1 Introduction
Understanding time-to-event data and survival probabilities
Understanding the notion of censoring
Understanding the survival curve and other ways of representing survival distributions
Learning to compute the Kaplan–Meier survival curve
Learning to fit and validate a Cox proportional hazards model
Learning to fit and validate parametric survival models
2 Motivating Business Problems
Business bankruptcy (time to bankruptcy) analysis on the basis of explanatory variables such as profitability, liquidity, leverage, efficiency, valuation ratio, etc. A firm not bankrupt at the time of end of data collection yields a censored observation that has to be interpreted in the analysis as samples of firms that have not yet failed (Lee 2014).
Analysis of churn pattern in the telecom industry and impact of explanatory variables like the kind of plan, usage, subscriber profile like age, gender, household size, income, etc. on churn pattern. This information may be useful to reduce churn (Lu and Park 2003).
Analysis of lifespan of car insurance contracts in terms of car’s age, type of vehicle, age of primary driver, etc. may be carried out using survival analysis techniques to measure profitability of such contracts.
Estimating a customer lifetime value (CLV) to a business on the basis of past revenue from the customer and an estimate of their survival probabilities based on their profile is a standard application of survival analysis techniques and results. This type of analysis is applicable to many types of business, this helps plan different campaign strategies depending on estimated lifetime value.
3 Methods of Survival Analysis
3.1 Time-to-Event Data and Censoring
Survival times are follow-up times from a defined starting point to the occurrence of a given event. Some typical examples are the time from the beginning of a customer-ship to churning; from issue of credit card to the first default; from beginning of an insurance to the first claim, etc. Standard statistical techniques do not apply because the underlying distribution is rarely normal; and the data are often “censored.”
A survival time is called “censored” when there is a follow-up time but the defined event has not yet occurred or is not known to have occurred. In the examples above, the survival time is censored if the following happens: at the end of the study if the customer is still transacting; the credit card customer has not defaulted; the insurance policy holder has not made a claim. Concepts, terminology, and methodology of survival analysis originate in medical and engineering applications, where the prototype events are death and failure, respectively. Hence, terms such as lifetime, survival time, response time, death, and failure are current in the subject of survival analysis. The scope of applications is wider including in business, such as customer churn, employee attrition, etc. In Engineering these methods are called reliability analysis. In Sociology it is known as event-history analysis.
As opposed to survival analysis, regression analysis considers uncensored data (or simply ignores censoring). Logistic regression models proportion of events in groups for various values of predictors or covariates; it ignores time. Survival analysis accounts for censored observations as well as time to event. Survival models can handle time-varying covariates (TVCs) as well.
3.2 Types of Censoring
The most common form of censoring is right-censoring where a case is removed from the study during the study, or the observational part of the study is complete before the event occurs for a case. An example is where in an employee attrition study, an employee dies during the observational period (case removed) or may be still employed at the end of observations (event has not occurred). An observation is left-censored if its initial time at risk is unknown, like in a medical study in which the time of contracting the disease is unknown. The same observation may be both right- and left-censored, a circumstance termed interval-censoring. Censoring complicates the estimation of survival models and hence special techniques are required. If for a case (observational unit) the event of interest has not occurred then, all we know is that the time to event is greater than the observed time. In this chapter, we only consider right-censoring. One can consult Gomez et al. (1992) for left-censoring, Lagakos (1979) for right-censoring, and Sun (2006) for interval-censoring.
Censored observations are incorporated into the likelihood (or for that matter, in other approaches as well) as probability t ∗≥ t c, whereas uncensored observations are incorporated into the likelihood through the survivor density. This idea is illustrated below.
3.3 Survival Analysis Functions
Survival time or lifetime T is regarded as a positive-valued continuous variable. Let f(t): probability density function (pdf) of T.
Let F(t): cumulative distribution function (CDF) of T = P(T ≤ t). S(t): Survival function of T defined as S(t) = 1 − F(t) = P(T > t).
