
“But you have a photograph. I thought they weren't allowed.” Danika was confused now.
“When we took the photo, I was not Amish. I joined because of Philip. You, Philip, and I are the only ones that know about this photo. He lets me keep it although I'm not supposed to.” Naomi thought of Philip's kindness and compassion.
“So, I'm not the only one with secrets, jah?” Danika teased.
“Aunt Naomi, you and I do have a lot in common.” Danika smiled at the realization. “Thanks for sharing this with me.”