Chapter 28
Early the next morning, as the sun was just creeping into the valley, Ginny was woken up by a presence in her room. When she opened her eyes, she startled at first, seeing Colby so close to her face.
He chuckled softly and asked, “Why didn't you wake me up, Mrs. Miller?”
Recovering quickly, she reached up and felt the stubble on his cheek. “You were out, Mr. Miller. I wanted you wide awake, not stumbling around in the dark.”
Colby kissed her, and Ginny knew she was in trouble. Before she could stop herself, she reached up and grabbed his shirt and pulled him fully on top of her. They fumbled with the covers for a moment, before he settled himself between her legs, kissing her neck and playing with her breasts.
“This is a great way to wake up. Thank you,” Ginny said absently, as he continued his sensual assault.
Colby reached down and lifted up her nightgown. His hand started to feel its way up her leg. Ginny wanted her clothing gone, along with his, and was about to say so when the boys started yelling at each other from the other side of her door.
“Give me that. I told you to stop taking my stuff, Nate. Ain't yours to take!”
“It is mine. You stole it from me first.”
Then came Georgia's voice. “Boys, you're gonna wake up the house if you don't keep your voices down. Get downstairs to breakfast.” That was followed by the trampling of feet down the steps. Colby let out a heavy sigh and shook his head.
Picking her up out of bed, he ordered her to get dressed. “I'll be downstairs waiting with some breakfast. We're going on a picnic. To be alone. Without anyone disturbing us. Agreed?”
By the look on Colby's face, Ginny would have to be stupid not to agree, even if she didn't want to. Which of course, she did. Very much so. She shook her head with an affirmative, then went about getting dressed as quickly as possible.
She was downstairs in a couple of minutes, entering the kitchen in enough time to hear Colby explain that he and Ginny would be gone for part of the morning. He told Nate and Frank what he wanted done by the time he got home and asked Georgia to supervise.
“Any questions,” he asked, knowing that in his current mood, there had better not be any.
All three shook their heads. When Ginny entered, all three heads looked at her for help. “Well, if that's settled, Colby and I will just be going. Mind your sister, boys. If we get back and there's been trouble, you won't be liking life too much. Georgia, don't take any excuses. Okay, bye.”
With that, Colby and Ginny left out the front door and headed to the barn. Colby quickly saddled his horse, climbed up and pulled Ginny to sit on his lap. They were off to find some peace and quiet and hopefully, sex.
They stopped by the same swimming hole that Ginny had visited earlier with Nate. She couldn't think of a better spot, since they could have privacy, then enjoy a nice swim afterwards. The air was filled with the sweet smell of flowers that were growing near the water's edge.
Ginny watched as Colby laid a blanket down on the soft grass. He retrieved the basket with the food and set it aside. As Ginny was reaching down to feel the water, she turned to see Colby had already taken off his boots and socks. In the next few moments, he had his shirt and pants off as well, keeping his long drawers on. It wasn't like Ginny couldn't see his excitement level. Colby hadn't taken his eyes off her the whole time he'd been undressing.
Standing there in his near nakedness, Colby held out his hand. Without a word, Ginny approached him, while removing her shirt. She had opted for her blouse and pants, rather than the cumbersome skirt and seven layers of underwear. She did have on a tight fitting, corset top with chemise. Riding a horse without any support would have been murder.
She opened her pants and let them drop to the ground. She kicked off her shoes, slipped off the pants with the socks. Now she stood before him in the short chemise. She reached in front and loosened her stays. Colby's eyes widened as Ginny's plump breasts popped out of the tight fitting top. She could hear his breathing get ragged as he reached for her.
Colby kissed her immediately, running his fingers in her hair and caressing her face. Before she could think, he had her lying on the ground next to him, pulling apart her top and fondling her. As his mouth kissed other parts of her face and neck, he whispered sweet endearments. Ginny got lost in the moment, enjoying his attention.
The only sounds were the birds chirping in the trees and their desperate breathing. When his hand reached up her leg, Ginny opened up for him, allowing him to explore her further. His fingers found her sensitive nub and began a rhythmic motion. Without thinking, Ginny reached down and grabbed him through his drawers, soliciting a hiss from Colby.
She looked at him and demanded, “Take those off.”