The hazard function plays an important role in modeling exercises in survival analysis. It is defined below:
- Increasing hazard:
A customer who has continued for 2 years is more likely to attrite than one that has stayed 1 year
- Decreasing hazard:
A customer who has continued for 2 years is less likely to attrite than one that has stayed 1 year
- Flat hazard:
A customer who has continued for 2 years is no more or less likely to attrite than one that has stayed 1 year
3.4 Parametric and Nonparametric Methods
Once we have collected time-to-event data, our first task is to describe it—usually this is done graphically using a survival curve. Visualization allows us to appreciate temporal patterns in the data. If the survival curve is sufficiently nice, it can help us identify an appropriate distributional form for the survival time. If the data are consistent with a parametric form of the distribution, then parameters can be derived to efficiently describe the survival pattern and statistical inference can be based on the chosen distribution by specifying a parametric model for h(t) based on a particular density function f(t) (parametric function). Otherwise, when no such parametric model can be conceived, an empirical estimate of the survival function can be developed (i.e., nonparametric estimation). Parametric models usually assume some shape for the hazard rate (i.e., flat, monotonic, etc.).
3.5 Nonparametric Methods for Survival Curves
- 1.
Kaplan–Meier method
- 2.
Life table method, and
- 3.
Nelson–Aalen method
We discuss only the Kaplan–Meier method in this chapter. For Life table method, one can consult Diener-West and Kanchanaraksa1 and for Nelson–Aalen method, one may consult the notes provided by Ronghui (Lily) Xu.2
3.6 Kaplan–Meier (KM) method
At any time, cases that are censored have the same survival prospects as those who continue to be followed.
Censoring is independent of event-time (i.e., the reason an observation is censored is unrelated to the time of censoring).
The survival probabilities are the same for subjects recruited early and late in the study.
The event happens at the time specified.
The method involves computing of probabilities of occurrence of events at certain points of time dictated by when events occur in the dataset. These are conditional probabilities of occurrence of events in certain intervals. We multiply these successive conditional probabilities to get the final estimate of the marginal probabilities of survival up to these points of time.
3.6.1 Kaplan–Meier Estimate as a Product-Limit Estimate
3.6.2 Kaplan–Meier Method: An Example
Variable | Description |
ID | The unique id of the employee |
att | Represent 1 if uncensored and 0 if censored |
months | No. of months the employee worked in the company |
Survival rates are computed as follows:
P(surviving t days)=P(surviving day t ∣ survived day t − 1).P(surviving day t − 1 ∣ survived day t − 2).P(surviving day t − 2 ∣ survived day t − 3) ⋮ P(surviving day 3 ∣ survived day 2).P(surviving day 2 ∣ survived day 1).P(surviving day 1)
Survival probabilities using KM method
Time | n.risk | n.event | Survival | Std. err |
6 | 23 | 1 | 0.957 | 0.0425 |
12 | 22 | 1 | 0.913 | 0.0588 |
21 | 21 | 1 | 0.870 | 0.0702 |
27 | 20 | 1 | 0.826 | 0.0790 |
32 | 19 | 1 | 0.783 | 0.0860 |
39 | 18 | 1 | 0.739 | 0.0916 |
43 | 17 | 2 | 0.652 | 0.0993 |
89 | 14 | 1 | 0.606 | 0.1026 |
261 | 8 | 1 | 0.530 | 0.1143 |
263 | 7 | 1 | 0.454 | 0.1205 |
270 | 6 | 1 | 0.378 | 0.1219 |
311 | 4 | 1 | 0.284 | 0.1228 |
3.7 Regression Models for Survival Data: Semiparametric Models
What happens when you have several covariates that you believe contribute to survival? For example, in job attrition data, gender, age, etc. may be such covariates. In that case, we can use stratified KM curves, that is, different survival curves for different levels of a categorical covariate, possibly drawn in the same frame. Another approach is the Cox proportional hazards model.
