
Listen to Your Gut Instincts



Meditation and Reflection

I am committed to being super-successful—I have developed my intuition and learned to trust my instincts and follow my inner guidance.

As I meditate and become more spiritually attuned, I am connecting with my higher self through words, images, and sensations.

I have all the resources I need in my own mind;
I am tapping into my intuition and achieving a greater level of success.

Brain researchers estimate that your unconscious database outweighs the conscious on an order exceeding ten million to one. This database is the source of your hidden, natural genius. In other words, a part of you is much smarter than you are. The wise people regularly consult that smarter part.

Author of How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci

Early education and training taught us to look for answers outside ourselves, yet many of the most successful people in the world practice some type of daily meditation to access the vast resources and wisdom inside themselves. Most of them have actually learned to develop their intuition, follow their inner guidance, and trust their gut instincts. By using your intuition, you can make better decisions, be quicker at problem solving, access your creative genius, discern hidden motives in others, create winning strategies, visualize new opportunities, and make more money.

With today’s affirmation, we’ll begin focusing on connecting with your core self—looking inside instead of outside for answers to your questions.

I am committed to being super-successful—I have developed my intuition and learned to trust my instincts and follow my inner guidance.

Have you ever been thinking about someone you haven’t spoken to in a while and out of the blue, they call? Or maybe you’ve had an idea about how to move forward on a goal or project you’re involved with—and the necessary resources magically show up? That was your intuition at work, and you can learn to tap into it at will to achieve greater success.

To connect with your natural intuition and untapped wisdom, allowing it to speak to you, you need to get quiet. So much of our day is a busy, harried, noise-filled existence. Meditation, on the other hand, removes distractions and deepens our intuition so we can better recognize subtle impulses, the sound of our higher self, or the voice of God speaking to us.

During your meditation time, ask it questions like:

When you get an answer, a feeling, or an idea out of the blue, write it down so you don’t lose the information. Take immediate action on the ideas you get.

As I meditate and become more spiritually attuned, I am connecting with my higher self through words, images, and sensations.

Trusting yourself is another form of trusting your intuition. The more trust you have, the more success you will have, too. You don’t get credit for what stays in your mind, you get credit for what you write down and actually do.

Successful people not only inquire within and trust their intuition, they live in a state of mindfulness. Mind-set matters—a lot. Mindfulness is a state of active, open, nonjudgmental attention on the present. Even though you focus a lot of time on your future goals and how to achieve them, it is imperative that you stay grounded in the present—that you take action and maintain a growth-oriented mind-set.

Developing mindfulness, trusting your intuition, meditating, and learning to recognize answers, and inquiring within, will help you stay focused on doing the things that will get you where you want to go. In the meantime, remember that life is a dance, and mindfulness is taking the time to witness and enjoy that dance. Slowing down and being mindful in the present, will actually help you build a more successful future faster.

I have all the resources I need in my own mind; I am tapping into my intuition and achieving a greater level of success.