Appendix A
Fine Points of WJ IV ACH Administration and WJ IV OL Administration

Appendix A.1: Fine Points of WJ IV ACH Administration

Standard Battery

  • Know the exact pronunciation of each word before administering the test.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Ask the examinee to reread all the items on the page when a response is unclear; score only the item in question.
  • Do not tell the examinee any letters or words during the test.
  • Give the reminder to pronounce the word smoothly only once during test.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Encourage the examinee to try the next word after 5 seconds unless the examinee is still actively engaged in trying to pronounce the word.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Use the worksheet in the Response Booklet.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Read all of the items to the examinee.
  • Provide the Response Booklet and a pencil at any time if the examinee requests it or appears to need it (e.g., uses finger to write on table).
  • Give the examinee a pencil and the Response Booklet at Item 25.
  • Repeat any question if requested by examinee.
  • Query the response when needed.
  • Do not require a unit label (e.g., cents) unless it is listed as required in the Test Book.
  • Score the item incorrect if the response is wrong or if the examinee provides an incorrect unit label (required or not).
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Know the correct pronunciation of all items.
  • Do not penalize for poor handwriting or reversed letters as long as the letter does not become a new letter (e.g., a reversed b becomes a d, so it would be an error).
  • Request that the examinee use printed (manuscript) responses, but accept cursive.
  • Accept upper- or lowercase responses unless the case is specified, such as in the initial items.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Begin with the Introduction for examinees at a preschool or kindergarten level.
  • Begin with Item 5 for all examinees at a grade 1 level.
  • Begin with Sample Item B for all other examinees and then select an appropriate starting point.
  • Do not insist on silent reading if the examinee persists in reading aloud.
  • Do not tell the examinee any words.
  • Accept only one-word responses unless otherwise noted in the key.
  • Ask for the one word that goes in the blank if the examinee reads the item aloud and provides the answer in context.
  • Score responses that differ in verb tense or number as correct, unless otherwise specified.
  • Score responses that substitute different parts of speech as incorrect, unless otherwise specified.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Discontinue testing and record a score of 0 if the examinee responds incorrectly to both sample items.
  • Accept poorly formed or reversed numbers.
  • Score transposed numbers (e.g., 14 for 41) as incorrect.
  • Score skipped items as incorrect.
  • Complete any queries as listed in the Test Book.
  • Do not point out or remind the examinee to look at the signs.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Administer the prescribed block of items.
  • Read any word to examinee upon request.
  • Do not penalize for spelling, punctuation, capitalization, or usage errors unless otherwise noted in the scoring guide.
  • Ask examinee to write more neatly if responses are illegible or difficult to read.
  • Consult the Adjusted Items Block chart to determine when additional items need to be administered (the score falls within a shaded area).
  • Use the Scoring Guide in Appendix B of the Examiner's Manual to score items after testing.
  • Score Items 1 through 6 as 1 or 0 points as indicated in Scoring Guide.
  • Score Items 7 and higher 2, 1, or 0 points as indicated in Scoring Guide.
  • Know that 0.5 and 1.5 can be used for scoring responses that fall between examples for 0 and 1 or 1 and 2.
  • Do not penalize for spelling or handwriting errors unless the words are illegible.
  • Score sentences that are illegible as 0.
  • Do not ask examinee to read the response for the purpose of scoring the item.
  • Alternate between higher and lower scores when unsure of how to score certain items.
  • Score items based on examinee's interpretation of the picture.
  • Select and score the one sentence that best satisfies the task demands if examinee writes more than one sentence for an item.
  • Reduce the score by 1 point for severe grammatical or usage errors or if a significant word is illegible.
  • Do not penalize for minor grammatical or usage errors.
  • Round scores ending in .5 to the nearest even number, not always up.
  • Enter the score for only one block of items (even if more than one block was administered) into the online scoring program.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Know the correct pronunciation of all items before administering the test.