Equation (14.3) can be modified by introducing a function of time with a distribution model like a Weibull model. This will then be a fully parametric hazard function model, and describe a survival time distribution as an error component of regression, and describe how this distribution changes as a function of covariates (the systematic component). Such fully parametric models help predict survival time distributions for specific covariate conditions. If only relative survival experience is required under two or more conditions after adjusting for covariates, fully parametric models may be too unwieldy with too many restrictions. If we only need parameters in the systematic component of the model, then models with fully parametric regression leaving out the dependence on time unspecified may be useful. These are called semiparametric models.
3.8 Cox Proportional Hazards Model (Cox PH model)
This is a semiparametric model (part parametric, part nonparametric). It makes no assumptions about the form of h(t) (nonparametric part). It assumes a parametric form for the effect of the explanatory variables on the hazard, but makes the assumption that the hazards are proportional over follow-up time. In most situations, we are more interested in studying how survival varies as a function of explanatory variables rather than the shape of the underlying hazard function. The Cox PH model is well suited for this purpose.
Estimates of the β’s are generally obtained using the method of maximum partial likelihood, a variation of the maximum likelihood method. Partial likelihood is based on factoring the likelihood function using the multiplication rule of probability and discarding certain portions that involve nuisance parameters. If a particular regression coefficient β j is zero, then the corresponding explanatory variable, X j, is not associated with the hazard rate of the response; in that case, X j may be omitted from any final model for the observed data. The statistical significance of explanatory variables is assessed using Wald tests or, preferably, likelihood ratio tests. The Wald test is an approximation to the likelihood ratio test. The likelihood is approximated by a quadratic function, an approximation which is generally quite good when the model fits the data.
In PH regression, the baseline hazard component, h(t) vanishes from the partial likelihood. We only obtain estimates of the regression coefficients associated with the explanatory variables. Notice that h(t) = h(t|x) = β 0. Take the case of a single explanatory variable X. Then . Thus β is the log of the relative hazard of group with X = 1 to the hazard of group with X = 0. e (β) is the relative risk of X = 1 to X = 0. So sometimes PH regression is called relative risk regression.
Concordance is a measure of goodness-of-fit of the model and defined as probability of agreement for any two randomly chosen observations. The large concordance value (possible maximum being 1) indicates a good fit.
3.9 Semiparametric vs Parametric Models
A parametric survival model completely specifies h(t) and S(t) and hence is more consistent with theoretical S(t). It enables time-quantile prediction possible. However, the specification of the underlying model S(t) makes this exercise a difficult one. On the other hand, the Cox PH model, a semiparametric one leaves the distribution of survival time unspecified and hence may be less consistent with a theoretical S(t); an advantage of the Cox model is that the baseline hazard is not necessary for estimation of hazard ratio.
A semiparametric model has only the regression coefficients as parameters and is useful if only the study of the role of the explanatory variables is of importance. In a full parametric model, besides the role of the explanatory variables, survival curves for each profile of explanatory variables can be obtained.
Some advantages of fully parameterized models are: maximum likelihood estimates (MLEs) can be computed. The estimated coefficients or their transforms may provide useful business information. The fitted values can provide survival time estimates. Residual analysis can be done for diagnosis.
Many theoretical specifications are used based on the form of S(t) (or f(t)) in survival analysis. Some of them are: Weibull, log-normal, log-logistic, generalized gamma, etc.
The regression outputs of a semiparametric and a full parametric are not directly comparable although one may compare the relative and absolute significance (p-values) of the various regressors. However, using the form of the parametric function’s h(t) it is possible to strike a relationship between the parametric model’s regression coefficients and Cox regression coefficients.
A parametric model is often called the accelerated failure time model (AFT model) because according to this model, the effect of an explanatory variable is to accelerate (or decelerate) the lifetime by a constant as opposed to say, the Cox proportional hazards model wherein the effect of an explanatory variable is to multiply hazard by a constant.
