List of Illustrations

Drawn on wood by Page
1. An orangutan attacked by Dayaks ............. Wolf..... Frontispiece
2. Rare Ferns on Mount Ophir. (From specimens) Fitch................ 24
3. Remarkable Bornean Beetles ................... Robinson........... 31
4. Flying Frog. (From a drawing by the Author). Keulemans......... 32
5. Female Orangutan. (From a photograph by Woodbury)..................................... Wolf................. 34
6. Portrait of a Dayak Youth. (From sketch and photographs) ............................ Baines.............. 51
7. Dayak Crossing a Bamboo Bridge. (From a sketch by the Author) .................................... Fitch................ 60
8. Vanda Lowii. (From specimens)................ Fitch................ 63
9. Remarkable Forest-trees. (From a sketch by
the Author)....................................
Fitch................ 64
10. Ancient Bas-relief. (From a specimen in possession of the Author) .................... Baines.............. 79
11. Portrait of a Javanese Chief. (From a photograph) ................................... Baines............... 84
12. The Calliper Butterfly (Charaxes kadenii) .... T. W. Wood........ 86
13. Primula imperialis. (From specimens)......... Fitch................ 89
14. Chief ’s House and Rice-shed in a Sumatran Village. (From a photograph)................ Robinson.......... 95
15. Females of Papilio memnon.................... Robinson.......... 97
16. Papilio coön..................................... Robinson.......... 98
17. Leaf-butterfly in Flight and Repose ............ T. W. Wood...... 100
18. Female Hornbill and Young Bird ............... T. W. Wood...... 104
19. Grammatophyllum, a Gigantic Orchid. (From a sketch by the Author)............... Fitch............... 107
20. Gun-boring in Lombok. (From a sketch by the Author).................................... Baines............. 128
21. Timor Men. (From a photograph) ............. Baines............. 149
22. Native Wooden Plough, Makassar. (From a sketch, by the Author)........................ Baines............. 171
23. Sugar Palms. (From a sketch by the Author).. Fitch.............. 175
24. Skull of the Babirusa ............................ Robinson......... 208
25. Peculiar Form of Wings of Sulawesi Butterflies Wallace........... 212
26. Ejecting an Intruder ............................. Baines............ 226
27. Racquet-tailed Kingfisher ....................... Robinson......... 227
28. “Wallace’s Standard Wing,” Male and Female Keulemans....... 252
29. Sago Club ........................................ Baines............. 287
30. Sago-washing in Seram. (From a sketch by the Author)......................................... Baines............. 287
31. Sago Oven. (From a sketch by the Author)... Baines............. 288
32. Cuscus ornatus, a Maluku Marsupial ...... Robinson......... 299
33. Maluku Beetles ................................ Robinson......... 305
34. Natives Shooting the Great Bird of Paradise .. T. W. Wood...... 336
35. Head of Black Cockatoo ......................... T. W. Wood...... 340
36. Dobo in the Trading Season. (From a sketch by the Author)................................. Baines............. 360
37. Male Brenthidæ Fighting ........................ Robinson......... 365
38. Papuan, New Guinea ............................ Baines............ 378
39. Papuan Pipe. (From a sketch by the Author).. Baines............ 380
40. Horned Flies ..................................... Robinson......... 382
41. Carved Tool for Making Pottery .............. Robinson......... 387
42. The Red Bird of Paradise ....................... T. W. Wood...... 401
43. My house at Bessir, Waigeo. (From a sketch
by the Author).................................
Baines............ 404
44. Malay Anchor. (From a sketch by the Author) Baines............ 414
45. The King and the “Twelve-wired” Birds of Paradise ........................................ Keulemans....... 418
46. The Magnificent Bird of Paradise .............. Keulemans........ 426
47. The Superb Bird of Paradise .................... Keulemans....... 428
48. The Six-shafted Bird of Paradise ............... Keulemans....... 429
49. The Long-tailed Bird of Paradise ............... Keulemans....... 432
50. The Great Shielded Grasshopper .............. Robinson......... 443
51. Papuan Charm ................................... Robinson......... 448


The British Isles and Borneo on the same scale ........................ 3
Physical Map ................................................................ 8
Map of Minahasa, North Sulawesi ...................................... 187
Map of Ambon ............................................................. 223
Ambon, with Parts of Buru and Seram .................................. 267
The Islands between Seram and Kai ..................................... 277
Map of the Aru Islands .................................................... 337
Voyage from Seram to Waigeo ........................................... 391
Voyage from Waigeo to Ternate .......................................... 410
Map Showing Mr. Wallace’s Route ................................ 457-459