Act As If
Meditation and Reflection
I am believing and acting as if I am already where I want to be.
I am exuding self-confidence and asking for what I want with complete faith that I will get it.
I am laying down powerful blueprints in my subconscious mind to make my dreams come true.
Believe and act as if it were impossible to fail.
Engineer, businessman, and inventor with over 186 patents
One of the greatest strategies for success is to act as if you are already where you want to be. That requires you to think, talk, act, dress, and feel like you have already achieved your goals. Acting “as if” projects to the world a sense of confidence and achievement, sending powerful messages to your subconscious mind, which is designed to find unique ways to solve problems. It also programs your brain’s reticular activating system—the function that allows into your awareness useful information from the millions of pieces of information you process every day—to make you aware of hidden resources that may help you. What’s more, when you act as if, The Law of Attraction comes into play, since acting “as if” sends strong vibrations to the Universe that you are committed to achieving your goal—and that you are open to accepting and applying anything it sends your way.
One of my favorite books is Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, who writes, “To fly as fast as thought, to be anywhere there is, you must first begin by knowing that you have already arrived.” Pretty sound advice and one of life’s greatest lessons.
I am believing and acting as if I am already where I want to be.
You can begin right now to act as if you’ve already achieved the goals you set for yourself. Once you start acting successful, that outer experience will create the inner experience—the feelings, emotions, confidence, and thoughts—that will lead you to the fulfillment of your goal.
How would you act if you were already a straight-A student, a bestselling author, an Olympic athlete, a top salesperson, a celebrated musician, or a successful entrepreneur? How would you think, talk, carry yourself, dress, treat other people, handle money, and so forth?
There are a couple of very important lessons we can learn from the behavior of successful people: they exude self-confidence, they’ve learned the power of asking for what they want, they speak up about what they don’t want, they take risks and celebrate their successes, and they also save a portion of their income and share a portion with others.
These are all things that you can start to do right now. They don’t cost more money, but they do require intention. And as soon as you start acting “as if,” the people and things that will help you achieve your goals in real life will start being drawn to you.
I am exuding self-confidence and asking for what I want with complete faith that I will get it.
It’s imperative that you start now being who you want to be—don’t let any more time pass while you’re “thinking it over.” Why? Because inaction is the same as never taking action. Start now and be who you want to be, then do the things that go along with being that person, and soon you’ll find that you easily have everything you want in life—health, wealth, fulfilling relationships, and social impact.
Tania Kotsos, author and creator of Mind Your Reality, says: “It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and programs. To change your circumstances and attract to yourself that which you choose, you must learn to program and re-program your subconscious mind.”
For thousands of years this principle has been with us and yet so few people actually put it to use. Let those words inspire you into action!
I am laying down powerful blueprints in my subconscious mind to make my dreams come true.