10 Essential Oils to Re-Balance
The value of essential oils has been known for more than 6000 years. Renowned not only for their amazing healing properties and their ability to bring energetic balance back to the body and mind, essential oils also promote emotional wellbeing.
Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules which are easily penetrated by the body. When the essences are inhaled, they enter the body via the cells that line the nasal passages. The cells then send messages to the limbic system in the brain. The limbic system controls our emotions; it also controls the major functions of the body. When messages, from the essential oils, are interpreted by the limbic system it then passes the information on to the rest of the body in the way of healing instructions. In their response, the oils are able to heal and balance both the physical body and emotions at the same time.
If you have used essential oils, you will be familiar with their incredible calming and stabilizing qualities, and if you haven’t, now is the time to try them for yourself
Although the following essential oils have many physically therapeutic benefits, I am mainly listing their energetic and emotional balancing qualities. These oils help soothe the emotions and lift the moods.
1. Basil
: Ideal as a nerve tonic, basil lifts fatigue, anxiety and depression. Basil is both relaxing and uplifting. Great to use a few drops in a fragrancer as a mood lifter.
2. Chamomile
: Known for its sedative and anti-inflammatory benefits, chamomile is an excellent sleep-aid and helps balance the hormones. It’s good to add a few drops on your pillow at night or add to a bath (with a carrier oil).
3. Frankincense
: This oil has an uplifting effect and aids concentration by clearing the mind of cluttering thoughts (also known to retain youth and smooth wrinkles... always good to know). Frankincense is excellent to use when you need a clear head for work.
4. Geranium
: Unusually, geranium is both sedative and uplifting and invaluable for treating depression and nervous tension. Geranium is great to use when you’ve been ‘peopled’ and need to rebalance (also great for skin).
5. Jasmine
: Is a mood enhancer, helps balance the emotions, lifts anxiety and depression (also known to be an aphrodisiac).
6. Lavender:
Extraordinarily versatile. If you are going to get any essential oil lavender is the one to have. Its sedative and tonic effects make lavender an amazing balancer for the emotional body. The aroma has the ability to instantly relax both body and mind, and clear the negative energy that may have travelled home with
you. (Also, anti-fungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and more.)
7. Neroli
: Another great oil to use if you have been out in busy public places. An excellent sedative, anti-depressant and re-balancer, neroli counters shock, anxiety and hysteria. It is a great sleep aid and brings about calm to the energetic body.
8. Rose
: This is an all-round mood enhancer and general tonic. Rose helps balance the hormones and will clear a muggy head and mental fatigue.
9. Clary Sage
: Having both uplifting and relaxing qualities and is known for its sedative and euphoric effects, clary sage is good for insomnia, anxiety and depression, it also helps balance the hormones.
10. Ylang-Ylang
: A great relaxer (if used sparingly can get a bit heady and overpowering if too much is used), ylang ylang is highly recommended for anxiety, depression and insomnia.
With the exception of lavender, never use essential oils directly on the skin, always dilute with a carrier oil (e.g. almond, rapeseed or olive oil). Use sparingly. Essential oils are incredibly concentrated. A few drops are generally all that is needed.
There are many ways to use essential oils: Add a couple of drops (with carrier oil) into your bath, use with fragrancers, add a few drops to a cup of water put in a spray bottle and use as a room spray, add a drop or two onto the pooled wax on a candle, add to your body and facial oils, dab on a handkerchief or pillow.
Store your oils in a cool, dark place.