THIS IS A BOOK I would very much like to have written. Insightful, informative, practical, it brings together my greatest passions: crystals, karmic healing, and astrology—passions that Nicholas clearly shares with me. This book focuses on the karmic release that is so necessary if we are to make the shift into expanded consciousness. We cannot move forward from the Age of Pisces, with its values of money, power, and control, into the longed-for Age of Aquarius, with its values of love, brotherhood, unity, and integrity, unless we clear the karmic and ancestral debris from around us and within us. Now really is the time. Crystals and essences have been two of my core tools for this work, and it’s a delight to see that Nicholas has found so many ways in which to use their properties. I’m happy to have contributed to his knowledge, but must add that Nicholas has gone above and beyond what I have published so far by incorporating his mineralogical knowledge in a way that complements his metaphysical understanding. In so doing, he bridges science and spirit—which is exactly as it should be.

If we’re on planet Earth at this time, it means we volunteered for the karmic clean-up squad. We all have our part to play. As Nicholas says, the greatest contribution we can make is to clear our own personal karmic patterns, thereby expanding our consciousness. But there is also the question of collective and planetary karma, something for which no one person is responsible, but which nonetheless must be transmuted if humanity is to evolve. We each devise our own way of doing this, and if we have the right spiritual intent, we can then make our tools available so that others can incorporate them into their work if they choose to. It has to be an expanding, cooperative effort if it is to succeed. This book is a giant step on the way to successfully accomplish that goal.

I’ve been working with crystal grids for many years, so it has been a particular pleasure to experience the grids that Nicholas has devised for karmic clearing. I urge you to try them. Our world needs your contribution!


JUDY HALL is an internationally known crystal expert, past-life therapist, karmic counselor, and workshop leader, named one of the hundred most spiritually influential authors by Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine. She has written more than forty books, including the bestselling The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals and The Book of Why: Understanding Your Soul’s Journey.