  • Say the most common sound (phoneme) for letters printed within slashes, such as /p/, not the letter name.
  • If the examinee pronounces the nonword phoneme-by-phoneme or syllable-by-syllable, remind the examinee only once during the test to say the word smoothly.
  • Ask the examinee to reread all the items on the page if a response is unclear; score only the item in question.
  • Do not tell the examinee any letters or words during the test.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Record errors for further analysis.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Follow the Continuation Instructions to determine what to administer or when to discontinue testing.
  • Have the examinee read sentences aloud.
  • Know the correct pronunciation of all words.
  • Score as errors mispronunciations, omissions, insertions, substitutions, hesitations of 3 seconds, repetitions, transpositions, and ignoring punctuation.
  • Count hyphenated words as one word.
  • Mark a slash (/) at each point on the Test Record where an error occurs.
  • After a hesitation of 3 seconds, mark the word as an error and tell the examinee to go on to the next word.
  • Do not count self-corrections within 3 seconds as errors.
  • Score each sentence as a 2 (no errors), 1 (one error), or 0 (two or more errors).
  • Record the number of points earned on items administered.
  • Use a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Begin with the sample items for all examinees.
  • Discontinue testing and record a score of 0 in the Test Record if the examinee has three or fewer correct on the Practice Exercises C through F.
  • Adhere to the 3-minute time limit.
  • Record the exact starting and stopping times if not using a stopwatch.
  • Record the exact finishing time in minutes and seconds on the Test Record.
  • Remind the examinee to read each sentence if he or she appears to be answering items without reading.
  • Do not tell the examinee any letters or words.
  • Remind the examinee to continue if he or she stops at the bottom of a page or column.
  • Count the number of correct responses and the number of errors.
  • Do not count skipped items as errors.
  • Enter both the number correct and the number incorrect into the online scoring program.
  • Subtract the number incorrect from the number correct when obtaining estimated AE/GE from the Test Record.
  • Use the scoring-guide overlay to facilitate scoring.
  • Use a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Have all examinees begin with Item 1.
  • Discontinue testing if the examinee has three or fewer correct after 1 minute, and then record a time of 1 minute and the number correct (0 to 3) in the Test Record.
  • Adhere to the 3-minute time limit.
  • Record the exact starting and stopping times if not using a stopwatch.
  • Record the exact finishing time in minutes and seconds on the Test Record.
  • Do not draw attention to the signs or remind the examinee to pay attention to signs during the test.
  • Do not mark poorly formed or reversed numbers as errors.
  • Remind the examinee to proceed across the page from left to right, row by row, if he or she starts skipping around.
  • Remind the examinee to continue if he or she stops at the bottom of the first page.
  • Use the scoring-guide overlay to facilitate scoring.
  • Use a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Begin with the sample items for all examinees.
  • Discontinue testing if the examinee has a score of 0 on Sample Items B through D after error correction and record a score of 0 in the Test Record.
  • Discontinue testing if the examinee has three or fewer correct after 2 minutes, and then record a time of 2 minutes and the number correct (0 to 3) in the Test Record.
  • Adhere to the 5-minute time limit.
  • Record exact starting and stopping times if not using a stopwatch.
  • Record exact finishing time in minutes and seconds on the Test Record.
  • Read a stimulus word to the examinee upon request.
  • Remind the examinee to continue if he or she stops at the bottom of a page.
  • Score responses that are complete, reasonable sentences using all target words as correct.
  • Know that the target words may not be changed in any way (e.g., verb tense or nouns changed from singular to plural).
  • Do not mark spelling, punctuation, or capitalization errors as incorrect.
  • Do not penalize for poor handwriting unless the response is illegible.
  • Score skipped items as incorrect.
  • Score responses that omit critical words as incorrect.
  • Score responses that omit less meaningful words (e.g., the or a) as correct if all other criteria are met.
  • Accept abbreviations (e.g., w/ for with) or symbols (e.g., & for and) if all other criteria are met.