4 A Case Study
Data dictionary
Variable | Definition |
ptp_months | Profitable time period in months |
dead_flag | Censor case or not: 0 indicates censored case |
tenure_month | Tenure of user in months |
unsub_flag | Email unsubscription status: 1 indicates unsubscribed |
ce_score | Confidence score of user |
items_home | No. of items purchased in home division |
items_Kids | No. of items purchased in kids division |
items_Men | No. of items purchased in men’s division |
items_Women | No. of items purchased in women’s division |
avg_ip_time | Average time between purchases |
returns | No. of product returns |
acq_sourcePaid | Has the user joined through paid channel or not |
acq_sourceReferral | Has the user joined through referral channel or not |
mobile_site_user | Does the user use mobile channel |
business_name | First purchase division of user |
redeemed_exposed | No. of offers redeemed or No. of offers given |
refer_invite | No. of Referral joined or No. of invites sent |
revenue_per_month | Revenue or tenure of user |
4.1 Cox PH Model
Cox PH model output
n= 214995, number of events= 117162 | ||||||||
coef | exp( coef) | se( coef) | z | Pr( >|z|) | exp( -coef) | lower .95 | upper .95 | |
ptp_months | -9.683e-02 | 9.077e-01 | 7.721e-04 | -125.417 | <2e-16 *** | 1.1017 | 0.9063 | 0.9091 |
unsub_flag | 3.524e-01 | 1.422e+00 | 6.529e-03 | 53.973 | <2e-16 *** | 0.7030 | 1.4044 | 1.4408 |
ce_score | -1.245e+00 | 2.879e-01 | 2.220e-02 | -56.079 | <2e-16 *** | 3.4736 | 0.2756 | 0.3007 |
items_Home | -3.461e-02 | 9.660e-01 | 2.130e-03 | -16.250 | <2e-16 *** | 1.0352 | 0.9620 | 0.9700 |
items_Kids | -7.456e-02 | 9.282e-01 | 2.521e-03 | -29.570 | <2e-16 *** | 1.0774 | 0.9236 | 0.9328 |
items_Men | 3.182e-03 | 1.003e+00 | 9.949e-04 | 3.198 | 0.00138 ** | 0.9968 | 1.0012 | 1.0051 |
items_Women | 1.935e-03 | 1.002e+00 | 6.936e-04 | 2.790 | 0.00527 ** | 0.9981 | 1.0006 | 1.0033 |
avg_ip_time | 1.427e-03 | 1.001e+00 | 9.936e-05 | 14.362 | <2e-16 *** | 0.9986 | 1.0012 | 1.0016 |
returns | -1.481e-01 | 8.624e-01 | 3.020e-03 | -49.024 | <2e-16 *** | 1.1596 | 0.8573 | 0.8675 |
acq_sourcePaid | 4.784e-02 | 1.049e+00 | 9.992e-03 | 4.788 | 1.69e-06 *** | 0.9533 | 1.0287 | 1.0697 |
acq_sourceReferral | -2.626e-01 | 7.690e-01 | 6.354e-03 | -41.333 | <2e-16 *** | 1.3003 | 0.7595 | 0.7787 |
mobile_site_user | -3.644e-01 | 6.946e-01 | 2.278e-02 | -15.998 | <2e-16 *** | 1.4396 | 0.6643 | 0.7263 |
business_nameKids | 5.932e-01 | 1.810e+00 | 1.371e-02 | 43.264 | <2e-16 *** | 0.5525 | 1.7618 | 1.8591 |
business_nameMen | -9.704e-02 | 9.075e-01 | 1.220e-02 | -7.951 | 1.89e-15 *** | 1.1019 | 0.8861 | 0.9295 |
business_nameWomen | -3.631e-01 | 6.955e-01 | 1.091e-02 | -33.279 | <2e-16 *** | 1.4378 | 0.6808 | 0.7106 |
redeemed_exposed | -3.089e-01 | 7.342e-01 | 1.261e-02 | -24.491 | <2e-16 *** | 1.3620 | 0.7163 | 0.7526 |
refer_invite | -3.870e-01 | 6.791e-01 | 8.996e-03 | -43.014 | <2e-16 *** | 1.4725 | 0.6672 | 0.6912 |
avg_ip_time_sq | -5.027e-07 | 1.000e+00 | 1.970e-07 | -2.552 | 0.01072 * | 1.0000 | 1.0000 | 1.0000 |
revenue_per_month | 1.712e-03 | 1.002e+00 | 2.555e-05 | 67.024 | <2e-16 *** | 0.9983 | 1.0017 | 1.0018 |
From the output, the estimated hazard ratio for business_nameKids vs business_nameHome is under column “exp(coef)” which is 1.8098 with 95% CI (1.7618, 1.8591). Similarly, exp(-coef) provides estimated hazard rate for business_nameHome vs business_ nameKids which is 0.5525 (the reciprocal of 1.8098). For continuous variables, exp(coef) is estimated hazard ratio for one unit increment in x, “(x+1)” vs “x” and exp(-coef) provides “x” vs 1 unit increment in x, “(x+1)”. From the table the concordance is 0.814, which is large enough and thus indicating a good fit.
