Annotated Bibliography

  1. Flanagan, D. P., & Alfonso, V. C. (Eds.). (in press). WJ IV clinical use and interpretation: Scientist-practitioner perspectives. Manuscript in preparation.
    1. This book is a comprehensive resource on the WJ IV and is divided into three parts. Part I provides information on how to interpret the WJ IV, including a description of the instructional implications that may be garnered from test performance by subtest and composite, as well as the use of online scoring and how to interpret the various discrepancy approaches that are available. Part II addresses the clinical and diagnostic utility of the WJ IV. Specifically, this part of the book addresses use of the WJ IV in identifying individuals with learning disabilities and intellectual disabilities, as well as individuals who are intellectually gifted. Part II also addresses use of the WJ IV with individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Part III describes the use of the WJ IV in evidence-based assessment approaches, including neuropsychological assessment and cross-battery assessment, as well as in a response-to-intervention service delivery model.
  2. Flanagan, D. P., Ortiz, S. O., & Alfonso, V. C. (2013). Essentials of cross-battery assessment (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    1. This book describes a time-efficient approach to assessment and interpretation that allows for the integration of data from more than one battery to best address referral concerns. This approach, known as cross-battery assessment (or XBA), is based on rigorous psychometric principles and procedures and is grounded mainly in contemporary CHC theory, although its application to neuropsychological theory is discussed and demonstrated. In addition, this book shows how to use XBA within the context of a pattern of strengths and weaknesses method for identifying specific learning disabilities (SLD). Three software programs are included with this book to assist in interpreting XBA data, identifying a pattern of strengths and weaknesses consistent with SLD, and determining whether performance on ability tests is valid for individuals from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
  3. Mascolo, J. T., Alfonso, V. C., & Flanagan, D. P. (Eds.). (2014). Essentials of planning, selecting, and tailoring interventions for unique learners. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    1. This book is intended to serve as a resource for practitioners who work with students with learning difficulties and disabilities. It provides guidelines and at times step-by-step procedures for identifying targets for intervention based on the available data. Numerous interventions are discussed and reviewed in this book, with particular emphasis on how they may be tailored to meet the student's unique learning needs. Practitioners will also learn how to intervene with students from underserved and misserved populations who are at risk for academic failure, including students from impoverished environments.
  4. Mather, N., & Jaffe, L. (in press). Woodcock-Johnson IV: Recommendations, reports, and strategies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
    1. This book is intended to serve as a resource for evaluators using the WJ IV in educational and clinical settings. Its purpose is to assist examiners in interpreting the WJ IV and preparing and writing psychological and educational reports for individuals of all ages. It covers the WJ IV COG, WJ IV OL, and WJ IV ACH batteries and includes numerous recommendations and descriptions of research-based interventions that may be included in assessment reports. Case studies are included to illustrate the use and interpretation of the WJ IV.
  5. Mather, N., & Wendling, B. J. (2014). Examiner's Manual. Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Achievement. Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside.
    1. The manual comes as part of the WJ IV ACH test kit. It provides a description of the tests and clusters in the WJ IV ACH, as well as information about administering, scoring, and interpreting the test. The Scoring Guide for Writing Samples and the reproducible Examiner Checklists are included in the manual's appendices.
  6. Mather, N., & Wendling, B. J. (2014). Examiner's Manual. Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Oral Language. Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside.
    1. The manual comes as part of the WJ IV OL test kit. It provides a description of the tests and clusters in the WJ IV OL, as well as information about administering, scoring, and interpreting the test. The reproducible Examiner Checklists are included in the manual's appendices.
  7. McGrew, K. S., LaForte, E. M., & Schrank, F. A. (2014). Technical Manual. Woodcock-Johnson IV. Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside.
    1. This manual comes as part of the WJ IV ACH test kit. It provides information about the design criteria for the complete WJ IV, development of the norms, and the standardization procedures. This manual presents reliability and validity studies and covers the cognitive, achievement, and oral language batteries. Numerous statistical tables are included for clinicians and researchers.