Extended Battery

  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Follow the Continuation Instructions to determine when to continue testing or when to stop.
  • Do not tell the examinee any words.
  • Allow the examinee to read each story silently only one time.
  • Know the elements to be scored are listed on the Test Record.
  • Score the element as correct if the key word or words (in bold) or a close synonym is used during retelling.
  • Score elements as correct even if recalled in a different order.
  • Do not penalize for mispronunciations due to articulation errors, dialect variations, or regional speech.
  • Score a response correct if it differs from correct response listed only in possessive case, verb tense, or number (singular/plural), unless otherwise indicated in the scoring key.
  • Know that any number that is a key word (in bold) must be recalled exactly.
  • Score derivations of names as correct (e.g., Annie for Ann).
  • Provide the worksheet in the Response Booklet and a pencil when directed.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Provide corrective feedback as indicated for Samples A and B.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • After 30 seconds for Items 1–6 and 1 minute for Items 7–32, suggest that the examinee should move on to the next item; use a stopwatch or watch with a second hand to monitor response times. Allow more time if the examinee appears to be actively engaged in solving a problem.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Begin with Sample Items A through D for all examinees and then use suggested starting points.
  • Discontinue testing if an examinee has a score of 0 on the four sample items or Items 1 through 4, and record a score of 0 on the Test Record.
  • Ensure that the examinee clearly indicates where the error is and how to correct it to receive credit.
  • Do not read any words to the examinee after administering the sample items.
  • Ask the examinee how to correct the error if he or she reads an item aloud and corrects the error in context.
  • Ask the examinee how to correct the mistake if he or she indicates the error without explaining how to correct it.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Use a stopwatch or a watch with a second hand.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Administer the sample items and practice exercise to all examinees.
  • Discontinue the test if an examinee has 1 or 0 correct on the Practice Exercise.
  • Adhere to the 3-minute time limit.
  • Record the exact starting and stopping times if not using a stopwatch.
  • Record the exact finishing time in minutes and seconds on the Test Record.
  • Do not tell the examinee any words during the test.
  • Use the scoring guide overlay to facilitate scoring.
  • Follow the standardized procedures for audio-recorded tests.
  • Use the Response Booklet.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Present the Sample Items A through D and Items 1 through 5 orally and use the audio recording for all other items.
  • Say the most common sound for letters printed within slashes, such as /m/, not the letter name.
  • Know that responses listed in the Test Book are the only correct answers.
  • Do not penalize for reversed letters as long as the letter does not become a new letter.
  • Score the items 1 if spelled correctly or 0 if spelled incorrectly.
  • Do not penalize the examinee if the stimulus word is not repeated or is pronounced incorrectly. Score only the written response.
  • Pause or stop the audio recording if the examinee requires additional response time.
  • Replay items upon examinee's request.
  • Present items orally, if necessary.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Administer both subtests (17A: Synonyms, 17B: Antonyms).
  • Begin with the sample items for all examinees on each subtest.
  • Use the suggested starting points for each subtest.
  • Apply the basal and ceiling rules to each subtest.
  • Know the correct pronunciation of all items.
  • Do not read any words or items to the examinee after administering the sample items.
  • Accept only one-word responses unless otherwise noted.
  • Ask for a one-word answer if examinee provides a two-word or longer response.
  • Score responses that differ in verb tense or number as correct, unless otherwise indicated in the key.
  • Score responses that substitute a different part of speech as incorrect, unless otherwise indicated in the key.
  • Do not penalize the examinee if the stimulus word is read incorrectly. Score only the synonym or antonym produced.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Give credit for items below the basal on each subtest.
  • Record errors for further analysis.
  • Record the number correct for each subtest.
  • Enter the number correct from each subtest into the online scoring program.
  • Add together the scores from the two subtests when obtaining estimated AE/GE from the Test Record.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Apply the basal and ceiling rules correctly.
  • Know the correct pronunciation of all words before administering the tests.
  • Repeat any item upon request.
  • Do not penalize for mispronunciations due to articulation errors, dialect variations, or regional speech patterns.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.