Besides interpreting the significance or otherwise of the explanatory variables and their relative use in predicting hazards, the output is useful in computing the relative risk of two explanatory variable profiles or relative risk with respect to the average profile, i.e., , where X i contains particular observation and X j contains average values. The relative risks of the first six cases with respect to the average profile are: 3.10e-11, 0.60, 0.0389, 1.15, 0.196, and 0.182 (refer Table 14.3 for β values). We can compute the survival estimates of fitted model and obtain Cox adjusted survival curve.
4.2 Log-Logistic Model
Following is the R code to fit the log-logistic model on the given data.
Output of parametric model log-logistic
Value | Std. error | z | p | |
( Intercept) | 2.484162 | 4.38e-03 | 566.79 | 0.00e+00 |
ptp_months | 0.063756 | 4.26e-04 | 149.76 | 0.00e+00 |
unsub_flag | -0.269003 | 4.09e-03 | -65.80 | 0.00e+00 |
ce_score | 1.041445 | 1.27e-02 | 82.21 | 0.00e+00 |
items_Home | 0.005020 | 8.80e-04 | 5.70 | 1.17e-08 |
items_Kids | -0.004644 | 5.57e-04 | -8.34 | 7.73e-17 |
items_Men | 0.002426 | 4.73e-04 | 5.12 | 2.99e-07 |
items_Women | 0.013681 | 5.12e-04 | 26.74 | 1.67e-157 |
avg_ip_time | -0.000857 | 2.78e-05 | -30.82 | 1.37e-208 |
Coefficient estimates correspond to covariate coefficient estimates. Also of significant interest is the log-likelihood, which is used to find the Akaike information criterion (AIC), i.e., AIC number of parameters = 917,817. This is useful for comparison with any other model fitted on the same data (the lower the better).
The survival time difference for 1 month increase in tenure (ptp_months) is exp(0.063756) = 1.066 increase, and from email unsub to sub (unsub_flag) is exp (−0.269003) = 0.764 decrease.
Predicting survival time using the log-logistic model
Case | 0.1 | 0.5 | 0.9 |
[1,] | 1004.83620 | 2359.47444 | 5540.3255 |
[2,] | 14.43473 | 33.89446 | 79.5882 |
[3,] | 43.76790 | 102.77221 | 241.3213 |
[4,] | 18.29105 | 42.94956 | 100.8506 |
[5,] | 26.14241 | 61.38547 | 144.1404 |
[6,] | 28.95115 | 67.98072 | 159.6268 |
[7,] | 143.45923 | 336.85927 | 790.9855 |
[8,] | 89.83391 | 210.94067 | 495.3137 |
[9,] | 5.07855 | 11.92504 | 28.0014 |
[10,] | 52.18694 | 122.54111 | 287.7410 |
4.3 Weibull Model
Output of the Weibull parametric model
Value | Std. error | z | p | |
( Intercept) | 2.806480 | 3.88e-03 | 724.10 | 0.00e+00 |
ptp_months | 0.056311 | 4.47e-04 | 126.09 | 0.00e+00 |
unsub_flag | -0.192530 | 3.32e-03 | -57.96 | 0.00e+00 |
ce_score | 0.746628 | 1.14e-02 | 65.52 | 0.00e+00 |
items_Home | 0.008579 | 1.14e-04 | 9.07 | 1.23e-19 |
items_Kids | -0.001338 | 6.23e-04 | -2.15 | 3.18e-02 |
items_Men | 0.001414 | 4.75e-04 | 2.98 | 2.92e-03 |
items_Women | 0.014788 | 5.44e-04 | 27.19 | 8.25e-163 |
avg_ip_time | -0.000858 | 2.68e-05 | -32.05 | 2.52e-225 |
The survival time difference for 1 month increase in tenure(ptp_months) is increase, and from email unsub to sub (unsub_flag) is decrease (refer Table 14.6). Here, we observe that the Weibull model is predicting better than the log-logistic model as it has lower AIC value compared to the log-logistic model.
