Develop a Positive
Money Consciousness
Meditation and Reflection
I am making positive choices about what to do with my money and enjoying the energy of abundance that it reflects.
I am creating all the money I want and need to accomplish everything I want to do in life.
I am releasing negative thoughts and emotions about money and feeling happy and free to visualize my dreams.
A lack of money is not the problem; it is merely a symptom of what’s going on inside you.
Bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
Financial success starts in the mind. While it may seem strange to have limiting beliefs and a negative predisposition about money, it’s a fact that affects many people. Messages that we believe in childhood carry forward into our adult years. Then, our adult experiences often reinforce what we thought we knew: Money is difficult to make and even harder to manage. Wealth is not for people like me. Life is hard.
The key to having more money in your life is to change your money consciousness to a more positive mind-set, then focus on ways to bring more money into your life—and manage it wisely. Through the principles you’re learning in this book—affirmations, deciding what you want, believing it’s possible, and acting as if—it’s easy to gradually shift your mind-set and develop a positive money consciousness.
What can you do to make more money? What does your daily meditation reveal that is a previously overlooked way to accumulate wealth? Can you recruit mentors or coaches to help you think like wealthy people do?
I am making positive choices about what to do with my money and enjoying the energy of abundance that it reflects.
hat did you learn about money from your parents, teachers, and others when you were a child or young adult? Are any of these messages sabotaging your financial success?
Wealth brings pain and misery: It’s not uncommon for a child to be exposed to volatile arguments about money (or the lack thereof). Those memories are painful and cause negative emotions attached to money.
Becoming rich would violate the family code: In many low- to middle-income families, there’s a universal belief that rich people earn their wealth on the backs of the poor and take advantage of the average person. This isn’t always true, of course, but in some households, being poor is a badge of honor and keeps you equivalent to your neighbors.
The “good life” comes at a sacrifice: Do you know how much your parents had to give up so that you could have a musical instrument, go to private school, or compete in your chosen sport? These messages of lack negatively associate wealth and ease with hardship and sacrifice.
Eliminate these misconceptions from your thoughts. Money is available in an almost infinite supply. What do you need to do to pursue greater wealth and earnings?
I am creating all the money I want and need to accomplish everything I want to do in life.
Bob Proctor, author of The Power to Have It All and a featured teacher in the movie The Secret, said, “The present state of your bank account is nothing more than the physical manifestation of your previous thinking.” Let’s turn around your limiting beliefs with this powerful three-step program:
1) Write down your limiting belief about money: It takes money to make money.
2) Challenge it with statements that are actually true: For the right business idea, people will invest seed capital to get me started. There are many businesses that I can start on less than $500, such as consulting, network marketing, or becoming a service provider. I can get a promotion and a raise if
I join the company’s free management-training program.
3) Create a positive turnaround statement: Everything I need to make money easily is showing up at no cost to me. Say it out loud with passion several times a day for at least 30 days and it will be yours forever.
Finally, use the power of visualization to see yourself enjoying the things that you want—as if you already have them. Add the sensation of touching it, feeling it, and hearing what it sounds like.
I am releasing negative thoughts and emotions about money and feeling happy and free to visualize my dreams.