Tell the Truth
Sooner Rather Than Later
Meditation and Reflection
I am actively practicing the habit of speaking my mind and telling the truth sooner, no matter how difficult the topic or circumstances.
I am regularly bringing up important information and telling the truth, which makes me feel relieved, energized, and healthy.
I am telling the truth as soon as possible because it allows me to deal in reality and find the best resolution.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
(Often credited to George Orwell)
It takes energy to withhold the truth, keep a secret, or keep up an act. We avoid telling the truth sometimes because the consequences are uncomfortable. We don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings or we’re afraid they will get upset or even angry. But, when no one is telling the truth, we can’t solve anything from a basis in reality. We just waste energy that could be better focused on creating more success in all areas of our lives. We can accomplish so much more when vital information is shared and acted upon.
For each of us, there are three areas that need to be shared most: resentments that have built up, unmet needs and demands underlying those resentments, and unexpressed gratitude.
Telling the truth when it’s uncomfortable is one of the most valuable practices, yet it’s one of the most difficult to do. We worry so much about hurting other people’s feelings that we don’t express our own true feelings and we hurt ourselves instead. But it doesn’t have to be that way—we can change.
I am actively practicing the habit of speaking my mind and telling the truth sooner, no matter how difficult the topic or circumstances.
There’s no perfect time to tell the truth, but becoming accustomed to telling it sooner rather than later is one of the most important success skills you will learn. It can be uncomfortable. It will likely cause reactions—sometimes emotional ones. But if you get into the habit of speaking the truth as soon as you think it, that’s being authentic. People will know they can count on you. Your intentions, goals, and plans will never be misunderstood. Others will trust you more because they will always know where you stand.
If there are so many positive benefits to bringing up the difficult and telling the truth, why then do people hesitate? The most common excuse is I don’t want to hurt anybody’s feelings. But what’s actually happening is that you’re avoiding how you will feel if they get upset. It’s the coward’s way out of having to put all your cards on the table. Hiding the truth will always backfire, and the longer you do it, the more of a disservice you do to others and to yourself.
You don’t like it when someone is dishonest with you and withholds the truth. They won’t like it either when they find out you hid the truth from them. Avoid all of that by speaking up as soon as you can. Done it in the right spirit—without being hurtful—you’ll get respect for telling the truth.
I am regularly bringing up important information and telling the truth, which makes me feel relieved, energized, and healthy.
Here’s another thought on telling the truth faster. If you hold back because you have a fear of being judged, you will have to monitor your conversations, remember who was told what, and come up with excuses about why you can’t do this or that. Simply stating your reason and moving on is freedom—it’s powerful and shows very impressive self-confidence.
Finally, when you tell the truth sooner rather than later, you and those you live and work with can deal with the reality of the situation and find a workable solution rather than remaining stuck in some illusion that is being maintained by not addressing the truth.
I am telling the truth as soon as possible because it allows me to deal in reality and find the best resolution.