Predicting survival time using the Weibull model
[,1] | [,2] | [,3] | |
[1,] | 1603.92 | 4180.3 | 7697.2 |
[2,] | 12.66 | 33.0 | 60.8 |
[3,] | 33.72 | 87.9 | 161.8 |
[4,] | 17.01 | 44.3 | 81.7 |
[5,] | 20.52 | 53.5 | 98.5 |
[6,] | 23.04 | 60.0 | 110.6 |
[7,] | 105.66 | 275.4 | 507.1 |
[8,] | 77.17 | 201.1 | 370.3 |
[9,] | 5.34 | 13.9 | 25.6 |
[10,] | 38.51 | 100.4 | 184.8 |
5 Summary
This chapter introduces the concepts and some of the basic techniques of survival analysis. It covers a nonparametric method of estimating a survival function called the Kaplan–Meier method, a semiparametric method of relating a hazard function to covariates in the Cox proportional hazards model, and a fully parametric method of relating survival time to covariates in terms of a regression as well as estimating quantiles of survival time distributions for various profiles of the covariate values. Survival analysis computations can be easily carried out in R with specialized packages such as survival, KMsurv, survreg, RPub, and innumerable other packages. Several textbooks provide the theory and explanations of the methods in detail. These include Gomez et al. (1992), Harrell (2001), Kleinbaum and Klein (2005), Hosmer et al. (2008), Klein and Moeschberger (2003), Lawless (2003), Sun (2006), Springate (2014), as well as websites given in the references.
All the datasets, code, and other material referred in this section are available in www.allaboutanalytics.net.
Data 14.1: churn.csv
Data 14.2: employ.csv
Data 14.3: nextpurchase.csv
Code 14.1: Survival_Analysis.R
The data file nextpurchase.csv (refer website for dataset) relates to the purchase of fertilizers from a store by various customers. Each row relates to a customer. The study relates to an analysis of “time-to-next-purchase” starting from the previous purchase of fertilizers. “Censoring” is 0 if the customer has not returned for another purchase of a fertilizer since the first one. Censoring is 1 if he has returned for the purchase of a fertilizer since his earlier one. “Days” is the number of days since last purchase (could be a censored observation). “Visits” is the number of visits to the shop in the year not necessarily for the purchase of a fertilizer. “Purchase” is the amount of all purchases (in $’s) during the current year so far. “Age” is the customer’s age in completed years. “Card” is 1 if they used a credit card; else 0.
Without taking into account the covariates, use the Kaplan–Meier method to draw a survival curve for these customers.
Fit the Weibull parametric model and predict the 0.1 (0.1) 0.9 quantiles of a customer aged 45, who uses a credit card, who spent $100 during the year so far and who has visited the shop four times in the year so far (not necessarily to purchase fertilizers).
Rework the parametric Weibull exercise using the log-logistic parametric model.
Rework the parametric Weibull exercise using the Cox PH model.
Useful functions for the Weibull distribution: (You need not know these to run this model.)
Density: f(t)= ; Survival ; Hazard h(t) = λ kkt k−1; Cumulative Hazard:H(t) = (λt)k