Bibliography of Resources


Briggs, Hough, Stevens and Young. Malting and Brewing Science. Vols. 1–2. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1971.

Daniels, Steve. “Beer Filtration for Homebrewers.” Just Brew It: Beer and Brewing. Vol. 12. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

Eckhardt, Fred. The Essentials of Beer Style. Portland, Oreg.: Fred Eckhardt Associates, 1989.

Fink, Dan. “Fermentation and Beyond: Gadgets for the Homebrewer.” Brew Free or Die: Beer and Brewing. Vol. 11. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1991.

Fix, Dr. George. Principles of Brewing Science. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1989.

——-. Vienna. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

——-. “Quality Control in Small Scale Brewing.” Beer and Brewing. Vol. 6. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1986.

——-. “Hop Flavor in Beer.” Beer and Brewing. Vol. 8. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1988.

Forget, Carl. Dictionary of Beer and Brewing. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1988.

Foster, Dr. Terry. Pale Ale. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1990.

——-. Porter. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

——-. “Hops, Beer Styles and Chemistry.” Best of Beer and Brewing. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1987.

——-. “Clear Beer Please.” Beer and Brewing. Vol. 9. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1989.

Gordon, Dan. “Effect of Trub on Flavor and Fermentation.” Brewery Operations. Vol. 7. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1991.

Gruber, Mary Anne. “Crack It Up: Understanding the Physical Properties of Malt.” Quality Brewing/Share the Experience; Brewery Operations. Vol. 9. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

Guinard, Jean-Xavier. Lambic. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1990.

Jackson, Michael. The Simon and Schuster Pocket Guide To Beer. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1991.

——-. The New World Guide to Beer. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1989.

Kieninger, Dr. Helmut. “The Influences on Beer Making.” Best of Beer and Brewing. Vols. 1–5. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1987.

Klimovitz, Ray. “Is This the Malt You Ordered?” Quality Brewing/Share the Experience; Brewery Operations. Vol. 9. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

Konis, Ted. “Origins of Normal and Abnormal Flavor.” Evaluating Beer. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1993.

Master Brewers Association of the Americas. The Practical Brewer, first and second editions. Madison, Wis., 1946, 1977.

Miller, Dave. Continental Pilsener. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1990.

Narziss, Prof. Ludwig P. Die Technologie der Würzebereitung. Stuttgart: Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1985.

Noonan, Greg. Brewing Lager Beer. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1986.

——-. “Water: Its Effects on Hop Bitternes and Beer Flavor,” Beer and Brewing. Vol. 6. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1986.

——-. “Water Workshop, “Brew Free or Die: Beer and Brewing. Vol. 8. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1988.

Palamond, Dr. Raoul. “Training Ourselves in Flavor Perception and Tasting.” Evaluating Beer. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1993.

Papazian, Charlie. The New Complete Joy of Home Brewing. New York: Avon Books, 1991.

Rajotte, Pierre. Belgian Ales. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

Remi, Bertrand. Home Brew. Katmandu, Nepal: Sahayogi Prakashan, 1976.

Scheer, Fred. “Diacetyl—a Quality Control Parameter.” Quality Brewing/Share the Experience; Brewery Operations. Vol. 9. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

Schermerhorn, Candy. “The Brewgal Gourmet Cooks with Beer.” Brew Free or Die: Beer and Brewing. Vol. 11. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1991.

Shelton, Ilse. “Flavor Profiles.” Evaluating Beer. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1993.

Thomas, David. “The Magic of Malt.” Beer and Brewing. Vol. 6. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1986.

Warner, Eric. German Wheat Beer. Boulder, Colo.: Brewers Publications, 1992.

Wood, Rebecca. Quinoa the Supergrain. Tokyo: Japan Publications, 1989.


Ballard, Melissa. “Tuak: Toddy of the Rice Farmers.” Zymurgy (Fall 1986).

Bauer, Gary. “Raw Materials.” Zymurgy (Fall 1990).

Clack, Johnny. “Apache Beer: Indigenous Beer of American Indians.” Zymurgy (Winter 1984).

Cribb, Stephen. “Beer and Rocks.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

Fix, Dr. George. “Cereal Grains.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

——-. “Yeast Cycles.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

——-. “Detriments of Hot Side Aeration.” Zymurgy (Fall 1992).

——-. “Sulfur Flavors in Beer.” Zymurgy (Winter 1992).

——-. “A Simple Technique for Evaluating Beer Color.” Zymurgy (Fall 1988).

Great Western Malt Staff. “A Malt Primer.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

Guinard, Jean-Xavier; Miranda, Mary; and Lewis, Professor Michael. “Yeast Biology and Beer Fermentation.” Zymurgy (Special 1989).

