
Develop New Success Habits



Meditation and Reflection

I am developing new habits of focused action and personal discipline and maintaining high levels of energy that contribute significantly to my success.

I am consciously eliminating habits that inhibit my growth and limit my success.

I am systematically adding one new beneficial habit at a time that will dramatically improve my life.

The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him—and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires.

Founder of Getty Oil Company and philanthropist

One of the problems of people with bad habits is that the results of their poor habits often aren’t conspicuous until much later in life. But when you have chronic bad habits, like it or not, life will eventually deliver the consequences. Negative habits breed negative consequences; positive habits breed positive consequences.

Successful people don’t just drift to the top—they apply focused attention, self-discipline, and energy to get there. Since habits determine our outcomes, successful people have to be hyper-aware of their habits and behaviors.

Start your habit-driven path to success by adding one new habit every quarter; research shows that if you repeat a new behavior for 13 weeks, it will be yours for life. Today is the day to start.

I am developing new habits of focused action and personal discipline and maintaining high levels of energy that contribute significantly to my success.

Robert J. Ringer, author of Million Dollar Habits, said, “Success is a matter of understanding and religiously practicing specific, simple habits that always lead to success.” According to psychologists, up to 90% of our behavior is habitual. Think about that—from waking up in the morning, to eating breakfast, to driving to work, to going shopping, to cooking or eating out, to how you spend your weekends, to all the little rituals you have before going to sleep. Habits are what keep you going—they allow you to do more than one thing at a time and they keep your life in order. But, some habits don’t benefit you at all and you may not even be aware of them—if they’re detrimental to your success, it’s time to take an inventory and replace them with better habits that move you forward.

We all have good habits and bad habits—but every single one of them is responsible for where and who you are today. Every habit produces some form of result. Because of that, it’s imperative that you become more aware of your habits—especially the negative ones that can hold you back from success.

I am consciously eliminating habits that inhibit my growth and limit my success.

There are two steps to implementing new, beneficial habits that will take you in a forward direction. Step One is to make a list of all your bad habits that contribute nothing beneficial to your life—and that negatively impact your current situation and your future. Be objective about your limiting habits—review the list below for common pitfalls:

Once you’ve made your list and identified negative habits, the second step is to choose more productive success habits and develop systems to support them. If you used this strategy to implement just four new success habits a year—one every quarter—in five years you would have 20 new habits that could bring you wealth, health, happiness, and a host of new opportunities.

I am systematically adding one new beneficial habit at a time that will dramatically improve my life.