
Note: Numbers in italic refer to pages with illustrations


Abel, Dr. Clarke, 49
Acacias, 6, 151
Acarus bites, 272

Accipiter trinotatus , 206
Aeschynanthus , 62
Ahtiago, 274
Air Panas, 23

Alcedo dea , 247, 347
Alcippe , 441
Alfuros, 239, 240, 242, 273, 276, 292, 449

Ali: Aru Islands, 340, 346, 348,
349, 355, 366; Borneo, 65; Buru,
292, 293, 294, 296; Halmahera,
239, 240, 243, 251, 254; Kai Is-
lands, 318; Lombok, 118, 123,
127, 129; Makassar, 310; New
Guinea, 375, 383; Singapore, 67;
Sulawesi, 163, 164, 168, 173

Allen, Charles: Ambon, 230, 231;
Balikpapan, 417; Borneo, 37–8,
41, 43, 65, 67, 68; Flores, 155,
417; Halmahera, 239; letter
from, 416; Misool, 231, 285–6,
290, 390, 392, 417, 436; Moro-
tai, 242; New Guinea, 417, 431,
436–7; Seram, 231; Singapore,
67, 417; Solor, 417; Sula islands,
204, 417

Amahai, 272; bay, 269
Amberbaki, 381, 383

Amblypodia , 177; hercules , 407

Ambon, 221–2, 224, 266; beetles,
224, 228; birds, 225, 227, 228,
230; butterflies, 222, 224, 230;
cloves, 235; earthquakes, 221;
Europeans, 228; fish, 229; lan-
guage, 228–9; map, 223; peo-
ple, 228–9; Portuguese, 228–9;
shells, 229; snakes, 225,
226 ;
volcanoes, 221–2

Amok, 133
Ampanam, 116–17, 125; tides, 124

Anacamptorhina fulgida , 442
Analcipus sanguinolentus , 87
Andaman islanders, 451

Animals: geographical distribution, 108–13, 371–3

Anoa depressicornis , 199, 202, 208
Anonaceous trees, 62

Anthribidæ, 247, 266, 304, 306, 443

Ants: Aru Islands, 354, 360; Dorey,
388–9; Lombok, 121; Sulawesi,
166, 176

Apis dorsata , 152
Apocynaceae, 121, 141

Arabs: Palembang, 93; Singapore,
17; Ternate, 237

Araceae, 106, 188
Arachnobas , 305 , 306
Arachnothera , 441
Areca , 261, 279
Arenga saccharifera , 163, 174, 175
Arfak mountains, 381, 384
Arfaks, 380, 384
Arjuno, Mount, 77, 78
Arndt, Mr., 142
Arrack, 43, 342, 349

Arrenga , 114; cyanea , 112

Art: barbarians’ rudimental love of, 386

Artami , 164
Artemisia , 90
Artocarpus , 174

Aru Islands, 279, 307, 335, 350–1;
ants, 354, 360; beetles, 326, 364;
birds, 307, 330, 331, 335, 337–
9, 346, 347–8, 355, 366, 371;
butterflies, 326, 346, 371; con-
nection with New Guinea, 371;
dogs, 355; food, 341–2; kanga-
roos, 343, 348, 372, 385, 440;
legend, 355–6; lifestyle, 342,
353–5; lizards, 328, 329; map,
336; moths, 326; palms, 328;
people, 327, 343, 346–7, 349–
50, 352–3, 365, 366; physical
geography, 369–73; Portuguese,
353; spiders, 328–9; trade, 307–
8, 366–7; tree-ferns, 330–1

Astrapia nigra , 384, 433, 435
Astrarchia stephanioe , 435
Atlantic Ocean, 14

Attalea speciosa , 328
Aurora borealis, 402

Australia: birds, 12, 120; marsupi-
als, 12

Australian bird species in Timor
group, 155–8

Australian fauna: difference from
Asian, 12, 157–8, 372; relation to
New Guinea fauna, 14, 442–4

Australian region: division for zoological purposes, 442

Awaiya, 269


Babirusa, 199, 209, 296, 298

Bacan, 248, 249, 261–2; animals,
255–6, 258; beetles, 253, 257,
264; birds, 251, 253, 258, 262,
263–4; butterflies, 251, 253,
256–7, 262, 264; coal-mining,
250–1; earthquakes, 254; ferns,
261; language, 253; palms, 261;
people, 253, 255; Portuguese,
255–6; sultan, 250; thefts, 254;
tree-ferns, 250

Baderoon: Aru Islands, 326, 337,
340, 365; Kai Islands, 318; Ma-
kassar, 310; Sulawesi, 163, 164,
165, 167

Baker, Captain, 80

Bali, 115; birds, 12, 116, 154;
butterflies, 116; cattle, 116; ex-
ports, 134; irrigation, 116; rice
cultivation, 116; women, 115

Baliba, 145
Balikpapan, 417
Ball, Mr., 77, 78, 82

Bamboo, 58–9; bridges, 56, 57,
60 ; uses of, 43, 59–61

Banda, 216–18, 314; animals,
220; earthquakes, 217–18; peo-
ple, 220; volcanoes, 216–17,

Bangka, 93; animals, 110–11; ge-
ology, 111

Banteks, 193

Barbets: Bali, 154; geographical
distribution, 110; Malacca, 23

Barbosa, 447
Bark cloth, 253

Barter: goods, 285, 332; trade,
318, 321, 332

Basilornis celebensis , 207
Baso, 164, 310, 340
Batanta: bird of paradise, 425, 434
Bates, Mr., 99, 303

Batrachostomus crinifrons , 264

Bats: Bacan, 255–6, 258; Banda,
220; geographical distribution,
109; Indo-Malay islands, 108;
New Guinea, 439; Timor, 158

Batuasa, 274
Bau, 28
Beard, cultivating a, 361–2
Beccari, 439
Bechstein, 422
Beck, Capt. Van der, 266, 268–9
Bedé, 28

Bee-eaters, Australian, 120; Indo-
Malay islands, 112; Sulawesi,

Bees: Borneo, 61; Halmahera, 241;
Sulawesi, 176; Timor, 152

Beeswax: Borneo, 61; Timor, 152

Beetles: Ambon, 222, 224, 228;
Aru Islands, 326, 364; Bacan,
253, 257, 264; Borneo, 29–30,

31 ; Buru, 294; Halmahera, 241;
Kai Islands, 321, 322; Kayóa
Islands, 247; Lamellicorn, 118;
Longicorn, 20, 29–30, 188, 222,
224, 247, 253, 257, 266, 294,
304, 388, 442; Maluku, 118,
305 , 306; New Guinea,
387–8, 442; palm-, 118; Seram,
266, 270; Singapore, 20; stag-,
197; Sulawesi, 175–7, 181, 188,
197; tiger, 176, 197, 322; Timor,

Begonia , 89
Bekéko, 83
Belang, 195

Belideus ariel , 258, 298
Belimbing, 57
Bengalees: Singapore, 17
Bensneider, Mr., 190–1, 195
Bernstein, Dr., 205, 242, 258, 427

Bertholletia , 58
Bessir, 398, 400, 403–7; author’s house,
Bileling, 115–16

Birds: Ambon, 225, 227, 228, 230;
Aru Islands, 307, 330, 331, 346,
347–8, 371; Australia, 12, 120;
Bacan, 251, 258, 262, 263–4;
Bali, 12, 154; Banda, 220; Buru,
296; Flores, 155–6; geographi-
cal distribution, 12, 82, 110, 112,
154–8, 371–2, 441; Halmahera,
240, 241; Indo-Malayan islands,
110; Java, 13, 87, 112; Kai Is-
lands, 318, 322, 323; Lombok,
12, 119, 121, 154–7; Malacca,
23; Maluku, 13, 300–4, 306;
Morotai, 242; New Guinea, 371,
379, 383, 439, 440–1; Seram,
270, 272, 273; Sulawesi, 13, 163–
4, 165, 175, 177, 181, 197, 199,
204–7, 211, 213; Sumatra, 13,
98, 112; Timor, 143–4, 145–6,
155–7; Waigeo, 397, 400–2, 408