Appendix A.2: Fine Points of WJ IV Oral Language Administration

  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Point to the appropriate picture or part of the picture as directed.
  • Complete any queries listed in the Test Book.
  • Test by complete pages.
  • Apply the basal and ceiling rules correctly.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Accept only words in English for Test 1 (Spanish on Test 10).
  • Record errors for further analysis.
  • Follow the standardized procedures for audio-recorded tests.
  • Begin with Sample Items A and B for all examinees and then use the suggested starting points.
  • Present Sample Items C and D and all test items from the audio recording.
  • Pause or stop the recording if the examinee needs more time to respond.
  • Do not repeat or replay any items unless an obvious noise (e.g., bell ringing) interferes.
  • Accept only one-word answers unless otherwise indicated in the key.
  • Ask for a one-word answer if the examinee provides a two-word or longer response.
  • Accept responses that differ in tense or number unless otherwise indicated in the key.
  • Score responses that use a different part of speech as incorrect, unless otherwise indicated in the key.
  • Give credit for all items below the basal; do not include the sample items.
  • Present items orally, if necessary.
  • Say the most common sound for letters printed within slashes, such as /s/, not the letter name.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Repeat the items as needed; if unsure of what was said, re-administer the item.
  • Follow the Continuation Instructions correctly.
  • Do not penalize for mispronunciations due to articulation errors, dialect variations, or regional speech patterns.
  • Accept words that are broken into acceptable segments as correct, even if the sounds are not pronounced perfectly.
  • Give credit for all items below the starting point.
  • Present test items orally, if necessary.
  • Use a stopwatch or watch with a second hand.
  • Adhere to the 2-minute time limit.
  • Begin with the sample items for all examinees.
  • Record the exact starting and stopping times if not using a stopwatch.
  • Record the exact finishing time in minutes and seconds on the Test Record.
  • Turn the page immediately after the last item on the page.
  • Accept synonyms and words that are similar in meaning (e.g., cat or kitty).
  • Follow the standardized procedures for audio-recorded tests.
  • Present sample items orally to all examinees.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Apply the basal and ceiling rules correctly.
  • Accept words in exact order as correct.
  • Score exact repetitions as correct (1) and sentences with any errors as incorrect (0).
  • Do not repeat or replay any of the sentences.
  • Give credit for items below the basal.
  • Present the test items orally, if necessary.
  • Follow the standardized procedures for audio-recorded tests.
  • Use the suggested starting points.
  • Allow the examinee to review the picture for approximately 10 seconds before administering the items.
  • Pause or stop the recording after the last item for each picture.
  • Do not repeat or replay any item unless an obvious noise (e.g., bell ringing) interferes. In this case, finish the picture and then re-administer only the specific item.
  • Give credit only if examinee completes all of the steps contained in the directions.
  • Know the examinee can point in any order if the directions do not specify the sequence.
  • Present the items orally, if necessary.
  • Follow the Continuation Instructions correctly.
  • Enter the number of points for each picture administered and an X for each picture not administered into the online scoring program.
  • Follow the standardized procedures for audio-recorded tests.
  • Begin with Sample Item A for all examinees.
  • Present Sample Item A orally and Sample Item B and all test items using the audio recording.
  • Choose the correct starting point based on examinee's estimated ability.
  • Accept only words pronounced smoothly, not phoneme-by-phoneme, as correct.
  • During the test provide only one reminder about saying the word smoothly.
  • Do not repeat any items.
  • Pause the audio recording to allow additional time for responses if needed.
  • Present Items 1 through 16 orally, if necessary.
  • Discontinue testing when a ceiling is reached.
  • Give credit for items below the basal; do not include the sample items.
  • Administer all three items to each examinee.
  • Allow only 1 minute for each item.
  • Use a stopwatch or watch with a second hand.
  • Use tally marks to record each correct response in the Test Record.
  • Do not count duplicate answers as correct.
  • During testing, do not ask the examinee to repeat a word.
  • On Item 1, accept brand names of foods or drinks as correct (e.g., Coke or Spaghetti-O's).
  • On Item 2, accept variations of the same name as correct (e.g., Bob, Bobby, and Robert), as well as formal names (e.g., Mrs. Smith).
  • On Item 3, accept variations of the same animal (e.g., bear, polar bear).
  • Record a maximum score of 99.
  • Administer both subtests (9A: Rhyming, 9B: Deletion).
  • Follow the standardized procedures for audio-recorded tests.
  • Begin with the sample items on each subtest for all examinees.
  • Say the most common sound for letters printed within slashes, such as /s/, not the letter name.
  • Apply the correct basal and ceiling rules to each subtest.
  • Only score responses that are real words as correct.
  • Administer 9A: Rhyming orally.
  • Administer 9B: Deletion Sample Item A orally and administer all remaining items using the audio recording.
  • Pause or stop the audio recording if the examinee requires additional response time.
  • Replay or repeat items upon the examinee's request.
  • Administer items orally, if necessary.
  • Record errors for further analysis.