Copyright © 1993 by Donald Hall

All rights reserved

All rights reserved. For information about permission to reproduce selections from this book, write to or to Permissions, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, 3 Park Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, New York 10016.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Hall, Donald, 1928.
The museum of clear ideas / Donald Hall,
p. cm.
ISBN 0-395-65236-7 (cl) ISBN 0-395-68085-9 (pa)
I. Title.
PS3515.A3152M86 1993
811’.54—dc20 92-23328

ISBN 978-0-395-65236-7 hardcover
ISBN 978-0-395-68085-8 paperback

eISBN 978-0-547-63039-7

A number of poems previously appeared in the following publications: Agni: The Ninth Inning. The Atlantic Monthly: When the young husband. Boston Phoenix: In the name of; Camilla, never ask; Drusilla informs; Dr. Zero’s Reproof. Boulevard: The Sixth Inning; The Seventh Inning. Cream City Review: When I was young. The Gettysburg Review: The Fourth Inning; The Fifth Inning; The Eighth Inning. Harvard Review: Nunc est bibendum. The Iowa Review: Another Elegy. New American Writing. The First Inning; The Second Inning. New England Review: “Extra Innings.” The New Republic: Let us meditate the virtue. The Paris Review: various poems from “The Museum of Clear Ideas.” Partisan Review: two poems from “The Museum of Clear Ideas.” Pequod: Don’t be afraid; Nothing, my aging Flaccus; Let engine cowling. The Plum Review and Shenandoah: excerpts from "The Museum of Clear Ideas.” Southern Humanities Review: three poems from “The Museum of Clear Ideas.”