Birds of paradise, 419–38; Aru
Islands, 307, 330, 335, 337–9,
351–2, 355, 366; Bacan, 251;
Golden, 428–9, 434; Great,
336 ,
339, 348, 420–2, 434; King,
328, 338, 385,
418 , 419, 425–6,
434; Lesser, 422, 434; Long-
tailed, 431–2,
432 , 435; Mag-
nificent, 426–7,
426 , 434; New
Guinea, 13, 379, 381, 383, 385;
Prince Albert’s, 435; Red, 400,

401 , 406, 408, 423–5, 434; Red
Magnificent, 434; Scale-breasted,
432–3, 435; Six-shafted, 428–9,

429 ; Superb, 427–8, 428 ;
418 , 430–1, 435;
Waigeo, 397, 400, 403, 405–6;
Wallace’s standard wing, 251,

252 , 429–30, 435

Bleeker, Dr., 229
Blumenbach, 430
Blyth, Mr., 48, 49

Boat-building: Kai Islands, 282,
317–18, 319–20

Boddaert, 426, 427, 428
Bogor, 84–5
Bonaparte, Prince, 207, 426, 427
Bontyne mountain, 161, 311
Booby, 314

Borassus flabelliformis , 141

Borneo: bees, 61; beeswax, 61;
beetles, 29–30,
31 ; butterflies,
30; Carnivora, 48; coal-mining,
28; ferns, 62, 65; forest trees,
64 ; forests, 29; fruit-trees,
57; geology, 13, 55; honey col-
lection, 61; Mammalia, 32; map,
3; monkeys, 36, 42; moths,
65–7; orangutan, 28, 32–49, 34,
108; orchids, 28, 62; people, 28,
29, 69; pitcher-plants, 61–2;
Quadrumania, 48; rice cultiva-
tion, 116, 54; size, 2; slavery,
71; tree-ferns, 62

Borobudur, 81
Borotói, 52

Bos sondaicus , 108, 116
Bourbon, 90
Bower birds, 158
Brazil-nut, 58
Bread-fruit, 231
Brenthidae, 364,
British Isles: map, 3; plants and animals, 10
British Museum, 43
British North Borneo Company, 1
Bromeliae, 188
Brooke, Charles Johnson, 68, 72

Brooke, Sir James, 71, 72; govern-
ment, 72; hospitality, 28, 63, 65;
letter from, 49; lodge at Penin-
jauh, 63–5; piracy, 260; species
named after, 30; writings, 68

Brown, Robert, 151
Brush turkeys, 201, 207, 330, 371

Buceros ; bicornis , 104; cassidix , 176; lunatus , 83
Buceroturus galeatus , 112
Budw, 53
Buffaloes: Sulawesi, 174
Buffon, 426, 427, 428

Bugis, 445; Dobo, 325, 333; Ma-
kassar, 161; suicide, 133; trad-
ers, 279, 282, 285, 325

Bujon, 50, 51, 52, 55
Bukit Timah, 18–19

Buphaga , 207

Buprestidae, 222, 224, 227, 247,
257, 294, 304, 321, 322, 388,
442, 443, 444

Buru, 291–6, 314; beetles, 294;
birds, 296; people, 449; snakes,

Burung raja, 338, 425
Buton, 311

Butterflies: Ambon, 222, 224, 230;
Aru Islands, 326, 346, 371; Ba-
can, 251, 253, 256–7, 262, 264;
Bali, 116; bird-winged, 256, 304,
326; Borneo, 30; Calliper,
86 ,
87; geographical distribution,
371; Java, 87; Kai Islands, 321,
322; Malacca, 23; Maluku, 304;
New Guinea, 442, 444; peacock,
326; Seram, 269–70, 271, 371;
Singapore, 20; spectre-, 326;
Sulawesi, 164, 165, 176, 177,
178, 188, 210–13; Sumatra, 98–
101; swallow-tailed, 112–13,
145, 176, 178, 188, 210; Timor,
144–5, 160; Waigeo, 407–8


Cacti, 116
Cajeput oil, 292

Calamus , 106
Calandra , 118
Calcutta Museum, 48, 49

Calodema wallacei , 442
Calornis , 207; neglecta , 207
Calyptomena viridis , 112
Calyptorhynchus , 158
Carabidæ, 177, 181, 257, 388

Carnivora: Borneo, 48; Indo-Ma-
lay islands, 108, 109; Malay pe-
ninsula, 109

Carpococcyx radiatus , 112

Carpophaga ; concinna , 220, 282,
forsteni , 197, 207; luctuo-
, 163; neglecta , 282; perspicil-
, 261; radiata , 207; tumida ,
396, 408

Carter, Mr., 117, 125, 129, 130, 132, 134
Cassin, Mr., 427

Cassis , 328
Cassowaries, 302–3, 330, 371

Casuarius galeatus , 303

Cattle: Bali, 116; Indo-Malay is-
lands, 108

Centipedes, 355, 356
Cerambycidae, 20

Cerambyx , 294
Cervus timoriensis , 159
Cethosia leschenaultii , 145
Cetonia , 197
Cetoniadae, 211

Ceyx , 213; cajeli , 296; rufidorsa , 120

Chafers, 443; long-armed, 230, 304,
305 ; rose-, 211, 213, 247, 442

Chalcopsitta atra , 228
Chandi Kali Bening, 80–1
Chandi Sewa, 80

Charaxes : euryalus , 304; kadenii , 86 , 87

Charitornis , 206
Charmosyna , 440; placentis , 240, 251

Chinese: Bali, 115; Borneo, 28, 29;
Dobo, 325, 333, 365; Kupang,
141; Makassar, 161; Malacca,
22; Palembang, 93; Singapore,
17–18; Ternate, 237; Timor, 149

Christians: Ambon, 228; Aru Is-
lands, 366; Bacan, 255; Philip-
pines, 445; Seram, 268, 269;
Ternate, 236; Timor, 149

Christmas: Ambon, 228; Bacan,
255; on board prau, 313–14;
Sarawak, 65

Chrysomelidae, 177, 388
Chrysonotus tiga , 154

Cicindela : 198; gloriosa , 198; heros , 197
Cicindelidae, 323

Cicinnurus regius , 425, 434
Cinchona plantations, 88

Citrus decumana , 189

Civets: Bacan, 258; Indo-Malay is-
lands, 108; Maluku, 297; Timor,

Clagodnathus tarandus , 31
Cleridae, 188
Cloves: Ambon, 235; destruction of trees, 219
Coal-mining: Bacan, 250–1; Borneo, 28
Cock-fighting, 361

Cockatoos: black, 330, 340–1, 340 ,
347, 397, 440; black and red,
158; red-crested, 301; white, 119,
121, 155

Cockles, 328
Cockroaches, 423
Cocoa cultivation: Seram, 269; Sulawesi, 183
Coconut: oil, 279, 318; palms, 188, 279–80

Cocytia d’urvillei , 240, 326, 442
Coelogyne , 28, 62

Coffee cultivation: Java, 74, 75, 86;
Lombok, 134; Sulawesi, 183, 184,
185, 186, 188, 194, 196; Timor,

