



Be not too sad of thy sorrow, of thy joy be not too glad


Throughout the world the British were once famed for their stiff upper lip; but is this sort of imperturbability really no more than a paper-thin façade for some extremely strong feelings beneath?

ugsomeness (1440) loathing

jump salty (US slang 1996) to become angry

brain (Middle English 1100–1500) furious

throw sarcasm (Jamaican English 1835) to relieve one’s emotions by speaking out about one’s dislike for or sense of grievance against another

unbosom (1628) to disclose one’s personal thoughts or feelings


It’s now generally agreed that it’s better to let it all out than keep it in:

dudgeon (1597) a resentful anger (dudgeon was a wood used to make dagger hilts)

mumpish (1721) sullenly angry; depressed in spirits

wooden swearing (US slang b.1935) showing anger by acts of violence or roughness, as in knocking furniture about

go postal (US slang 1986) to lose your temper, behave with irrational violence, especially as a result of workplace stress (from a postal worker who killed fourteen fellow employees and wounded six before shooting himself)


Tears, too, are regarded as a good thing these days. But it doesn’t stop them sometimes making for a kankedort (Chaucer: Troylus 1374) an awkward situation:

gowl (c.1300) to weep bitterly or threateningly

skirllie-weeack (Banffshire) to cry with a shrill voice

grizzle (1842) to fret, sulk; to cry in a whining or whimpering fashion

sinsorg (Anglo-Saxon) perpetual grief

bubble (Geordie) to weep



Luckily sunshine eventually follows rain. Words describing happiness offer fascinating barometers into history. For instance, the Old English word for joy, dream, also describes music and ecstasy – an intriguing view into the mind-frame of our ancestors…

froligozene (Tudor–Stuart) rejoice! be happy!

fleshment (Shakespeare: King Lear 1605) excitement from a first success

felicificability (1865) capacity for happiness

macarism (mid 19C) taking pleasure in another’s joy

maffick (1900) to rejoice with an extravagant and boisterous public celebration

kef (1808) a state of voluptuous dreaminess, full of languid contentment (originally used to describe the effects of opium)


We can’t all be a grinagog (1565), one who is always grinning. But the contrast is all the better when we do finally get to see the funny side:

cachinnate (1824) to laugh loudly and immoderately

winnick (Lincolnshire) to giggle and laugh alternatively

snirtle (1785) to laugh in a quiet or restrained manner

popjoy (1853) to amuse oneself

goistering (Sussex) loud feminine laughter



Humour is often cruel. At the heart of slapstick are a series of jokes that amuse only those who set them up:

press ham (US college slang 1950s) to press a bare buttock against a window and shock passers-by

squelch-belch (Winchester College 1920) a paper bag of water dropped from an upper window onto people below

to catch the owl (late 18C) to play a trick on an innocent countryman, who is decoyed into a barn under the pretext of catching an owl: when he enters, a bucket of water is poured on his head

tiddley-bumpin’ (Lincolnshire) tapping on a window pane with a button on a length of cotton secured to the frame by a pin (a device used by boys to annoy neighbours)

pigeon’s milk (1777) an imaginary article for which children are sent on a fool’s errand (traditionally on April 1st)

squashed tomatoes (1950s) a game that involves knocking on a door and then rushing away as the homeowner answers it (also known as knock down ginger (England and Canada), ding-dong ditch (US), chappy (Scotland), dolly knock (Ireland)


jest (13C from Latin and French) a deed or exploit; then (15C) idle talk

engine (13C from Latin via Old French) contrivance, artifice; then (14C) genius

frantic (14C) insane

negotiate (16C from Latin) ill at ease; not at leisure

to have a chip on one’s shoulder (US 19C) of a custom in which a boy who wanted to give vent to his feelings placed a chip of wood on his shoulder in order to challenge any boy who dared to knock it off