Kane, Ken. “Low Alcohol Beers: Brewing Fad or Future.” Zymurgy (Fall 1989).

Katz, Dr. Solomon. “Beer and the Origin of Cereal Grain Agriculture.” Zymurgy (Summer 1988).

Klisch, Russel. “Proteins in Beer.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

Kowaka, K., Fukuoka, Kawasaki and Asano. “The True Value of Aroma Hops in Brewing.” European Brewing Convention Congress 1983, Lecture No. 7 (1983).

Millspaw, Micah, and Jones, Bob. “Beer Stability.” Zymurgy (Winter 1992).

Morris, Rodney. “Beer Filtration for the Homebrewer.” Zymurgy (Summer 1990).

Narziss, L. “Types of Beer.” Brauwelt International II/1991.

——-. “Special Malts for Greater Beer Type Variety.” Brauwelt International IV/1991.

Noonan, Greg. “Decoction Mashing.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

O’Neil, Pat. “The Mystery of Malt Extract.” Zymurgy (Summer 1985).

Peindl, Professor Anton. From the series “Biere Aus Aller Welt.” Brauindustrie (1982–1991).

——-. “How the Blood Alcohol Curve Develops After Drinking Light Beer.” Brauwelt International II/1993.

Richman, Darryl. “Water Treatment: How to Calculate Salt Adjustments.” Zymurgy (Winter 1989).

Rodin, Colin, and Colon-Bonet, Glenn. “Beer From Water: Modify Minerals to Match Beer Styles.” Zymurgy (Winter 1991).

Schisler, Ruocco and Mabee. “Wort Trub and its Effects on Fermentation and Beer Flavor.” American Society of Brewing Chemists. Vol. 40 (1982).

Segal, Doralie Denenberg. “Beer and Nutrition.” Zymurgy (Winter 1984).

Singleton, Jill. “Kvass: Back in the USSR.” Zymurgy (Summer 1986).

Taylor, David. “The Importance of pH Control During Brewing.” Master Brewers Association of the Americas Technical Quarterly. Vol. 27 (1990).

Taylor, Ken. “Effects of Water.” Zymurgy (Special 1985).

Tierney, Michael. “How to Keep Skunks Out of Your Homebrew.” Zymurgy (Fall 1989).

Winship, Kihm. “Black Patent Malt and the Evolution of Porter.” Zymurgy (Summer 1987).

Wright, Morgan. “How to Make Maple Sap Beer.” Zymurgy (Winter 1988).


The Great American Beer Festival Program Guide—1992. Boulder, Colo.: Association of Brewers.

Hops From Germany. Bonn, Germany: Centrale Marketingesellschaft der deutschen Agrarwirtschaft, mbH, 1992.

Hop Variety Specifications. Yakima, Wash.: Hop Union U.S.A., Inc., 1983.


Bass Export Limited, Glasgow, Scotland. Arthur Seddon, Master Brewer; Jane Milroy, Brand Manager.

Beverage Consult International, Inc., Evergreen, Colorado. Finn Knudsen, Director.

Brother Adam, Bee Breeder and Meadmaker, Buckfast Abbey, Buckfast Leigh, Devon, England.

Kinny Baughman, Brewer, Boone, North Carolina for coining the phrase, “Beer is my business and I’m late for work.”

Briess Malting Company, Chilton, Wisconsin. Mary Anne Gruber, Director of Brewing Services; Roger Briess, President.

Cellite Corporation, Wayne, New Jersey. Ed Busch, Senior Technical Sales Representative.

Coors Company, Golden, Colorado. Willis Lyford, Corporate Communications Manager; Dave Thomas, Department Head—Malting R & D.

Crosby and Baker, Westport, Massachusetts. Seth Schneider, General Manager.

Dr. George Fix, Author, Brewing Consultant and Brewer, Arlington, Texas.

Phil Fleming, Editor and Homebrewer, Broomfield, Colorado.

Frankenmuth Brewery, Frankenmuth, Michigan. Fred Scheer, Brewmaster.

Lt. Col. Robert Gayre, Mead Historian and Meadmaker; Reinhold and Marion Gayre, Minard Castle, Argyll, Scotland.

Great Western Malting Co., Vancouver, Washington. Bryan Thoet, Vice President, Sales and Services.

Guinness Ireland Limited, Guinness Brewing Worldwide Research Centre, St. James Gate, Dublin. Dr. Eddie Collins.

Hopunion U.S.A. Inc., Yakima, Washington. Dr. Gregory K. Lewis, Vice President and Technical Director; Ralph Olson, Vice President of Operations.

Michael Jackson, World Beer Journalist and Author, London, England.