Coffee exports: Lombok, 134
Coleoptera, 67, 211

Colluricincla , 158
Comet of 1858, 243–4, 245
Compositae, 89, 188
Coniferae, 25
Conti, Nicolo, 447
Convolvulaceae, 373
Copper: Timor, 146–8
Copridae, 388

Copsychus amoenus , 154
Coquille , 331, 380
Coracias , 206; temminckii , 163, 206

Coral: reefs, 244, 245, 276; rock,
5, 141, 217, 245, 276, 278, 281,
370; sand, 245

Cornelius, 230
Corvus advena , 181
Corydon sumatranus , 112
Corypha , 121
Cotton cultivation, 247
Coulson, Mr., 28

Cracticus , 158
Crawfurd, Mr., 447

Criniger , 213
Crittura cyanotis , 199
Crows, 164, 181, 441
Crowshrikes, 158

Crypsirhina varians , 114
Cuba: plants and animals, 10
Cuckoos, 23, 120, 165, 206

Curculionidæ, 224, 257, 388
Cuscus , 209, 220, 299, 322, 440;
maculatus , 348; orientalis , 159;
ornatus , 258, 299, 299

Cuvier, 430
Cycadaceae, 373

Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus , 23
Cymbium ducale , 328
Cynogale bennetti , 32
Cynopithecus nigrescens , 176, 208, 258, 297
Cyphogastra , 444; calepyga , 321
Cypresses, 89

Cyriopalpus wallacei , 31


Dacelo gaudichaudi , 371, 379
Dacrydium , 25, 189
D’Albertis, 439
Damar gum, 260–1

Dammara sp., 260
Dampier, 143, 150, 221, 411
Dampier’s Straits, 375
Danaidae, 210, 304

Danais , 164; sebae , 253

Darwin, Mr., 10, 91, 101, 160, 263, 278, 304, 372
Dasyptilus , 440
Daud, Inchi, 118, 124, 125

Dayaks: amusements, 51, 52, 53,
68–9; bamboo uses, 28, 58–61;
basketware, 61; boat, 52; bridg-
es, 58–60; character, 68–9; dogs,
44; clothing, 51, 53; compari-
son with Malays, 68; eating of
durian, 58; fruit, 57; head-house,
51; head-hunting, 69; Hill, 51–4,
56, 59, 69–70; honey-collection,
61; houses, 42, 43, 59; moral
character, 69; physical appear-
ance, 68; pipe, 61; population
growth, 69–70; roads, 28; slav-
ery, 71; tree-climbing, 43, 61;
villages, 63; women, 53, 70–1;

Deer: geographical distribution,

108, 112; Java, 112; Maluku,
298; Sulawesi, 172, 207; Timor,
144, 159

Deer-flies, 381–2, 382
Derby Museum, 43
Deudorix despoena , 407
Diadema pandarus , 304
Didunculus , 440
Dili, 141, 144, 146

Diphyllodes , 426; chrysoptera , 434;
guilielmi III , 434; hernsteini , 434;
jobiensis , 434; magnifica , 434;
respublica , 427, 434; speciosus ,
426, 434;
wilsoni , 427, 434

Diptera, 181
Dipteris horsfieldii , 25
Diurus furcellatus , 31
Djapannan, 82–3

Dobo, 325–7, 329, 332–4, 359,
360 , 361, 365–6; burials, 364–5;
cheapness of goods, 362–3; peo-
ple, 325, 329–30, 333, 365; pi-
rates, 331–2; sports, 361; trade,
327, 359

Dodinga, 237, 239
Dogs: Aru Islands, 355; Dayaks, 44, 355
Doleschall, Dr., 221, 222, 268

Dorcopsis asiaticus , 385

Dorey, 377–81, 384–9; ants, 388–
9; carving, 386; flies, 389; hous-
es, 379–80, 386; people, 378,
380, 386–7

Doves: green, 120, 258, 402; fruit-,
220; ground, 114, 199; pink-
headed, 112; purple, 258; red-
breasted, 23; violet-crowned,
177; wood, 371
Dragonflies: Lombok, 118
Drake, 234, 235, 447

Drepanornis : albertisi , 435; bruijni,
cervinicauda , 435

Drongo-shrike, 164
Drusilla , 444

Duivenboden, Mr. (of Ternate),
200, 232, 375; sons, 237, 263

Duivenboden, Mr. L., 183
Durian, 42, 57–8, 106, 234

Dutch: coinage, 254; culture sys-
tem, 73–5, 194; emancipation
of slaves, 237–8; government
of East Indies, 73–5, 97, 192–4,
235, 239; Kupang, 141; Makas-
sar, 161; Malacca, 22; paternal
despotism, 192–3; spice monop-
oly, 218–19, 235; Ternate, 236

Dutch mail steamer: life on board, 216


Earl, Mr. George Windsor, 7, 385

Earthquakes: Ambon, 221; Bacan,
254; Banda, 217–18; Labuan
Tring, 123–4; Malay Archipel-
ago, 4; Sulawesi, 189–90; Ter-
nate, 236; Timor, 141

Echidna, 440
Eclectus : 301; grandis , 247
Ectatorhinus wallacei , 31
Edible birds’ nests, 42, 369

Elaphomia , 381; alcicornis , 382,
382 ; brevicornis , 382, 382 ; cer-
, 382, 382 ; polita , 382;
wallacei , 382, 382

Elater , 388

Elephants, 108, 112; Malacca, 27;
Malay peninsula, 109; Sumatra,

Elodina , 444
Elpiputi, 269
Empugnan, 50
English: Malacca, 21, 22

Enodes erythrophrys , 206
Eos rubra , 226
Epimachidae, 420, 430

Epimachus : elliotti , 435; macleayi ,
435; magnificus , 432–3; magnus ,
432 , 435; meyeri , 435;
speciosus , 435

Epimaque, 431
Equiserum , 89
Eronia tritaea , 164
Erythrina , 364
Erythrura , 213
Estrelda , 114
Etna , 381, 386
Eucalypti, 6, 145, 151

Euchirus longimanus , 304, 305
Eudynamis melanorhynchus
, 206
Eupetes , 441
Eupholus , 305 , 322, 442, 444
Euphorbia , 116
Euphorbiaceae, 141

Euplaea , 164, 253
Euplectella , 61

Europeans: Ambon, 228; Java, 86;
traders, 73–4

Eurystomus azureus , 253
Euterpes , 261

Exports: Bali, 134; Lombok, 134;
Timor, 151


Falcons, 181
Falcunculus , 158
Fernandez, 134

Ferns: Bacan, 261; Borneo, 62, 65;
Indo-Malay islands, 106; Java,
88; Mount Ophir,
24 , 25; Su-
lawesi, 188, 189

Fig trees, 64 , 261, 322
Finches: geographical distribution, 213
Finsch, 439
Fire produced by friction, 248
Fish: Ambon, 229; tame, at Gunung Sari, 131

Flies: Dorey, 389; horned, 381–2,
382, 442; Sulawesi, 176, 181

Flores: birds, 155–6
Flower-peckers, 120, 197
Flycatcher-wrens, 441

Flycatchers: Aru Islands, 331; Buru,
296; geographical distribution,
213; Java, 87; New Guinea, 441;
Sulawesi, 206

Flying: fish, 314; foxes, 255; frog,
30, 32,
32; lemur, 103

Football: Dobo, 361
Forbes, H. O., 151, 300, 301, 439

Forest trees: Borneo, 62–3, 64 ;
Java, 89

Forrest, 245
Forsten, Mr., 204
Frogs: Sulawesi, 171
Fruit-peckers, 441
Fruit-trees: Borneo, 57; Ternate, 234
Funnell, Mr. William, 221, 419


