My Life in Art, by K. S. Stanislavski (1925, 1928). Actors Discuss Vakhtangov, compiled by H. Khersonski (1940). Glikeria Fedotova, by Georg Goyan (1940). Complete Works of Stanislavski, eight volumes (1945–1961). Ivan Moskvin on the Stage of the Moscow Art Theater, by V. Y. Vilenkin (1946). Stanislavski at Rehearsal, by V. Toporkov (1950). Maria Nokolaevna Ermolova, by S. N. Durylin (1953). Vassily Ivanovitch Kachalov, compiled and edited by V. Y. Vilenkin (1954). The Moscow Art Theater, edited by N. Chuskin (1955). Stanislavski’s Theatrical Legacy, edited by E. Grabar, S. Durylin, and P. Markov (1955). The Directorial Lessons of Vakhtangov, by N. M. Gorchakov (1957). The Directorial Lessons of K. S. Stanislavski, by N. M. Gorchakov (1958). K. S. Stanislavski on the Director’s Work with an Actor, by N. M. Gorchakov (1958). Museum of the Moscow Art Theater (1958). Eugene Vakhtangov: Materials and Articles (1959). Technology of an Actors’ Art, by P. Erchov (1959). Theater Ethics of Stanislavski; by Y. Kalashnikov (1960). In the Contemporary Theater, by A. Anastasiev (1961). The Mastership of an Actor, by M. A. Venetzianova (1961). The Director’s Art Today, by Y. Zavadski, A. Popov, K. Knebel, B. Pokrovski, A. Lobanov, N. Slonova, G. Georgievski, K. Ird, O. Efremov, V. Kommissarjevski (1962). The Method of K. S. Stanislavski and the Physiology of Emotions, by P. V. Simonov (1962). Discussions about Stanislavski, by Vladimir Prokofiev (1963). Innovations in Soviet Theater, by A. Anastasiev, G. Boyardjeff, L. Obraztzova, K. Rudnitzki (1963). Recollections and Reflections about Theater, by Alexei Popov (1963). The System of Stanislavski and the Problems of Dramaturgy, by VI. Blok (1963). Vakhtangov, by K. H. Khersonski (1963). Mastership of an Actor and Director, by B. V. Zakhava (1964; second edition, 1969). The Word in an Actor’s An, by M. O. Knebel (1964). Traditions of Realism on Stage, by Y. S. Kalashnikov (1964). On the Art of the Theater, by Yuri Zavadski (1965). The Truth of the Theater, by P. Markov (1965). The Aesthetic Ideal of K. S. Stanislavski, by Y. S. Kalashnikov (1965). William Shakespeare, Our Contemporary, by Grigori Kosintzev (1966). Shakespeare in the Soviet Union (collection of articles, 1966). The Nemirovich-Danchenko School of Directing, by M. O. Knebel (1966). The Art of the Word, by N. K. Gey (1967). Soviet Film Actors (collection of articles, 1968). The Training of an Actor in the Stanislavski School of Acting, by Grigori V. Kristi (1968). The Key to the Character, by Y. Smirnoff-Nesvitski (1970). From the Studio to Theater, by L. Shikmatov (1970). Drama As an Aesthetic Problem, by A. A. Kariagin (1971). The Life and Creativity of K. S. Stanislavski: Annals, by I. Vinogradskaya (two volumes, 1971). The History of Soviet Dramatic Theater (six volumes, 1966–1971). Directing as Practical Psychology, by P. M. Ershov, forewords by Oleg Efremov and P. V. Simonov (1972). Stanislavski, by E. Poliakova (two volumes, 1977). The Image of a Performance, by Alla Mikhailova, (1978). Drama As a Phenomenon of Art, by V. Khalisev, (1978). Alla Tarassova (Documents, 1978). G. A. Tovstonogov, Problems of Directing, by Y. Rybakov (1977). P. A. Markov, About Theater, Diary of a Drama Critic, (four volumes, 1976). Side by Side with Cherkassov, by N. Cherkassova (1978). VI Iv. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Selected Letters, (1979). Through the Eyes of an Actress, by N. Belevzeva (1979). Essays on the History of the Drama of the 20th Century (1979). Profession of the Director, by Anatoly Efros (1979). Novellas of My Life, by Nataly Satz (1979). Truth of the Character, by Alexei Gribov (1979). Fates of Dramaturgical Genres, by V. Frolov (1979). Theatrical Pages (Articles, 1979). Theater of Mochalov and Shchepkin, by B. Alpers (1979). Minor of the Stage, by G. Tovstonogov (two volumes, 1980). A Point of View, by Maya Merkel (1980). Stanislavski’s Directorial Volumes (1980, 1981). Babanova, by M. Torovskaya (1981). Meyerhold, by K. Rudnitzki, (1981). Our Conversations, by Anatoly Smelianski (1981). About Theater, by N. Abalkin (1981). Reminiscences and Comments, by V. Vilenkin (1982). History of Russian Dramatic Theater (six volumes, 1982). Boris Zakhava: Reminiscences, Productions and Roles (articles, 1982).

Also, Theater, monthly publication of the Union of Writers and the Ministry of Culture of the U.S.S.R. (articles, 1963–1983).