Have you ever been with a group of people touring a small brewery and sampling zwickelbier, the good stuff out of the tanks before the yeast has settled or the beer’s been filtered? It’s funny, but not funny, if you know what I mean.
Without professing to be a doctor of flatulence, I can say with confidence that yeasted homebrew can cause flatulence. We are all sensitive to yeast to a small or large degree. When flatulence becomes a common occurrence after one consumption of yeasty beer, it often, though not always, indicates an imbalance of digestive tract microflora. The wrong kind of or the lack of certain kinds of bacteria in your gut may promote a fermentation of the undesirable sorts in your gut. Voilà—flatulence (i.e., farting).
Sometimes imbalances are the result of having taken antibiotics. Some antibiotics can wipe out much of your digestive bacteria, creating an environment for other bacteria and even certain kinds of yeast to take hold and ferment in your gut. Consult your medical doctor or a holistic minded physician for foods and supplements you may be able to take to get your system back in balance, thus minimizing the effect that naturally made unfiltered beer will have on your system.
One simple step is to avoid yeasty, cloudy beer and let someone else cut the cheese.