Gaba-gaba, 249
Gading, 22
Gag, 409
Galapagos islands: plants and animals, 10
Galéla men, 247–8, 253, 260, 261, 409, 412

Galeopithecus , 103, 108
Gallus : bankiva , 83, 146; furcatus , 83
Gamelan, 78–9
Gamkunora, 242
Gani, 375, 413, 414
Gani-diluar, 413
Gapers, 23, 112
Garo, 243
Geach, Mr., 144, 145, 146–8
Gede mountain, 87, 88

Geocichla erythronota , 206
Geoffroyus , 143; cyanicollis , 251
Geopelia striata , 114
Gesler, Mr., 376
Gibbons, 108
Glacial period, 91

Glenea , 253
Gloriosa superba , 151
Gnaphalium , 90
Goa, 162–9
Goat-suckers, 264, 408
Goby-goby, 339, 425
Goldmann, Mr. (Ambon), 221
Goldmann, Mr. (Sulawesi), 199
Gorong, 281–4; traders, 285
Gould, Mr., 120

Goura : coronata , 371; steursii , 384
Grackle, 379

Gracula , 441; dumonti, 379
Grammatophyllum , 106, 107
Grapes: Timor, 151
Grasshopper: great shielded, 442, 443

Gray, Dr., 258
Gray, Mr. G. R., 227, 429
Ground-cuckoo, Pheasant, 112
Gubbong, 121
Gúdong, 50
Guelder-rose, 90
Guillemard, Dr., 194, 300, 402, 425
128 , 129–30
Gunung Prau, 81
Gunung Salak, 85;
Gunung Sari, 130, 131
Gurulampoko, 390
Gusti Gadioca, 129–30, 131

Gymnocorvus senex , 441
Gymnurus rafflesii , 32, 109


Haan, De, 99
Halcyon : fulgidus , 120, 131; saurophaga , 396

Halmahera, 237, 239–42, 411,
414; bees, 241; beetles, 241;
birds, 240, 241; moths, 240;
people, 239–42, 449; volcanoes,
242, 244–5

Har, 317–18
Harpactes reinwardti , 87
Hart, Captain, 144, 147
Haruku, 230
Harvest-bugs, 230
Hatometen, 274
Hatosúa, 266
Hawkesley, Dr., 456
Hawks, 181, 205–6
Haya, 272

Helictis : nipalensis , 108; orientalis , 108
Helix , 168; pyrostoma , 241
Henicopernis longicauda , 408
Henicophaps , 440; albifrons , 408
Hermit-crabs, 329

Hester Helena , 375, 388
Hestia : durvillei , 326; idea , 304
Heteromera, 388
Hewitson, Mr., 23
Himalayas, 91
Hinduism: Bali and Lombok, 115, 132, 445

Hispa , 262
Hispidae, 177

Hog-deer, see Babirusa

Honey collection: Borneo, 61;
Timor, 152–3

Honeysuckers, 304: Lombok, 119,
155; Malacca, 23; Maluku, 303;
Morotai, 242; Sulawesi, 197

Honeysuckle, 90
Hooker, Dr.
, 55, 106

Hornbills: geographical distribution,
112; Java, 83; Sulawesi, 174, 176,
206; Sumatra, 103–5,

Horses: Timor, 150, 151, 159
Horsetails, 89
Hot springs: Java, 88; Sulawesi, 195–6
Humboldt, William von, 16
Humboldt Bay, 386
Huxley, Professor, 453

Hylobates , 102
Hypocista , 444


Indian Ocean island theory, 214

Indo-Malay islands: bats, 108; birds,
110; Carnivora, 108, 109; ferns,
106; Mammalia, 107–8; natural
history, 106–14; orchids, 106;
palms, 106; pitcher-plants, 106;

Insectivora: Malay peninsula, 109

Insects: eating of, 118; geographi-
cal distribution, 112–13

Instinct, 201–2
Iphias leucippe , 304
Irrigation: Bali, 116; Lombok, 126
Isa, 127
Islands: formation of, 370


Jack-fruit, 57, 174
Jahi, 50
Jailolo, 240, 259
Jakarta, 84, 92
Jambu, 57
Japanese beetles: collection, 222
Japanese plants: sketches of, 222

Java, 76; animals, 12–13, 108; 112–
14; architectural ruins, 79–81;
birds, 13, 83, 87, 92, 112; but-
terflies, 87; chief,
84 ; coffee cul-
tivation, 74, 75, 86; Dutch gov-
ernment, 73–5; Europeans, 86;
ferns, 88; forest trees, 89; for-
ests, 7; geology, 13; hot springs,
88; mountain flora, 88–91, 106;
orchids, 89; population growth,
75–6; religion, 76; separation
from Sumatra, 111; size, 2; ter-
race-cultivation, 85–6; tigers, 82;
travel in, 76–7; tree-ferns, 88,
89; volcanoes, 4–5, 12, 76, 85

Javanese, 445; Singapore, 17
Jerdon, Mr., 300
Jesuits: Singapore, 17–18
Johnson, Mr., 49
Jong, legend of, 351
Jumaat, 375, 386

Jungle-fowl, 83, 120, 146; green,
83, 112; Sulawesi, 174


Kacang, 127

Kai Islands, 279, 314–15, 316,
319; beetles, 321, 322; birds,
318, 322, 323; boat-building,
282, 317–18, 319–20; butter-
flies, 321, 322; language, 324–
5; lizards, 322; orchids, 321;
people, 316–17, 323, 324; wild
pigs, 322

Kákas, 195

Kallima : inachis , 101; paralekta ,

Kampung Sirani, 255
Kanarium commune , 218, 341

Kanary: nuts, 280, 341; trees, 218, 261
Kandang Badak, 88
Kangaroos: Aru Islands, 343, 348, 372, 385, 440
Karangassam, 125
Kasiruta, 258–9
Kasserota: tree-ferns, 259
Kayan river, 55
Kayeli, 291, 293
Kayóa Islands, 245–7, 415
Kediri, 81
Keffing, 275

Kembang Djemoon , 115
Kilwaru, 275–6, 285–6
Kinabalu, Mount, 62, 106
King-crows, 120

Kingfishers: Ambon, 225, 227,
230; Aru Islands, 347; Bacan,
253, 258; Buru, 296; geographi-
cal distribution, 110, 213; Java,
83; Kayóa Islands, 247; Lombok,
120, 131; Malacca, 23; Maluku,
301; Morotai, 242; New Guinea,
379, 440; racquet-tailed, 225,
227, 230, 247, 253, 347, 379;
Sulawesi, 199; Waigeo, 396

Kinghunters, 371, 379
Kissa-laut, 274–5
Kissiwoi, 278
Kite, 408
Klábat volcano, 198, 200
Klings: Singapore, 17
Kobror, 353
Kopang, 126–9
Kora-kora, 264
Krakatoa, 4
Kupang, 141, 216
Kwammer, 275


Labuan Tring, 118–19; earthquakes, 123–4

Lahagi, 243, 375, 383
Lahi, 243, 257
Laiemu, 274
Langówan, 195
Langsat, 57, 64

Languages: Ambon, 228–9; Bacan,
253; Kai Islands, 324–5; Malay,
96, 228, 253; Portuguese, 22,
228–9; Sulawesi, 198; Ternate,
236; Waigeo, 402