Smiling his compliance, he stood and pulled down his drawers to reveal himself to her for the first time. Seeing him naked, Ginny had that stab of love once again. She was too old to mistake lust and love, but at that point, it didn't matter. She knew what she wanted and dammit if she wouldn't get it.
Lowering himself slowly to the ground, he settled once again between her legs. He pulled down her chemise to fully expose her. He examined each breast in turn and decided on one. Taking the nipple into his mouth, he sucked gently as his fingers once again found her nub. He used one finger to enter her, finding her impossibly wet. Colby felt his control slipping.
He looked at her as he slipped his finger into her, watching her face as she shivered from his invasion. “I have never wanted a woman like I want you right now, Mrs. Miller.”
Ginny picked up her head and raised herself on her elbows. She sat up and grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him. “Then take me. Now.”
“My pleasure,” was his response. He lowered her to the ground, kissing her as they went. Ginny reached down and grabbed hold of him. He was so hard, but after waiting so long, it wasn't a shock. The situation had become dire, with need and want.
He moved her legs to open her up more. Then he whispered his warning. “This may hurt a little, my love. I promise to go slow. If you tell me to stop, I will.”
Ginny, laid back against the blanket, her hair all spread out around her head, said, “I'll be fine. Please don't wait any longer.”
Lowering himself on top of her, he reached down to direct himself inside of her. Just as the head had pushed through the entrance, they heard hoofbeats. Colby stopped to listen, to make sure whoever it was wasn't coming near them. As it became obvious that the direction of the rider was searching them out, Colby cursed.
“Goddammit, somebody better be dead.”
Colby only had a moment to retrieve his drawers and pull them on before the rider broke through the trees. Using his body to shield Ginny, giving her a little time to straighten herself, Colby saw Vas get off his horse. Vas respectfully turned and looked away as Ginny and Colby dressed.
When they were decent, Colby turned back to his friend and asked, “What could be so important, Vas?” His voice was low, nearly growling.
Vas turned around and walked over. “I'm really sorry, Colby. You know I wouldn't have come out here unless it was important.” Vas looked over at Ginny, he looked almost angry at her.
He continued, not taking his eyes off Ginny. “Some people showed up shortly after you left. They were claiming to be Ginny's kin.”
“What?” This was from Ginny. Her family was here? Her real family? Ginny forgot all about her unspent passion and looked back at Vas. “Who were they? Did they say what happened to me?”
Vas turned toward Colby. “They said she ran away to avoid a marriage.”
Colby turned toward his wife. He didn't appear angry, just sad. “Well, I guess we'd better go and see what this is all about.”
After packing up their picnic, the three rode back to the ranch. As they approached, Ginny saw a carriage sitting in front of the house. Both boys were climbing on top and looking inside. The coachman was showing them around it.
Vas took both horses as Ginny and Colby walked toward the house. Ginny started to feel a strange intimidation. She still couldn't remember anything, but for some reason, she knew this was going to be bad. Pushing past the feeling, she recognized it for what it was. “The big problem.” It was the “thing” that would conspire to keep the two lovers apart. As predictable as it was, when forced to live it, it made Ginny very uneasy.
The boys spotted them and came running over. Their voices were full of excitement.
“Ain't it grand, Ginny. John was showing us the coach. You should see the inside,” Nate was so excited he probably didn't even realize he had spoken so much in front of Colby.
Frank chimed in next. “There are two men. One says he's your pa. I don't know who the other is, cause he wouldn't talk. Looks kinda angry. You want us to protect you, Ginny?”
Forcing a smile to her lips, Ginny said, “Thank you, Frank, but that won't be necessary.” Lowering herself to Frank's level, she whispered, “If I need protecting, I'm sure your brother can handle it.” She winked at him and followed Colby into the house. The boys went back to examining the coach.
They entered the parlor, side by side, and faced the two gentlemen sitting in opposing chairs. An older man, with short, salt and pepper hair, stood up first and faced Ginny. There was no tenderness in his eyes. He looked every bit a harsh taskmaster.
“You've put us through a great deal of trouble, Cassandra. We've had to travel halfway across this country to find you.”
At the sound of his voice, Ginny was slammed with her memories. In an instant, she knew who she was and what had happened to her. She'd been waiting for those memories for weeks, but wasn't so happy to have them. All she knew was she was in big trouble. Swaying under her father's gaze, Ginny turned to Colby and promptly passed out cold.