Labatts Brewing Co. Ltd., London, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Inge Russel, Research Manager; Dr. Graham Stewart, Director of Technical Affairs.

Michael Lewis, Professor, Food Science and Technology Department, University of California, Davis, California.

Liberty Malt Supply, Seattle, Washington. Charles Finkel, President.

Tracy Loysen, Editor, Homebrewer and Creative Thinker, Alameda, California.

The Miller Brewing Co., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Gary Luther, Senior Staff Brewer.

Rodney Morris, Homebrewer, College Station, Texas.

Munton & Fison, P.L.C., Stowmarket, England. Andy Janes, Marketing Manager.

Greg Noonan, Author, Brewmaster and Owner of Vermont Pub and Brewery of Burlington, Vermont.

Joseph L. Owades & Co., Sonoma, California. Dr. Joseph Owades, Director.

Schenk Filterbau GMBH, Waldstetten, Germany. Tom Thilert, U.S. Representative, Baltimore, Maryland; Josef Neubauer, Waldstetten.

S.S. Steiner, Inc., Yakima, Washington. Herbert Grant, Technical Consultant.

Schrier Malting Co., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Keith Gretenhart, Vice President, Sales and Technical Services.

Siebel and Sons, Chicago, Illinois. Ron Siebel, Director.

Siebel Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois. Bill Siebel, Director.

Stroh Brewing Co., Detroit, Michigan. Ray Klimovitz, Director of Brewing Development.

Tabernash Brewing Company, Denver, Colorado. Eric Warner, President and Brewmaster.

Rebecca Wood, Natural Foods Authority and Great Person, Albuquerque, New Mexico.



American Homebrewers Association. Victory Beers. Boulder, Colo: Brewers Publications, 1994.

Eckhardt, Fred. Sake—U.S.A. Portland, Ore.: Fred Eckhardt Communications, 1992.

Gayre, Lt. Col. Robert, and Papazian, Charlie. Brewing Mead. Boulder, Colo: Brewers Publications, 1986.

Jackson, Michael. Michael Jackson’s Beer Companion. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1993.

——-. The Simon and Schuster Pocket Guide To Beer. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1994.

——-. The Great Beers of Belgium. Cooperstown, N.Y.: Vanberg & DeWulf, 1991.

Miller, Dave. The Complete Handbook of Home Brewing. Pownal, Vt.: Garden Way Publishing, 1988.

Morse, Roger. Making Mead. Ithaca, N.Y.: Wicwas Press, 1980.

Neve, R. A. Hops. New York: Chapman and Hall, 1991.

Noonan, Greg. Scotch Ale. Boulder, Colo: Brewers Publications, 1993.

Reed, Gerald, and Nagodawithana, Tilak W. Yeast Technology. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.

Richman, Darryl. Bock Beer. Boulder, Colo: Brewers Publications, 1994.

Rybacek, Valclav, ed. Hop Production. New York: Elsevier, 1991.

Schermerhorn, Candy. The Great American Beer Cookbook. Boulder, Colo: Brewers Publications, 1993.

See Bibliography for additional books not listed above.


Brewing Techniques. Box 3222, Eugene, Oreg. 97403.

The New Brewer (for microbrewers and pub brewers). Institute for Brewing Studies, Box 1679, Boulder, Colo. 80306.

zymurgy. American Homebrewers Association, P.O. Box 1679, Boulder, Colo. 80306–1679.

Of Special Interest:

1985 Special All-Grain Brewing Issue

1986 Special Malt Extract and Recipe Issue

1987 Special Troubleshooting Issue

1988 Special Brewers and Their Gadgets Issue

1989 Special Yeast and Beer Issue

1990 Special Hops and Beer Issue

1991 Beer Styles Issue

1992 Gadgets and Equipment

1993 World Beer Traditions: Britain, Germany and the United States

1994 + Forthcoming


American Society of Brewing Chemists, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, Minn. 55121

Association of Brewers, Box 1679, Boulder, Colo. 80306–1679

Has four divisions:

  • 1. The American Homebrewers Association; activities include:

Annual National Homebrewers Conference

Annual National Homebrewers Competition

National Beer Judge Certification Program

Sanctioned Competition Program

Publisher of zymurgy magazine

  • 2. The Institute for Brewing Studies; activities include:

Annual National Microbrewers and Pub-brewers Convention and Trade Show

Publisher of The New Brewer magazine

Editors of The North American Brewers Resource Directory

Brewers for Hire Program

additional services

  • 3. Brewers Publications; publishes books on beer and brewing
  • 4. The Great American Beer Festivalsm; annual festival of American beers held each October

Master Brewers Association of the Americas, 2421 North Mayfair Road, Suite 310, Milwaukee, Wisc. 53226