Langundi, 260–1
Laniadae, 213
L’Astrolabe, 203
Latchi, 243
Lau Keng Tong, 243
Law or no law?, 334, 454
Le Brun, 440
Leeches, 24–5
Lelinta, 286, 290, 390
Lempias, 198
Lemurs, 214
Lepidoptera, 67

Leptorhynchus angustatus , 365
Lesson, Mr., 380, 381, 384, 428, 430, 433, 438
Licoupang, 199
Liliaceæ, 315, 321
Lilies, crown, 151
Limestone: mountains, 50, 53, 57, 180; rocks, 315
Linnaeus, 247, 307, 338, 347, 419, 420, 425
Linschoten, John van, 21, 57, 419

Livistona rotundifolia , 203
Lizards: Aru Islands, 328, 329; Kai Islands, 322
Lobo Raman, 95, 97, 102
Locusts, 29
Loisa, 375

Lomaptera , 213, 247; papua , 322; wallacei , 442

Lombok: ants, 121; birds, 12,
118–21, 154–7; census, 135–40;
coffee, 134; dragonflies, 118;
exports, 134; government, 132;
irrigation, 126; laws, 132–3;
legends, 122–3; monkeys, 121;
people, 132; religion, 115; rice
cultivation, 116, 126, 134; rice
exports, 134; terrace-cultiva-
tion, 125–6; vegetation, 120–1;
volcanoes, 121; women, 126

Lombok Straits, 154
Lophorina atra , 427, 428 , 434; minor , 434; superba , 434
Loriculus pusillus , 83

Lorikeets: Ambon, 225, 228, 230;
Bacan, 251; Halmahera, 240;
Java, 83; Kai Islands, 322; Maluku,
301; Papuan, 379; Seram, 273;
Sulawesi, 206; Timor, 145

Lorius : domicella , 379; garrulus , 251
Loro-Jongran, 80
Lorok, 94
Lotta, 185
Low, Mr., 68, 106
Luzon, 2

Lycaena wallacei , 408
Lycaenidae, 257, 442

Lycocorax , 301; morotensis , 242
Lycopodia , 88, 89, 188, 407
Lyell, Sir Charles, 10, 298, 372, 377


Macacus cynomolgus , 36, 42, 121, 144, 159
Machaerirhynchus , 441
Macropygia , 112
Macrorhina , 440
Mactrea , 229
Madagascar: plants and animals, 10
Madeira beetles, 263
Magpie, 114
Makariki, 270

Makassar, 161–2, 169–72, 173, 182:
amok, 133; people, 161; trade,

Makian, 244–5, 265, 416; volcano, 4

Malacca, 21–2, 27; birds, 23, 112;
butterflies, 23; elephants, 27;
people, 22; Portuguese, 21, 22;
rhinoceros, 27; tigers, 27

Malang, 81
Malay anchors, 413,

Malay Archipelago, 1; contrasts in
depth of sea, 7, 10; contrasts in
natural productions, 7, 10–16;
contrasts of vegetation, 6–7;
earthquakes, 4; extent, 2, 442;
forests, 6; geological contrasts,
2–6; Indo-Malayan and Austro-
Malayan divisions, 7, 13, 444,
452–3; map, 8–9; orangutan, 1;
races, 16; racial division, 451;
volcanoes, 3–6

Malay bear, 112
Malay civet, 207
Malay language: Ambon, 228; Bacan, 253; Sumatra, 96
Malay peninsula, 2; animals, 109
Malay villages: Makian, 4; Sumatra, 95–6
Malayan glutton, 108

Malays, 241, 445–7: Ambon, 228;
Bacan, 253, 261; Borneo, 72–3;
Buru, 296; character, 94, 316–17,
323, 446–7, 449; comparison
with Papuans, 449; geographi-
cal distribution, 16, 445–6;
Halmahera, 242; intellect, 447;
Malacca, 22; Malay Archipelago,
1, 445; Maluku, 445–6; Mana-
woka, 276; physical appearance,
317, 446, 449; savage, 446;
Singapore, 17; Sumatra, 93, 96;
Ternate, 236, 445; Timor, 141;
traders, 327

Maleo, 199–201, 207, 301
Malthus, 70

Maluku, 297; animals, 12–13, 297–
300, 306; beetles, 304,
305 , 306;
birds, 13, 300–4, 306; butterflies,
304; natural history, 297–306;
people, 446; volcanoes, 232;
weevils, 304,
305 , 306

Maluku-Malays, 445–6
Maluku Sea, 311, 367
Mamájam, 166, 169, 170, 172, 173

Mammalia: Borneo, 32; Indo-Ma-
lay islands, 107–8; Malay penin-
sula, 109; Maluku, 297–300, 306;
New Guinea, 439–40; Sulawesi,
204, 207–9; Timor, 158–9

Manado, 183, 198, 203, 296
Manawoka, 276, 278, 281
Mangoes, 234
Mangosteen, 42, 57, 58, 64, 106
Manipa, 296
Mansinam, 376–7

Manucodia , 441
Manuel, 118, 122–3, 127, 131
Manuk dewata, 419
Mare, 244, 245
Máros, 173–7
Máros river, 177–9

Marsupials: Australia, 12; Maluku,
298–300; New Guinea, 7, 440

Matakena, Mesach, 230
Matakena, Theodorus, 230
Mataram, 125

Matonia pectinata , 25
Mats: screw-pine, 260
Mauritius, 90

Max Havelaar , 75
Maykor river, 369

Megacephalon rubripes , 199, 207
Megachile pluto , 264
Megacriodes saundersii , 31
: rosea , 154; versicolor , 23
Megalodon ensifer , 442, 443
Megamendong mountain, 86
Megapodidæ, 119, 201, 301–2

Megapodius , 119, 199, 247, 302;
gouldii , 119; wallacei, 302

Melaleuca cajuputi , 292
Melastoma , 89
Meliphagidae, 155
Mentok, 93
Menyerry, 55–6
Menyille, 43

Meropogon : breweri , 206; forsteni , 206
Merops ornatus , 120
Mesman, Mr., 161, 162, 163, 164, 166, 169, 171–2
Mesman, Mr. Jacob, 173, 174, 175, 177
Meyer, Dr. B., 205, 439
see Orangutan
Mias chappan, 39
Mias kassir, 43
Mias pappan, 39

Microglossum aterrimum , 341
Millipedes, 181, 355

Mimeta : bouruensis , 303; forsteni , 303–4

Mimicry: birds, 303; butterflies,
99–101; grasshopper, 442

Minahasa: map, 187; people, 183–
4, 192, 193, 198

Minangkabau: houses, 96
Misool, 285, 390, 392

Missionaries: Mansinam, 376–7;
Seram, 268; Singapore, 18–19;
Sulawesi, 191–2, 198

Mohnike, Dr., 221, 222, 227, 268
Mojo-agong, 78
Mojo-pahit, 77–8; ancient bas relief, 78,
Mojokerto, 77

Monarcha : chrysomela , 331; lori-
, 296; telescopthalma , 331

Money, Mr., 73, 84

Monkeys: Bacan, 258; Borneo, 36,
42; Indo-Malay islands, 107–8,
112; Lombok, 121; Malay pe-
ninsula, 109; Maluku, 297; Se-
mau, 144; Sulawesi, 176, 208;
Sumatra, 102

Monopolies, 218–19 Monsoons, 6
Morga, Antonio de, 298
Morotai, 242
Mosquitoes, 351

Moths: Aru Islands, 326; Borneo,
65–7; Halmahera, 240; New
Guinea, 442

Moti, 244, 245
Motley, Mr., 90
Mount Ophir, 24–7
Muaradua, 95
Mud volcanoes, 195–6
Muka, 397, 399, 403
Müller, 48, 422
Musa, 127

