Love And Its Interruptions is Elliott’s fifth book of published poetry. From 1976 to 1981 she taught the craft of poetry in the Gallatin School of New York University where she devised a system of fourteen ideograms for the
understanding and comparing of English-language rhythms, whether of prose or poetry in any time period.


With composer Seth Cooper, Elliott co-founded, and for a decade directed, Spectra, a non-profit, inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural performing arts organization. Some of Spectra’s venues were Hudson, New York, Merkin Hall in New York City, and The Asia Society. In 1987 Elliott’s ¡Cordoba!, was produced by Spectra in Hudson, New York. Utilizing several nationalities of musicians, singers, dancers and actors from New York City, the music-theater piece, ¡Cordoba! was an historical condensation of the world’s first high civilization. Enduring for many centuries, this was the first time in which Jews, Moslems and Christians lived and worked together as creative equals. For much of this period Europe was in the throes of “the dark ages” and it was thus to Cordoba, Spain that philosophers and poets, teachers and musicians, creative people of all kinds, were drawn.