Appreciation: Describes a currency strengthening in response to market demand.
Ask Price: Lowest price acceptable to the buyer.
Back Office: Settlement and related processes.
Bank Rate: The rate at which a central bank lends money to its banks.
Base Currency: Currency in which bank operates. It is also the first currency in any currency quotation.
Base Rate: Term used in UK to calculate retail interest rates.
Basis Point: A percentage change in interest rates. 25 basis points means 0.25%.
Bear: Person who believes prices will fall.
Bear Market: One characterized by falling prices.
Bid Figure: Refers to first 3 digits of an exchange rate.
BIS: Bank of International Settlement.
Bretton Woods: A system of fixed currency exchange rate.  No longer used.
Broker: Executes orders to buy and sell currencies.
Bull: Person who believes prices will rise.
Bull Market: One characterized by rising prices.
Cable: A term used to describe British Pound/US Dollar rate.
Central Bank: Bank responsible for a country’s monetary policy.
Counter currency: The second currency which is quoted in a currency pair. The first is the base currency.
Counterparty: Customer or bank which an fx deal is executed.
Cross Rate: A pair which does not include the US dollar.
Currency: A type of money a country uses.
Currency matrix: Analysis of the strength or weakness of a currency, using multiple currency pairs
Currency Basket: Various weightings of other currencies grouped together.
Deal Date: Date of which a transaction is agreed upon.
Deal Ticket: Primary method of recording a transaction.
Dealer: Individual or firm acting as a principal.
Deficit: Shortfall in balance of trade, balance of payments or government budgets.
Delivery: Settlement of contract by delivery of underlying currency.
Delivery Date: Date of maturity of a contract.
EFT: Electronic fund transfer.
EMS: European Monetary System.
European Union: Formerly known as European Community.
Exchange Risk: Potential loss incurred from adverse rate move.
Exotic: A less broadly traded currency.
Expiry Date: Date of expiry of option or futures contract.
FED: US Federal Reserve.
Fixed Xchge Rate: Official rate set by monetary authorities.
Flat/Square: A neutral position in the market.
FOMC: Federal Open Market Committee.
Foreign Exchange: Purchase or sale of currency.
Forex: An abbreviation of the above term.
Forward Contract: Buying currency at an agreed price in the future.
Forward Points: Interest rate differential between two currencies in points.
Forward Rate: The exchange rate agreed for a future contract.
Front Office: Activities carried out by the dealer.
Fundamental Analysis: Analysis based on economic and political factors.
FX: Foreign exchange.
GTC: Good til cancelled - an order left to buy or sell at fixed price.
Indicative Quote: Market makers price that is not firm.
Inflation: Continued rise in prices and falling purchasing power.
Interbank Rates: Rates quoted between large international banks.
Interest Rate Risk: Potential loss from changes in interest rates.
Intervention: Action by a central bank to manipulate value of its currency.
Kiwi: Dealer slang for the New Zealand Dollar.
Lagging Indicator: Statistic or trading indicator which lags behind the market and one based on historic data.
Leading Indicator: Statistic considered to precede changes in economic growth or signaling where the market is going next. As trading indicators there are only two - volume and price.
Liability: The liability to deliver on a futures contract.
Libor: London interbank offer rate, based on quotes from 16 banks.
Limit Order: An order to execute at a better rate than current level.
Long: Position where trader has bought a currency expecting the pair to go higher.
Loonie: Dealer slang for Canadian Dollar.
Margin: Initial deposit to enter into a position with broker.
Margin Call: Demand for additional funds to cover positions.
Maturity: Date for settlement of a transaction.
Offer: The rate at which dealer is willing to sell base currency.
OCO: One cancels other. One order automatically cancels previous.
Open Position: Any deal that has not been settled.
OTC: Over the counter. Market conducted directly. No exchange.
Outright Forward: Fx transaction involving purchase or sale at a future date.
Overbought: A currency or pair that is over extended to the upside.
Oversold: A currency or pair that is over extended to the downside.
Pip: Smallest incremental move on exchange rate, now increased to a tenth of a pip.
Point: 100th part of 1%, normally 10000 of any spot rate. Position: Net total exposure in a given currency. A trader has ‘a position’ in the market.
Range: Difference between highest and lowest price.
Rate: Price of one currency in terms of another.
Reserve Currency: Currency held by central bank as a store of international liquidity.
Resistance: Price level at which selling is expected to take place.
Revaluation: Increase in exchange rate as a result of official action.
Rollover: Settlement of a deal is carried forward to a future date.
Selling Rate: Rate at which bank is willing to sell foreign currency.
Settlement: Physical exchange of one currency for another.
Settlement Date: Date at which above is carried out.
Short: Position where trader has sold currency expecting the pair to fall.
Slippage: Difference between screen price and fill price.
Spot: The most common forex transaction.
Spot Price Rate: Price currently in the spot market.
Spread: Difference between the bid and the ask.
Sterling: The British Pound.
Stop Loss Order: Automated order execution to exit a trade at a loss.
Support Levels: Price levels at which buying is expected.
Swap: Simultaneous purchase and sale of same amount of currency.
Swissy: Market slang for Swiss Franc rate.
Technical Analysis: The study of price that reflects the supply demand relationship.
Technical Correction: An adjustment to price not based on market sentiment.
Tick: Minimum change in price, up or down.
Trade Date: The date on which a trade occurs.
Trailing Stop Loss: A stop loss order that trails the market position by a fixed number of pips, as set by the trader.
Transaction Date: The date on which a trade occurs.
Value Date: Settlement date of a spot or forward contract.
Value Spot: Normally settlement two days from date of contract.
Volatility: A measure of fluctuation over a given period.
Whipsaw: Dealer slang for highly volatile price action.
Yard: Dealer slang for one billion dollars.