Musa , 261

Muslims: Aru Islands, 365; Bugis,
445; Halmahera, 240; Javanese,
445; Kai Islands, 323; Kayóa Is-
lands, 247; Lombok, 132; Ma-
lays, 445; Maluku, 446; Seram,
269, 272, 273; Singapore, 17

Mussaenda , 256, 257
Mynahs, 441

Mynes , 444
Myophonus , 114; flavirostris , 112


Nasalis larvatus , 42
Nasiterna , 440
Natural selection, 101
see Orang Sirani
Nectarinea : auriceps , 253; proserpina , 296
Negritos, 450–1

Neocerambyx aeneas , 31

Nepenthes : Borneo, 61–2; edward-
, 62; Indo-Malay islands,
106; Mount Ophir, 25;
rajah , 62;
Sulawesi, 189

New Britain, 3
New Caledonia, 442

New Guinea, 439; bats, 439; bee-
tles, 387–8, 442; birds, 371, 379,
383, 439, 440–1; birds of para-
dise, 13, 379, 381, 383, 385;
butterflies, 442, 444; Mamma-
lia, 439–40; marsupials, 7, 440;
moths, 442; murders, 283–4;
people, 378, 380, 450; size, 2;
weevils, 442, 443, 444

New Guinea fauna: relation to Australian fauna, 442–4
New Hebrides, 442
New Ireland, 3
Neys, Mr., 183, 185
Nicobar Islands, 2
Nitidulidae, 177

Nutmeg: cultivation and trade, 218,
235; destruction of trees, 219

Nyctalemon orontes , 442
Nycticebus , 108
Nyctiornis amicta , 112
Nymphalidae, 210, 211, 304, 442

Nymphalis calydonia , 23


Oceanic races: natural division, 451
Oeassa, 142–3
Ondor, 281
Onthophagi, 177

Opossums: Eastern, 159, 209, 220,
258, 322; flying, 258, 298, 440

Orang Kaya: Dayak, 47, 52, 53–4
Orang Sirani, 236, 253, 268

Orangutan: Borneo, 28, 32–49, 34,
108; Malay Archipelago, 1; Su-
matra, 102–3, 108

Oranges, 188

Orchids: Borneo, 28, 62; Indo-
Malay islands, 106; Java, 89; Kai
Islands, 321; Sulawesi, 188, 189

Orioles: Bali, 116, 154; Java, 87;
Lombok, 118, 120; Maluku, 303;
Timor, 143

Oriolus: aureus, 433; broderpii , 118;
horsfieldi , 154

Ornithoptera , 1, 165, 176, 304, 408 ;
, 30; croesus , 256–7;
helena , 304; poseidon , 326; pria-
, 222, 230, 304, 321; remus ,
165, 304

Ornithopterae, 442, 443
Ossong, 274

Ostrea , 229
Otters: Indo-Malay islands, 108
Otto, Mr., 376, 377
Ougia, 370
Owen, Professor, 42
Owls, 206
Ox-peckers, 207


Pachyrhynchus , 165
Pacific: different races, 451–2

Palaeornis longicauda , 94
Palembang, 93–4, 111
Palembang river, 93

Palm: leaf boxes, 354; sugar, 141,
163, 174; wine, 126, 141, 163,
164, 174, 280

Palms: Aru Islands, 328; Bacan,
261; Indo-Malay islands, 106;
Sulawesi, 188, 203; Timor, 141

Paludanus, Doctor, 57
Pandanus , 42, 179, 188, 260, 261, 321
Panghu, 195, 197–9
Pangrango mountain, 87–90
Papandayang volcano, 4

Papilio , 211, 253, 270, 304;
, 145; androcles , 178;
androgeus , 99; antiphus , 99;
, 87; blumei , 188; cöon ,
98 , 98–9; deiphobus , 304;
demolion , 212; doubledayi , 99;
euchenor , 322; gambrisius , 271,
gigon , 212; liris , 145; mac-
, 176; memnon , 98, 99; mi-
letus , 176, 212; polyphontes , 99;
rhesus , 176; sarpedon , 212; tel-
, 176; theseus , 99; tondana ,
ulysses , 222, 224, 251, 304,
346, 351;
wallacei , 257

Papilionidae, 112–13, 160, 210, 211–12
Papuan: charm,
448 ; pipe, 380
Papuan islands: natural history, 439–44

Papuans, 447–9; Aru Islands, 327,
329, 333; Banda, 220; character,
316, 448–9; comparison with
Malays, 449; intellect, 448–9;
Kai Islands, 316–17; Malay Ar-
chipelago, 445; New Guinea,
378, 378; origin, 16; physical
appearance, 317, 447–8, 449;
resemblance to African negroes,
453; Ternate, 237; traders, 376

Paradigalla carunculata , 433, 435
Paradise: oriole, 433; pie, 384, 433, 435

Paradisea , 351–2 425; alba , 430;
, 419, 420–2, 434; atra ,
aurea , 433; decora , 434; fin-
, 434; guilielmi II , 434; minor ,
novoeguineae , 434; papuana ,
422–3, 434;
raggiana , 434; regia ,
338, 419, 425;
rubra , 400, 401 ,
408, 423–5, 434;
sanguinea , 434;
sexpennis , 428; speciosa , 426

Paradiseidae, 420
Paradisornis rudolphi , 435
Paradoxurus fasciatus , 159
Parotia : lamesi , 434; sexpennis , 428, 434

Parroquets, 379; brush-tongued,
181, 225, 240; long-tailed, 94

Parrots: geographical distribution,
110, 112; Kayóa Islands, 247;
Malacca, 112; Maluku, 301; Su-
lawesi, 206; Timor, 143

Parsees: Singapore, 17
Partridge, 112
Paso, 230
Passaros de Sol, 419
Patinti Straits, 414
Peacocks, 82, 83, 112
Pelah, 293
Peninjauh mountain, 62, 63–5
Penrissen mountain, 55

Pericrocotus miniatus , 87
Peters, Mr., 269

Phalænopsis grandiflora , 321
Phasmidae, 29
Pheasants, 26–7, 82, 112; geographical distribution, 110
Philippines, 2, 5, 12

Phlaegenas tristigmata , 178, 199, 207
Phoenicophaus callirhynchus , 165, 206
Phosphoric light, 312
Pieridae, 145, 160, 164, 211–12, 253, 304

Pieris , 271; aruna , 264; tamar , 116
see Babirusa

Pigeons: Bacan, 251, 253; crown,
371, 379, 383, 384, 440; fruit,
92, 121, 197, 220, 251, 253, 301,
348, 396, 408; geographical dis-
tribution, 110, 112; green, 119–
20, 261; ground, 112, 178, 408;
Kai Islands, 318, 322; Maluku,
301; New Guinea, 440; Nicobar,
261, 262–3; nutmeg, 318, 322;
seed distributors, 106–7; Sulawe-
si, 163, 174, 197, 207; Timor,
143, 145; white-headed, 145

Pigs, wild: Kai Islands, 322; New
Guinea, 439–40; Sulawesi, 174,
176, 199, 202, 209; Timor, 159

Pin: novelty to natives, 295
Pirates: Bacan, 260; Dobo, 331–2
Pitcher plants,
see Nepenthes

Pitta , 111, 296, 301; celebensis , 177,
296; concinna , 120, 121; gigas ,
novae-guineae , 346

