Book 4
Going Online to Play: Internet Poker
Contents at a Glance
Chapter 1: Creating a Winning Combination: Poker, the Internet, and You
Answering the Big Question: Why Can’t I Play Online Poker for Money?
Recognizing that Internet Poker Is Still Poker
Stepping Out of the Casino Mentality
Crafting Your Identity
Chapter 2: Putting Internet Poker’s Nuances to Work in Your Play
Comparing the Real-World Game to the Online Version
Getting a Feel for the Virtual Game
Playing Your First Hand
Speaking the Poker Dialect of Internetese
Chapter 3: Adapting to the World of Internet Poker
Grappling with the Ramifications of Speed
Dodging (and Dealing with) Online Pitfalls
Practicing Poker Patience Online
Chapter 4: Exploring Your Online Game Options
Melding in Ring Games
Taking On Tournaments