Part Four

Trauma—the Bodynamic
& Somatic Experiencing®

Developmental and Shock Trauma

The four articles in Part Four deepen our understanding of developmental and shock trauma. The first, “Panic, Biology, Reason: Giving the Body Its Due,” by Dr. Peter Levine, is a foundational paper integrating, with numerous examples, the theory and practice of his approach to resolving traumatic experiences. Dr. Levine has created a therapeutic model for addressing trauma called Somatic Experiencing, which he currently teaches. He has developed a unique approach to Somatic Experiencing. I spent many years as client, student, and later co-teacher with Peter, admiring the brilliance of both his approach and his therapy. His exquisite attention to even the slightest shift in pulse, skin color, or eye dilation, puts him in a class by himself.

“It Won’t Hurt Forever … Guiding your Child Through Trauma,” by Dr. Levine and Maggie Kline, M.S., M.F.T., is a very rich exploration of various types of childhood trauma and offers many interventions that parents and clinicians can use. Kline’s background as a family therapist and a school psychologist brings with it many years of exploring these issues with children and their parents.

“Using the Bodynamic Shock Trauma Model in the Everyday Practice of Physiotherapy,” by Barbara Picton BSR, M.Ed. (Ons. Psych.), R.C.C., is the fifth contribution. Ms. Barbara Picton is both a physiotherapist and clinical counselor, holding degrees in both professions. She is also a Certified Bodynamic Practitioner. Here she offers her wealth of depth and experience in addressing the effects and treatment of trauma. To my knowledge, it is the first paper written encompassing physiotherapy with somatically oriented psychotherapy, and in particular the Bodynamic Analysis Model of therapy for traumatic imprints. Hence, this is a unique aid to the general reader and all those working in the helping professions.

“Character Structure and Shock” further delineates the Bodynamics theory of developmental and shock trauma. Steen Jørgesen clearly illustrates the impact that a person’s character structure has on the ability to work through shock trauma.