Chapter Three


@archerdev1 This place is packed. #showisstarting #imdrowninginaseaofteenagegirls #notcomplaining

Me: I just got some hot girl’s number.

Mac: Man, I wish I was a celebrity lookalike. Maybe I am. Don’t they say that everyone has a twin?

Me: The world can only handle one of you.

Mac: LOL.

Me: She didn’t even know who Ross was.

Mac: But she’s at the Playlisters concert.

Me: I know. She came with her sister.

Mac: She’s messing with you.

Me: Nah, she’s not.

Mac: For your sake, I hope you’re right.

Me: I am. She was cool.

Mac: Why was she talking to you, then?

Me: Remind me why I stay friends with you.

Mac: Because I make you cooler.

Me: I think it’s the opposite.

Mac: Sure, dude. Anyway, was she hot?

Me: I told you she was.

Mac: Asking her out?

Me: Maybe. She’s new to our school.

Mac: Already going for the new chick, huh? Smart move.

Me: That’s me. The smart one.

Mac: Yep, and I’m the cool one.

Me: Um. Sure. ;)