This Latin morphemes section is from: Alene H. Harris, PhD, Latin Morphemes Lessons: Latin and Loving It! (2nd edition, 2010). Her website is
LATIN morphemes index
ad-; af-; ag-; ap-; as- |
to; toward; near |
mill- |
thousand |
ante- |
before |
multi- |
many |
ben- |
good |
ne- |
not |
bi- |
two; twice; double |
novem- |
nine |
cent- |
hundred |
oct- |
eight |
co- |
together |
omni- |
all |
com-; con- |
with; together |
op- |
against |
de- |
down; from; away; very |
pre-; pro- |
before |
dec-; decem- |
ten |
prim- |
first |
deci- |
tenth |
quadr- |
four |
di-; dis- |
not; apart |
quasi- |
seemingly; as if |
du- |
two |
quatr- |
fourth |
ex-; e- |
out |
re- |
again; anew |
extra- |
outside |
semi- |
half |
il- |
in; not |
sept- |
seven |
in-; im-; en- |
in; not |
sex- |
six |
inter- |
between |
sub- |
under; less than |
intra- |
within |
super- |
above; over; more than |
intro- |
within |
tert- |
third |
mal- |
bad; ill |
trans- |
across; through; into another state |
medi- |
middle |
un- |
not |
uni- |
one |
This Latin morphemes section is from: Alene H. Harris, PhD, Latin Morphemes Lessons: Latin and Loving It! (2nd edition, 2010). Her website is
ali |
feed; nourish; support |
crim |
crime; judgment; accusation |
alt |
tall; high |
cumb |
lie; recline |
ambul |
walk |
cur |
care |
anim |
life; spirit; soul; mind |
curs |
run |
angul |
angle |
dent |
tooth |
annu; enni |
year |
dict; dicat |
say; speak; proclaim; set apart |
aqua |
water |
digit |
finger; toe |
arbitr |
consider; judge |
divis |
separate |
arg |
silver |
doc |
teach |
aud; aur |
hear |
dorm |
sleep |
aug; auct |
increase; grow |
dub |
doubt |
aur |
gold |
duc |
lead |
belli; bellum |
war |
equ |
equal; fair |
brev |
short |
err |
stray; wander |
cad; casc |
fall |
esse |
be; exist |
capit |
head |
fa |
speak |
card; cord |
heart |
fact |
do; make; cause |
cardin |
essential; chief |
far |
divine law |
carn |
flesh |
fatu |
foolish |
ced |
move; withdraw |
ferr |
iron (mineral) |
cept; cip |
take |
fict |
imagine |
cern |
sift; separate; distinguish; decide |
fid |
faith |
clin |
lean; incline |
fili |
son; daughter |
cogn |
recognize |
fisc |
purse |
corpor |
body |
fix |
fasten; pierce |
crea |
create; make |
flex |
bend |
cred; credit |
believe; trust |
fort |
strong |
cresc |
grow |
fortu |
chance |
lin |
line; thread |
frag ; frang |
break |
lingu |
language; tongue |
frater ; fratr |
brother |
liter |
letter |
fugit |
flee |
litig |
dispute |
garrul |
chatter; talk |
locat |
place |
gen ; gener |
origin; kind (type) |
long |
long |
gest |
bear; carry |
loqu |
speak |
gress |
step |
lucr |
gain; profit |
gust |
taste |
magn |
great; large |
habil |
able; fit |
mand |
to put into the hands of; entrust; order |
habit |
dwell |
mani; manu |
hand |
her; hes |
stick; cling |
mani ; manu |
hand |
ig; ag |
do; drive; act |
mater; matr |
mother |
ign |
fire |
merc |
trade |
inhib |
hold in |
migrat |
move; travel |
Integer; integr |
whole; untouched |
mir |
wonder |
jace |
lie |
misc |
mix |
ject |
throw |
miss |
send; let go |
judic |
judge; decide |
mob |
move |
jur |
right; justice; law |
mod |
manner; measure |
juven |
young |