Plantains, wild, 261
Plants: geographical distribution, 90–1, 106–7, 444

Platycercus vulneratus , 143
Platypus , 364
Ploceus hypoxanthus , 116, 154
Plough: native, Sulawesi,
Podargidae, 213
Podargus superciliaris , 408
Polyalthea , 62
Polynesia, 453
Polynesian races, 452
Pomali, 148–9
Pomelo, 189

Portuguese: Ambon, 228–9; Aru
islands, 353; Bacan, 255–6; Ma-
lacca, 21, 22; Singapore, 17; Ter-
nate, 236; Timor, 146–7, 148

Portuguese forts: Dodinga, 239;
Kayeli, 291; Ternate, 234

Portuguese government: Ternate
and Tidore, 234–5; Timor, 150

Portuguese language: Ambon, 228–
9; Malacca, 22

Potatoes: Timor, 146, 151
Pottery tool,
Prambanan, 80
Prau, 282–3, 308–9

Primula ; 90; imperialis , 89 , 90
Prince of Tidore, 383, 385

Prioniturus , 206
Prionochilus , 441; aureolimbatus , 197
Pritchard, 16

Psittinus incertus , 112
Pteridophora alberti , 435
Pteruthius , 114
Ptilocerus lowii , 109

Ptilonopus : aurantiifrons , 371; cele-
, 177; cinctus , 145; coronu-
, 371; diadematus , 220; gu-
, 207; iogaster , 258; perlatus ,
porphyreus , 112; pulchellus ,
roseicollis , 92; superbus , 258

Ptilonorhynchus , 158

Ptiloris : alberti , 433, 435 ; inter-
cedens , 435; magnificus , 385,
432, 435;
paradiseus , 433, 435;
victoriæ , 433 , 435

Ptilotis , 119
Pulau Atauro, 216
Pulau Babi, 370
Pulau Nampale, 390
Pumbuckle of Coupang, 127


Quadrumania: Bacan, 258; Bor-
neo, 48; geographical distribu-
tion, 214; Indo-Malay islands,
107–8, 109; Malay peninsula,
109; Maluku, 297

Quaich-quaich, 118


Raffles, Sir Stamford, 80
Rafflesia , 1
Rain-bird, 23
Rajah of Ammer, 282
Rajah of Goa, 162–3, 166–7
Rajah of Gorong, 282
Rajah of Kayeli, 292, 293

Rajah of Lombok, 127, 130, 132,
167; census-taking 135–40

Rajah of Tobo, 274–5
Rambutan, 57
Raspberries, 89
Rattans, 106, 202–3
Regent bird, 433
Rehatta, Petrus, 230
Rembang, 94–5

Rhacophorus , 32

Rhinoceros: Java, 108; Malacca, 27;
Malay peninsula, 109; Sumatra,
103, 108

Rhinoceros : javanicus , 114; sumatranus , 103
Rhipidura , 213
Rhododendrons, 189

Rhyncophora , 29–30

Rice cultivation: Bali, 116; Borneo,
54; Lombok, 126, 134; Sulawesi,
189, 196

Rice exports: Lombok, 134
Rice wine, 54
Rifle birds, 433, 435

Rodents: geographical distribution,
109–10; Indo-Malay islands, 108;
Malay peninsula, 109

Roller: Bacan, 253; blue-headed,
163; Sulawesi, 206

Rollulus coronatus , 112
Romang, 216
Rosenberg, Herr, 205, 270, 289, 384, 439
Ross, Mr., 125, 126, 127
Rote: people, 450
Rowan mountains, 56
Royal Cowslip,
89 , 90
Ruatan river, 270

Rubus , 89
Ruminants, 48
Running a Muck,
Rurúkan, 186, 188–95

Rusa : equina , 112; hippelaphus , 207, 297


Sabu: chiefs, 142–3; people, 450
Sadong River, 50
Sago production, 286–9,
287 , 288
Sagueir, 164, 172
Salawati, 392
Sand-flies, 351
Sandal-wood, 6, 151
Sangir: people, 198

Santalum sp., 151
Saparua, 230
Sapi-utan, 199, 208
Saráwak, 28
Saráwak river, 28, 57
Sardinia, 10
Sassaks, 122, 132
Saunders, Mr. W. W., 381, 382
Schlegel, Professor, 48, 206

Schlegelia calva , 427
Schools: Seram, 268; Sulawesi, 191–2

Scissirostrum pagei , 207
Sciurus bangkanus , 111
Sclater, Dr., 214
Scorpions, 355, 356
Screw-pines, 42, 260, 315, 373
Scurfy skin disease, 342
Sea: contrasts in depths of, 7

Sea journeys: Aru–Makassar, 367;
Bacan–Ternate, 264–5; Dorey–
Ternate, 389; Gorong–Seram,
285–6; Makassar–Aru Islands,
307–15; Manawoka–Watubela,
278–9; Seram–Waigeo, 390–8;
Ternate–Bacan, 243–8; Ternate–
Dorey, 375–7; Waigeo–Ternate,

Sea level: rises and falls, 111, 113–14
Seboran mountain, 55
Sehu, 240–1, 259
Selayar Straits, 311

Seleucides : alba , 430, 435, 437;

nigricans , 435

Semábang, 42
Semangs, 450–1
Semau, 142, 144

Semioptera , 301; wallacei , 251, 258, 429–30, 435
Semnopithecus , 42, 102, 112
Senánkan, 54
Senna, 54, 56
Sepa, 272

Seram, 217, 266; beetles, 266,
270; birds, 270, 272, 273; but-
terflies, 269–70, 271, 371; cocoa
cultivation, 269; lorikeets, 273;
map, 267; missionaries, 268;
people, 268, 269, 272, 273, 449;
schools, 268

Sericulus chrysocephalus , 433
Shaddock, 189
Sheep: Timor, 150

Shells: Ambon, 229; helmet-, 328;
land shells, 26, 241, 323, 326

Shrew-mouse, 109, 159
Shrews, 298
Shrikes, 158
Siamang, 102, 108

Siamanga syndactyla , 102
Siau: people, 198

Sickness and injuries of the author
and his men: Ambon, 230; Aru
Islands, 351, 366; Borneo, 41–2;
Dorey, 383, 385–6; Malacca, 23;
Sulawesi, 163, 166, 168, 173, 181,
197; Timor, 144; Waigeo, 407

Sidangoli, 237
Simia : morio , 42, 44; satyrus , 33
Simunjan River, 28–9, 42

Singapore, 17, 19; beetles, 20; but-
terflies, 20; missionaries, 18–19;
people, 17–18; tigers, 19

Sirih, 166
Slave debtors, 310

Slavery: Borneo, 71; Ternate, 237;
Waigeo, 403

Smith, Mr. F., 264
Snails, 168

Snakes: Ambon, 225, 226 ; Buru,
294–5; on kora-kora, 265; Su-
lawesi, 181

Soap springs, 142
Sodos, 56
Solomon Islands, 2, 3

Sorex : myosurus , 298; tenuis , 159
Sorong, 428, 436

Sospita statira , 407
Species: geographical distribution, 7, 10–16

Sphaecothera viridis , 143
Spice trade, 234–5
Spiders: Aru Islands, 328–9

Squirrels: Borneo, 32; geographical
distribution, 111; Indo-Malay
islands, 108–9; Malay peninsula,
109; Palembang, 94; Sulawesi,

Sri Lanka: plants and animals, 10
St. John, Mr., 48, 49, 63, 68
St. John’s-wort, 90
Staphylinidae, 177, 388
Starlings, 116, 154, 206–7, 242, 440

Sternoplus schaumii , 177
Strawberries, 88

Streptocitta , 206
Strix : javanica , 206; rosenbergii , 206
Sturnopastor , 114; jalla , 154
Sugar-cane: Aru Islands, 348
Sugar cultivation: Java, 75
Sugar-palm, 163, 174,

