The Marriage of the Hunter’s Sister

There was once a brave and successful hunter. His name was Obian. He lived in the forests near the place where a river joined the sea. He had guns and with them he shot a great many animals.

Whenever an animal saw the hunter, it fled as fast as it could. But the hunter was skilful and he still caught many animals.

Finally, the animals of the forests gathered together and held a meeting. They decided that they would take revenge on the hunter.

“I am the king of beasts,” said the lion. “I will take vengeance on this fearsome hunter.”

So the lion changed himself into a well-dressed man and put money in his pocket. Then he went to the village where the hunter lived. In the centre of the village, where there was an open space, he saw some pretty girls. They were playing, laughing and singing. The lion knew that one of them was the hunter’s sister. He looked at her and she looked at him. They talked together. She told him her name was Kariba. Finally he said to her, “Will you marry me?”

“Perhaps,” Kariba answered, “but we must go and consult my parents.”

They went to the house of Kariba’s parents. The lion dressed as a man was so pleasing in his appearance and seemed to have so much money that the parents agreed to the marriage.

“The marriage ceremony will take place as soon as possible,” said Kariba’s father to the lion dressed as a man.

It was also arranged that the newly married couple would leave the village immediately afterwards. It was then that Obian, the hunter, who had been away in the forest with his gun, returned to the village and to the house. He was told what had happened.

Now the hunter was very wise in the ways of the forest. He realized that it was no man who wanted to marry his sister. He knew it was the lion.

“This is not a man, it is a lion,” Obian warned Kariba. “It is not wise to marry him.”

“I do not believe you,” she answered angrily. “I want to be married. Can you suggest anyone else for me?”

The hunter left his sister and before the lion could see him, he returned to the forest. He went quickly and secretly to the place where he knew the lion lived. There he waited.

In the village, meanwhile, there was much celebration. There was music, drumming and dancing. There was so much to eat and drink that everyone was more than satisfied. Kariba and the lion in human shape were married.

“Now we must go,” said the bridegroom to his bride. He left the village on the path into the forest and she followed him.

After they had travelled for about five miles, Kariba was tired and asked her new husband how far away he lived.

“We are very close,” he replied. “Let us walk faster.”

As they came near the cave where he lived, his appearance began to change. His legs became those of a lion, then his body, then his head. He changed entirely into the lion which he really was.

“We have come to my home,” roared the lion, running and jumping around Kariba. “Now I shall eat you.”

The girl could not speak or cry out, she was so frightened. She did not know that her brother Obian, the hunter, was nearby.

“You will be my food and this will punish the hunter for shooting animals,” the lion cried, preparing to kill the girl by jumping on her.

Suddenly they heard the shot of a gun. The lion was not hit but he became very frightened. Before the gun could be fired again, the lion turned and ran swiftly away. He disappeared in the forest.


“Here I am, your brother who came to save you,” cried Obian, as he came from behind the trees. “Let us escape.”

“Yes, yes,” Kariba cried. “Let us run home.”

As they ran, the day was turning to night. They reached their village in darkness and told their story. All night the villagers kept fires burning and beat drums to frighten away the lion in case he tried to return.

The next day the villagers all met together with Obian, the hunter, and Kariba, his sister.

“Let this be a warning,” Kariba’s father announced to the people. “Let none of our daughters ever marry unknown strangers who come to our village.”

Everyone agreed with these words. Then Obian stood up to speak.

“Every man must take his gun and enter the forest; we will chase all lions and finish with them for ever.”

The lion who had changed himself into a man was watching, hidden in the high grass nearby. When he heard Obian’s words and saw every man collect his gun, he ran swiftly away. He warned all the lions and they fled for ever from that part of the country.