mor |
custom |
langu |
faint; weary |
morb |
illness |
lat |
wide |
mord |
bite; sting |
late |
hide |
mort |
death |
later |
side |
mur |
wall |
leg |
read |
nasc ; nat |
be born |
leg |
law |
negat |
deny |
lig |
bind; gather; choose |
mir |
wonder |
neutr |
neither |
preci |
price; value |
nom; nomin |
name |
prehen |
grasp |
norm |
rule; pattern |
press |
press |
nov |
new |
prob |
test; prove |
numer |
number |
prol |
offspring |
nutr |
nourish |
propr |
one’s own; individual |
ocul |
eye |
pug; pugn |
fight; fist |
ora |
mouth; speech; prayer |
punct; pung |
point; prick |
ordin |
order; rank; series |
put |
think; suppose |
oscill |
swing |
quadr |
four |
oss |
bone |
quart |
fourth |
palp |
touch |
queru |
complain |
pans; pand |
spread |
quis |
seek; ask |
par; peer |
equal |
ratio |
relationship; reason |
part |
separate; divide |
roga |
ask |
pass |
suffer; feel |
rota |
wheel |
pater; patr |
father |
rupt |
burst |
patri |
fatherland |
sag |
wise; shrewd |
pauci |
few |
sanguin |
blood |
pecu |
one’s own |
sanct |
holy; sacred |
ped |
foot |
sci |
know |
pell |
Drive; push |
script |
write |
pend |
hang |
sed |
settle |
pens |
pay |
semble |
together |
pet |
seek; attack |
sen |
old |
plic |
fold; twist; weave |
sens |
feel; be aware |
pon ; pos |
put; place |
sequ |
follow |
pond |
weigh |
serve |
save; protect |
preca |
pray |
sesqu |
one and one-half |
serve |
serve |
ten; tend; tens |
stretch |
sesqu |
one and one-half |
terr |
land |
simul |
likeness; pretense |
torp |
stupor; numbness |
sinu |
bend; wind |
tort |
twist |
sip |
taste; discern; be wise |
tot |
whole; entire |
sist |
stand |
tract |
draw; pull |
soli |
alone; only |
trud |
thrust |
solut |
loose; set free |
vacill |
waver |
somn |
sleep |
vag |
wander |
son |
sound |
ven |
come |
soror |
sister |
ver |
truth |
spect |
look at; examine |
verb |
word |
spir |
breathe; coil |
verge |
tend towards; bend |
stat |
stand |
verse |
turn |
stimul |
goad; rouse |
veter |
experienced; old |
stinct |
prick out |
vir |
man |
strict; string |
bind |
virtu |
strength; virtue; skill; artistry |
sui |
oneself |
vis |
see |
tac |
silent |
vit ; viv |
live |
tain; ten; tent; tenu |
hold |
voc |
voice; call |
tang |
touch |
vol |
wish; will |
tect |
cover |
vola |
fly |
tempor |
time |
volu |
roll |
vor |
eat |
-able; -ible; -ble |
able to be (adj.) |
-ic; -ile; -ive |
relating to (adj.) |
-acious |
having the quality of (adj.) |
-id |
relating to (adj.) |
-age |
thing which (n.) |
-ify |
do; make; cause |
-al |
relating to; like (adj.) |
-ion |
condition; quality; act (n.) |
-ant; -ent |
relating to (adj.); thing which (n) |
-ist |
one who |
-ary |
person who; relating too |
-ity |
condition; quality; act (n.) |
-ate |
do; make; cause (v.) |
-ium |
place in which |
-ate |
having the quality of (adj.) |
-ize |
do; make; cause |
-cide |
kill |
-late; -lation; -lative |
carry; bear |
-ence |
condition; quality; act (n.) |
-ory |
thing which; relating to |
-escent |
growing |
-ous; -ose |
full of (n.) |
-ferous |
bearing; carrying (adj.) |
-parous |
bearing; producing |
-fic |
causing |
-ude; -ure |
act; state (n.) |
-ian |
person who |