Sula Archipelago, 205
Sula fiber , 314

Sulawesi, 189, 196; animals, 12–
13, 172, 174, 176, 199, 202,
204, 207–9; ants, 166, 176; bees,
176; beetles, 175–7, 181, 188,
197; birds, 13, 23, 163–4, 165,
174–7, 181, 197, 199, 204–7,
211, 213; butterflies, 164, 165,
176, 177, 178, 188, 210–13;
cocoa cultivation, 183; coffee
cultivation, 183–6, 188, 194,
196; earthquakes, 189–90; ferns,
188, 189; flies, 176, 181; geol-
ogy, 180; hot springs, 195–6; in-
fant mortality, 194–5; languages,
198; missionaries, 191–2, 198;
mountain vegetation, 188–9;
natural history, 204–15; people,
183–4, 193, 194, 198; plants,
188, 189, 203; schools, 191–2;
size, 2; snakes, 181; soil, 189,
196; weaving, 168; weevils, 165

Sumatra: animals, 12–13, 102–3,
108, 112–13; birds, 13, 98, 103–
104 , 112; butterflies, 98–101;
separation from Java, 111; size,
2; village house,
95 ; volcanoes,
5, 12

Sumbawa: volcano, 4
Sunbirds, 253, 296
Surabaya, 76, 83

Sus : papuensis, 440; timoriensis , 159


Tabókan, 51

Tachyris : hero , 212; ithome , 164;
zarinda , 176, 212

Tagalas, 445
Tamilan, 272
Tanakaki, 311

Tanysiptera , 347, 440; acis , 296;
doris , 242; galatea , 379; hydro-
, 347; isis , 253; nais , 225,

Tapir, 109, 112
Tappan tree, 61
Tarsier, 207

Tarsius , 108; spectrum , 108, 207
Taxila pulchra , 407
Tchipanas, 87
Telegalli, 201
Teluti, 273
Temminck, 48
Teneriffe, 90

Ternate, 232, 243, 296, 375; au-
thor’s house, 232–3,
233 ; earth-
quakes, 236; fruit-trees, 234;
language, 236; people, 236–7;
Portuguese fort, 234; Portu-
guese government, 234–5; slav-
ery, 237; sultan, 234

Terrace-cultivation: Bali, 116; Java,
85–6; Lombok, 125–6

Tesserocerus , 364
Thefts: Bacan, 254; trial and punishment for, 334

Therates : flavilabris , 176; labiata , 322–3
Thornton, 75

Thrushes: Aru Islands, 371; Bali,
116, 154; geographical distribu-
tion, 111, 112, 213; Halmahera,
240; Java, 92; Lombok, 120,
132; Sulawesi, 177, 206

Thyca aruna , 408
Tides, strange, 411

Tidore, 232, 244; Portuguese gov-
ernment, 234–5; sultan, 234,
237, 403, 436, 438

Tiger-cats: Borneo, 32; Indo-Ma-
lay islands, 108

Tigers: geographical distribution,
108, 112; Java, 82; Malacca, 27;
Singapore, 19

Timor, 141, 216; animals, 144, 150,
151, 158–9; bees, 152; beeswax,
152; beetles, 144; birds, 143–4,
145–6, 155–7; butterflies, 144–5,
160; coffee cultivation, 150; cop-
per, 146–8; earthquakes, 141; ex-
ports, 151; geology, 5, 141, 154;
honey collection, 152–3; palms,
141; people, 142, 146–9,
149 ,
450; Portuguese government,
150; potatoes, 146, 151; sheep,
150; vegetation, 6, 151; volcano,
5, 141, 154; wheat, 146

Timor group of islands: natural history, 154–60
Timor Peak, 141
Timorese, 142, 450
Tioor, 279, 314
Tjiburong, 88
Tmesisternitae, 444

Tmesisternus mirabilis , 442
Tobo, 274

Todiramphus diops , 258
Todopsis , 371, 441
Toego, 92
Tomboro volcano, 4, 121
Tomohón, 185–6
Tomoré people, 253
Tondáno, 185, 190–1; people, 198
Torobi, 392
Tower, Mr., 183, 185
Trade goods, 285; cheapness of, 362–3

Tragulus : javanicus , 112; kanchil , 112
Tree-climbing, 43–4, 152

Tree-ferns, 373; Aru Islands, 330–
1; Bacan, 250; Borneo, 62; geo-
graphical distribution, 259–60;
Java, 88, 89; Kasserota, 259;
Sulawesi, 188

Tree-frog, 30, 32, 32
Tree-kangaroos, 383, 384–5

Trichoglossus : euteles , 145; flavo-
, 206; iris , 145; ornatus ,

Tricondyla aptera , 323

Trogons: geographical distribution,
110, 112; Java, 87; Malacca, 23

Tropical: flowers, 62, 179–80, 373–
4; fruits, 280

Tropidorhynchi, 304

Tropidorhynchus : bouruensis , 303;
fuscicapillus , 242; subcornutus ,
timoriensis , 118, 143

Trugon terrestris , 440
Tupaia , 109
Turacaena menadensis , 207
Turdus fumidus , 92


Uauassú, 328
Untowan mountains, 56
Uta, 278
Utanata, 371


Vanda lowii , 62, 63
Viellot, 423, 427, 428
Violets, 88

Viverra : tangalunga , 207, 297; zebetha , 258
Volcanic: belts, 2–5; 141, 154; islands, 216, 244–5

Volcanoes: Ambon, 221–2; Banda,
216–17, 314; Halmahera, 242,
244–5; Java, 4–5, 12, 76, 85;
Lombok, 121; Makian, 4; Maluku,
232; Malay Archipelago, 3–6; Su-
matra, 5, 12; Sumbawa, 4; Timor,
5, 141, 154

Vorkai river, 369


Wahai, 289, 390
Waigama, 390

Waigeo, 287, 396–7; birds, 397,
400–2, 408; birds of paradise,
397, 400, 403, 405–6; butter-
flies, 407–8; language, 402; peo-
ple, 402–3; slavery, 403

Wamar, 326, 330, 370
Wamuka, 371
Wandammen, 384
Wangiwangi, 311
Wanumbai, 345–58, 366
War shield, 357
Warus-warus, 286, 289
Warzbergen, Herr, 325, 331, 334, 359
Wasps: Halmahera, 241
Wassia, 370

Watelai: channel, 353–5; river, 354,
355, 369; village, 354–5

Watubela Islands, 278–81
Wayapo, 293
Waypoti, 293–6
Weaver birds, 116, 154
Weaving: Kayóa Islands, 247; Sulawesi, 168

Weevils: Kayóa Islands, 247; Maluku,
305 , 306; New Guinea, 442,
443, 444; Sulawesi, 165

Werinama, 274
Wetar, 216
Wheat: Timor, 146
Wokam, 330

Women: Bali, 115; Dayak, 53,
70–1; Lombok, 126; Sulawe-
si, 194

Wonosalem, 78, 82, 83
Wood-borers, 364
Wood-swallows, 164

Woodpeckers: Bali, 154; geograph-
ical distribution, 110, 112; Java,
83; Malacca, 23; Sulawesi, 206

Worms, Baron H. de, 219
Wrens, 371


Xenocerus , 305 , 306; semiluctuo-
, 304, 305 , 306


Yapen, 284, 384


Zingiberaceae, 26, 89, 106, 373
Zollinger, 154

Zoothera , 114; andromeda , 132
Zosterops, 121, 301