Unbound is a new kind of publishing house. Our books are funded directly by readers. This was a very popular idea during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Now we have revived it for the internet age. It allows authors to write the books they really want to write and readers to support the books they would most like to see published.

The names listed below are of readers who have pledged their support and made this book happen. If you’d like to join them, visit

Roberta Aarons

Erica Stevens Abbitt

Anna Aleff

Michael Alexander

Esh Alladi

Diana Alter

Melanie Angell

Rosemary Ashe

Helen Ashton

Holly Augustine

Danni Bastian

Leon Baugh

Jason Baughan

Paul Beckett

Neil Beckett and Luciana Girotto

Natalie Beran

Vicky Berry

Charlotte Bevan

Larissa Bills

Giles Block

Sebastian Born

Kellie Bright

Deborah Bruce

Lotte Buchan

Bill & Siân Buckhurst

Niki Campbell

Sean Campion

Jo Carey

Lucy Carlson

Devalan Céline

Lorraine Cheesmur

Ceri-Lyn Cissone

Hannah Clark

Ollo Clark

Barbara Cohen

Neil Constable

Claire Cooper

Nikki Csànyi-Wills

Steph Curtis

James Dacre

Beth Daley

Brendan Davies

Naomi Dawson

Sarah Daykin

Emma Dhesi

Fia Dijksman

Sheila Dillon

Ryan Donaldson

Dominic Dromgoole

Diana Duke

Matthew Dunster

Isabelle Duperray

Sally Dynevor

Maggie Edson

Kate Ellis

Elaine Erny

Amber Evans

The Family Stone

Hayley Feigenbaum

Lea Ann Flanagan

Sue Flores

Louise Ford

Michael Ford

Hannah Fox

Phoebe Fox

Gail Francis

Tracey Fraser-Swatton

Terence Frisch

Jonathan Fuller

Marguerite Galizia

Georgia Gatti

Hilda Glumace

Claire Godden

Ellen Goodman

Jenny Grand

Steven Greenhalgh

Alasdair Greig

Alexandre Guansé

Damaris Gurney

Charlotte Hall

Clare Harding

Melissa Harrelson

Karen Harrison

Siubhan Harrison

Jack Hartnell

Mark Hayman

Renate Heitmann

Tatty Hennessy

Harry Hepple

Julie Hesmondhalgh

Jeremy Herrin

Sam Heughan

Rupert Hill

Helen Hillman

Lucy-Anne Holmes

Anthony Horowitz

Polly Hubbard

Madeleine Hutchins

Jasmine Hyde

Louie Ingham

Giulia Innocenti

Lucy Jackson

Matilda James

Nadia Jamil

Sabeen Jamil

Paul Jennings

Polly Jerrold

Krissy Jesudason

Janey Johnson

Farah Karim-Cooper

Dan Kieran

Brooke Kinsella

Anna Kirke

Jack Knowles

Eva Koch-Schulte

Sheila Kruze

Haruka Kuroda

Mia Lacey

Tiggy Lacey

George Lamb

David Lawrence

Helen Lawson

Pete Le May

Richard Lee

Tim Lee

Julie Legrand

Ambika Leigh

Luke Leighfield

Hanna Lingman

Lisa & Thomas

Jeremy Lloyd

Barney Luck

Jessica Lusk

Arshad Malik

Jayne Marshall

Abigail Matthews

Holly Matthews

Phil Mawer

Amy McCarthy

David McEvoy

Chris McGill

Jane McGinnes

Bruce McLeod

Caitlin McLeod

Tegan McLeod

Wendell McMurrain

Mark Melville

Adriana Mijaiche

Barbara Miller

Vicky Mills

Chris Milner

John Mitchinson

Laura Mitzman

Cam Moore

Jane Moriarty

Matt Morrison

Sarah Murray

Patrick Myles

Carlo Navato

Andrea Neumann-Claus

Jamie Newall

Emma Nicolson

Karen O'Toole

Sarah Oakes

Debbie Oates

Simone Rosa Ott

Tim Paige

Ria Paroubek-Groenewoud

Roz Perl

Nancy Perrelli

Alexis Peterman

Emma Pierson

Kate Plantin

Jenny Platt

Julia Platt

Justin Pollard

Samantha Power

Mark Quartley

Nicky Quint

Paula Rabbitt

Diane Rankin

Gwen Raphael

Maggie Rawlinson

Julia Redder

Ben Reid

Brenda and David Reid

Girsha Reid

Victoria Reid

Cathy Ritter

Ukweli Roach

Elizabeth Roberts

Sian Robins-Grace

Beatriz Romilly

Claudia Roncallo

Amy Rosenthal

Jasmine Rowe

Katherine Runnalls

Bernadette Russell

Charlie Russell

Luca Rutherford

Francesca Savige

Annette Scott

Jean Sergent

Ben Shaw

Brad Shaw

Katie Shaw

Mark & Michelle Shaw

Val Shaw

Henry Shields

Jayesh Sinha

Helen Siveter

Gesine Schmücker-Schüßler

Rich and Nia Smith

Jacqui Somerville

Ann Songhurst

Louise Spencer

M'artìna Spera

Mehul Srivastava

Kate Stafford

Leah Stephens

Naomi Stoll

Montgomery Sutton

Jessica Swale

Ben Tagoe

Tony Tassell

Giles Taylor

Melina Theocharidou

Adele Thomas

Rosie Townshend

Dan Usztan

Nathalie Vanderiet

Renee Veneziale

Johanna von Fischer

Laura Wade

Naomi Wallace

Chloe Walshe

Sacha Wares

Hannah Watkins

Pam Wayne

Georgie Weedon

Sarah Weltman

Lucinda Westcar

Amanda Whittington

Peter Wilkinson

Jade Williams

Lindsay Williams

Sian Williams

Jennie Cashman Wilson

Chris White

Amy Wolff

Sarah Woodward

Michelle Wormleighton

Tracy Zanelli